t dubs first go round


Well-Known Member
looking purdy awesome.....sorry don't have any guidance on the timing....but they look real fine!

t dub c

Well-Known Member
here is a fresh update of my grow.
this is the little g 13 haze clones, growing fast under t5's. I bought 1 t5 more a few days ago, so now I'm up to four 2670 lumen 2'' t5s.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
This is a little update on the g 13 haze that is 24 days into budding. its starting to explode!!!!

this is a close up of one of the lower buds :hump:.



Well-Known Member
jesus murphy...gotta go change my freakin pants again....this is really getting embarassing! ohh...sorry got distracted...yea thats one purdy bud ya got there.....

t dub c

Well-Known Member
hey thanks so much guys/girls, cant wait to see the development coming in more everyday, more pics to come........

t dub c

Well-Known Member
I took some small clones 4 days ago off the bag seed babbies that arnt sexed yet, and one is shooting out roots soo I think Ill leave them another 4 days and put in pots, then wait a few days and put in the bud box to sex. I also put the four biggest g 13 haze clones in the bud box and switched the nutes tonight. I cant fit the other two with the big girl in there. So I think Ill keep one as a mother and chop the other. more pics to come.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Love hearing my plants look healthy, thanks .
I got them from this older hippie guy who grows lots of plants. I think he might be a crack head or something, but he grows good bud. I asked him what his favorite stain was , and he said g 13 ,so I offered him some cash and got some clones........................ and so on and so fourth. good times.


Well-Known Member
g'mornin'....I have read here there and everywhere about g13....I understand (to some degree its origins) abut I can't recall ever reading anything about what makes it so special....can you share that with me?

t dub c

Well-Known Member
butterflykiss, you have g13 to? flowering? I think mine is about 3 feet maybe more now. I would love to see some pics of your baby/ babys.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
g'mornin'....I have read here there and everywhere about g13....I understand (to some degree its origins) abut I can't recall ever reading anything about what makes it so special....can you share that with me?
top of the morning tahoe,
Yah Ive read about g 13 all over the place to, Mine is g13 haze crossed with something so its deff not the g 13 with super crazy amounts of thc, but it looks pretty good I think. Gzz I wish I knew exactly what mine was crossed with. oh well.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
cool thanks man preciate the feedback....I worte u a pm.....just asking...thanks again....ur close to me *I think* are u producing seed? I am really interested in haze....I found some "original hzae" thins morning.....I'm just looking into what I might do next...? thanks again man...peace!:peace:
top of the morning tahoe,
Yah Ive read about g 13 all over the place to, Mine is g13 haze crossed with something so its deff not the g 13 with super crazy amounts of thc, but it looks pretty good I think. Gzz I wish I knew exactly what mine was crossed with. oh well.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
no not flowering yet i got spyder mites in that room and have to wait till their all dead brought a comercial refrig unit in to cool the room to kill the mites also using foggers