t dubs first go round

t dub c

Well-Known Member
no not flowering yet i got spyder mites in that room and have to wait till their all dead brought a comercial refrig unit in to cool the room to kill the mites also using foggers
Do you have any pics of her (wishful thinking or may be not) shitty you have mites they are a pain. I had them once with my very first acual grow when I was really young, I had to burn two of my plants because I couldnt get rid of them.


Well-Known Member
yea I have heard some nasty stories about that...sorts scares me....but I think my setup has low likelyhood of something like that especially right now in winter...maybe a greater worry in summer?

t dub c

Well-Known Member
deffinatly in the summer, I dont think they live in the winter unless they are on your house plants( I have tons!)

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Here it is my latest pic's of my girlies, this is my big g13 haze 30 days into flower, hope everybody likes. any input would be greatly appreciated.

and 1 more.

and this is the big g 13 and 4 g 13 clones in the bud box, allready shooting out hairs after three days. There is also 1 of my b s babbies clones in there, im trying to sex it.


t dub c

Well-Known Member
Oh yah I have also been experimenting with super croping on these clones and I tell yah, it sure makes them clones branch out fast and no cutting is required. super croping is something I have been reading about, all it is, is gentle bending of the tops of a plant or a branch to make it super bushy or the shape you want . Its super easy and it works. Ill post pics if any body wants me to...


Well-Known Member
hey man....oh yea...pics are always a good thing...sounds interesting....I am looking to take some clones for my top44 girl.....but I've been told its too late...too long into flowering? anyhow if you have some guidance I would most appreciate...
Oh yah I have also been experimenting with super croping on these clones and I tell yah, it sure makes them clones branch out fast and no cutting is required. super croping is something I have been reading about, all it is, is gentle bending of the tops of a plant or a branch to make it super bushy or the shape you want . Its super easy and it works. Ill post pics if any body wants me to...

t dub c

Well-Known Member
So SuperCropping.

SuperCropping is done by gently squeezing the stem of a plant just below the top, or on any branch that you want to teporarily stop growing , so that the other braches can catch up. I find I would way rather bend my plant then chop its poor little head off.
All it does is allow you to move the plants growth direction anyway you want , and make a very even canopy.

This is a 2 day old SuperCrop bend.

This is a clone that is NOT SuperCropped.

and this clone was SuperCropped.

A very noticable differnce. I think its a very good way of naturally topping a plant, and it works great.