t dubs first go round


Well-Known Member
yea...that's totally amazing.....gotta be an outdoor gorw obviopusly....but such an incredible plant! and I used to smoke Thai 30 years ago....it was the most kick your ass into another dimension stuff I can ever remember....nuthin like the indoor crap that is grown these days...then again all historical outdoor smoke was very different from todays indoor weed.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
yeah it looks amazing and the thai tanic is suposed to be super good stuff and can be inddor or out, just need like 12ft headspace.


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha....12' yea.....hmmmmm....thats not my house........or I could put in a new skylight? :hump:
yeah it looks amazing and the thai tanic is suposed to be super good stuff and can be inddor or out, just need like 12ft headspace.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Hey people,
here is a fresh update on my g 13 haze. The big one is 38 days into flower and little girls are 12 or 13 days into flower. what do yah think?





Well-Known Member
looking pretty sharp t dub. 38 days into flower....and looking really plump already......how long do you think she will go for? I am not familiar with the strain schedule?

t dub c

Well-Known Member
I dont have a clue tahoe, the 28th will be 7 weeks, but hopefully 8 weeks and then ill start to flush for a week maybe 2. Ill just have to wait and see, but as I stand right now she is still growing nicely and getting fatter everyday soo.........

t dub c

Well-Known Member
does anyone know about how long does it takes from when the thrichs start to cloud, until they go full amber colored??? just so I know when they start to cloud..

t dub c

Well-Known Member
eh tahoe thats a sweet strain guide, and yah I cant friggin wait to smoke some home grown very soon my friend.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
I sure wish these bag seed clones that im trying to sex would show their sex allready. Im not even sure if I want to grow some bag seed plants but........................came from good bud.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for all the nice complements, guys/gilrs. Im very happy with the way this plant turned out. Also yes this is my first time ever fully budding a plant. thanks ya'll.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Hey here is a pic of the bag seed babies in the veg room, and one of the g 13 clones that didnt fit into the flowering room, the g 13 mama is in the back left corner and is really bushy because I supercropped the hell out of it, the rest are bag seed. I know that one of the bag seed is female, and the rest havent shown. Do you think I should try to grow some bag seed or just huck em and stick with the g 13?. maybe Ill just keep them until I get some really good seeds. I dont know. Here is a pic.