Take a guess at this lady's yield


i heat ya never buy those fuckers wet. had people try and pull that shit on me lol. dam i wanna grow some mushy's lol i miss them.
Order some spores. I get my shrooms free cause the college in my town makes their own manure with horse sh*t, wood chips, etc. And panaeolus subbalteatus (pan subbs) COVER the piles at least a few times a year, they grow on cow/horse sh*t. I just dry them and then wash em, I wouldn't eat those right off the poo piles lol. Some of my friends do LMAO. They always asking me when to go looking, I just make sure I go look first, so they don't pick em clean and make bank at my expense ; )


Active Member
finally....I got my scales.. 2.9 oz is all that's left now, I smoked say around 10g during curing, so the total is about 3.3oz