Take These Pills? We're Taking Your Guns!


Well-Known Member
Its about fucking time!

Under the SAFE ACT taking Psychotropic Drugs can be cause for confiscating your firearms and permit. Here's a list of them. Some list.






  • Effe xor - an antidepressant of the SSNRI (or SNRI) class
  • Elav il - a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), less commonly used these days
  • Esk lith - a salt of Lithium, which is a mood stabilizer used to prevent bipolar disorder.


  • Fluoxetine - (Proz ac) is used to treat major depressive disorder, bulimia nervosa (an eating disorder) obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).



  • Hald ol - a "typical" antipsychotic, one of the oldest, usually given in conjunction with "cogentin", an antiparkinsonic. This is due to the high occurrence of tardive dyskinesia on patients with prolonged Haldol use.









Zol oft -
Makes sense. Most of these shooters are found to be on one or more psychotropic drug and have a history of mental illness. A lot of the time they are taking guns that they don't own from irresponsible gun owners to do the deed.

I mean, you got to be pretty cray-cray to do do something like that in the first place and there's no end to how many nutbars are running around out there.

Good. People on sedatives and benzodiazepines have no business being anywhere near firearms. Methadone and Suboxone should be on that list too.
we should definitely force people to turn over hair, blood, and urine samples to the federal government if they want to try to buy a firearm. they should be kept in a database so that all citizens can be monitored. all gun owners will have to submit weekly samples to the government at their own expense.
we should definitely force people to turn over hair, blood, and urine samples to the federal government if they want to try to buy a firearm. they should be kept in a database so that all citizens can be monitored. all gun owners will have to submit weekly samples to the government at their own expense.

SSRIs cause normal whites to go and shoot up kids in schools though

lots of these whites have guns

these gun owning whites must submit to weekly drug tests (hair urine and blood) to the federal government so we can make sure they don't shoot up kids at school

whites who own guns are law abiding though, says the NRA. so they will definitely abide by this new law which OP was smart enough to figure out
Good. People on sedatives and benzodiazepines have no business being anywhere near firearms. Methadone and Suboxone should be on that list too.
The question I have about this is should all mentally ill, drunks and addicts be restricted from gun ownership or should it just be those who are aggressive and how would we go about enforcing this? Certainly both are concerning but many times they go undiagnosed until something happens. If you focus on mental illness or drug use, by what means would we screen for these attributes to catch them before the tragedy? Evaluating for mental health is not a science, it depends upon the level of training and understanding by a professional. Even then the diagnosis depends upon subjective criteria that anybody can reasonably claim is fraught with risk for false and positive error. Do we tolerate a high rate of false positive diagnoses in this screening system?

Even if we did implement a screening system, would gun homicides and mass shootings go down? If mental illness were a major cause of either individual or mass murders, then the nations of Western Europe should have the same murder rates we do. After all, their rates of mental illness are essentially the same as ours. But our individual murder rates are often 5 to 10 times higher than those in the European countries, and our rates of mass murder are astronomically higher. The same goes with addiction and drug use.

What does work? The best predictor for gun violence in a society is the number of guns in that society. Countries’ rates of gun ownership almost exactly correlate with their rates of gun deaths, with the U.S. as a complete outlier in both. Restrict gun ownership and we don't have to create a new and probably bogus mental health registry.

The question I have about this is should all mentally ill, drunks and addicts be restricted from gun ownership or should it just be those who are aggressive and how would we go about enforcing this? Certainly both are concerning but many times they go undiagnosed until something happens. If you focus on mental illness or drug use, by what means would we screen for these attributes to catch them before the tragedy? Evaluating for mental health is not a science, it depends upon the level of training and understanding by a professional. Even then the diagnosis depends upon subjective criteria that anybody can reasonably claim is fraught with risk for false and positive error. Do we tolerate a high rate of false positive diagnoses in this screening system?

Even if we did implement a screening system, would gun homicides and mass shootings go down? If mental illness were a major cause of either individual or mass murders, then the nations of Western Europe should have the same murder rates we do. After all, their rates of mental illness are essentially the same as ours. But our individual murder rates are often 5 to 10 times higher than those in the European countries, and our rates of mass murder are astronomically higher. The same goes with addiction and drug use.

What does work? The best predictor for gun violence in a society is the number of guns in that society. Countries’ rates of gun ownership almost exactly correlate with their rates of gun deaths, with the U.S. as a complete outlier in both. Restrict gun ownership and we don't have to create a new and probably bogus mental health registry.

That's horse shit. The best predictor is poverty. Impoverished nations are more prone to gun violence.
Its about fucking time!

Under the SAFE ACT taking Psychotropic Drugs can be cause for confiscating your firearms and permit. Here's a list of them. Some list.






  • Effe xor - an antidepressant of the SSNRI (or SNRI) class
  • Elav il - a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA), less commonly used these days
  • Esk lith - a salt of Lithium, which is a mood stabilizer used to prevent bipolar disorder.


  • Fluoxetine - (Proz ac) is used to treat major depressive disorder, bulimia nervosa (an eating disorder) obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).



  • Hald ol - a "typical" antipsychotic, one of the oldest, usually given in conjunction with "cogentin", an antiparkinsonic. This is due to the high occurrence of tardive dyskinesia on patients with prolonged Haldol use.





  • Lam ictal - a mood stabilizer of the anticonvulsant class
  • Lexa pro - an antidepressant of the SSRI class
  • Libri um - the first antianxiety medication of the benzodiazepine class.
  • Lithiu m (generic name) - Known more commonly by its generic name, a mood stabilizer used in treating bipolar disorder
  • Litho bid (Lithium) - A trade drug of the antipsychotic drug lithium, which is a mood stabilizer used to treat bipolar disorder
  • Lo xitane - an antipsychotic, today rarely used
  • Lun esta - a sleep aid
  • Luv ox -




Zol oft -
Fallacious argument.

A tiny fraction of people who use these drugs go on to commit murder by gun.

Every murder by gun is committed by a person in the possession of a gun.

Gunz are the problem.
It does compared to 93 other countries, that are impoverished.
What do you mean by "it does"?

The US should have about 1 death per 100k people instead of 5. By your logic, the US GDP is about $10k per person instead of $50k


It's your ability to reason that is impoverished.