Take These Pills? We're Taking Your Guns!

Becuase our wealth is not distributed on par with those "affluent nations". Surely, even you can comprehend this. We have many impoverished citizens committing crimes.
the average income in estonia is $15852.

in the united states it is $59039

so i'm gonna go ahead and say it's the guns

you are bad at making arguments

you should be embarrassed
One time I tried to scratch all the stuff out of a .22 teargas round with a needle to see what was inside.
I accidentally stuck it in the primer and that thing fired into my face from like 6 inches away.
This thread is worse than that.
the average income in estonia is $15852.

in the united states it is $59039

so i'm gonna go ahead and say it's the guns

you are bad at making arguments

you should be embarrassed
What's the number one industry in Estonia, Mr World Facts?

It wouldn't happen to be money laundering, would it?

your argument about drugs was completely shredded then laughed at. Chiqui
What language is that?

Fallacious argument.

A tiny fraction of people who use these drugs go on to commit murder by gun.

Every murder by gun is committed by a person in the possession of a gun.

Gunz are the problem.

whatever,....... seems there are much smarter people than you in this state, people that want to save kids from death, ones that agree with me, so yeah, you got that going for you.
Fallacious argument.

A tiny fraction of people who use these drugs go on to commit murder by gun.

Every murder by gun is committed by a person in the possession of a gun.

Gunz are the problem.

So you've never answered. Are you in favor of using guns to enforce your policies ?