New Member
In your post above you talk about running a strain and watching for deficiencies. I don't know about you but I had zero deficiencies with GH, zero with my current plant food and H&G's Aqua Flakes is also deficiency-free as well. Guess which plant food showed deficiencies when I used it in my plug-and-play hydro tables? I currently run 14 strains and I feed all of them in the same way; I give them what they need when they need it and I don't have a single deficient leaf in my entire room.
There is so much more to a productive grow than what name is on your plant food bottle but newbs who don't understand the basics of what makes a plant grow want to think that these expensive bottles are filled with pixie dust and guarantees. It doesn't work like that. The info is out there for those who seek it.
Those are my girls for sure HB, I will be doing a gro-log once I start feeling better, so keep your eyes open for it if your a non believer.
First off HomeBrewer I'll let you know my background(if you care) and hopefully it will clear "opinions" a little. I worked for a company called Prarie Plant Ent. about 15 years ago and was responsible for Health Canada's MMAR program. 3 of us botinists/growers were responsible for Canada's entire legal pot. I moved on after they moved the grow from the mines up north to a building in Saskatoon, Sask. Lack of funding caused a downsizing and I was not about to supply Canada by myself and a couple of newbs. I was privy to inside information on everything from nuts to bolts. We ran then diganosed all types of nutrients from organic to AN, AN is as chemical as it comes.
Onto your comments, The deficiencies I speak about are not visible to the naked eye. If you think you are free of issues you are sadly mistaken. I do not even need to see your room to tell you that if your growing a strain from India or that region(indica) you are probabaly deficient in (Ca)calcium, mag, (Mg)and most likely (N)nitrogen. If you are into Sativas then your a little short on (B)Boron, (Fe)iron and most likely could use a boost of (k2o) potash. Thats not even seeing your grow!
We all have deficiencies, doesn't matter what nutes you use. Nutrients are made for a (blanket) application, this means that they take a general overall view of what a plant needs and formulated to that standard. This is where problems start with most formulations, most nutes are not made for this market, cannbis is a very aggressive plant(weed) that will strip your formula very quickly, not like house plants or a veggy garden. Unless reasearch has been done extensively its all guess work. Your right in saying that you grow good pot and I believe you but just because they look good and you do not have problems doesn't mean that you have hit a bumper crop.
Whats needed is a company that strictly researches cannabis for their specific needs and uptake, thats where AN has come to the market and has a different formula, Kinda a blanket formula or cannabis. You will have less overall deficiencies with a product designed for cannabis then the other general ferts. There is no one else that formulates strictly for cannabis, that I know of, tried them all and even made them.
Your last statment is soooo true, understanding their needs, keeping clean, and a lot of homeschooling will go a long way before you need to dive into the little extras. I look at it this way, its like ordering a hamburger, you know you want a bun and a patty but what condiments?
The best thing a newb can do for himself is buy a quality nutrient, they will be the easiest to base everything else on. The curve is si steep when you first start out eliminating most nutrient issues will go a long way in their oveall knowledge.