Taking an ounce of mush dry or 280 grams wet good idea?

kush fario

Well-Known Member
:mrgreen:well yea as i said above i want to have a crazy time im pretty sure i can handle myself but i want to do fresh mushies and ive herd some horror stories about people bleeding from there ears and shit and i have read a repor of some one dieing from fresh mushrooms that hed been eating all day. any way i was just wondering if there would be or could be any health risks associated with a dose this high ive only ever found one trip report of a ounce taken and it was crazy also one of 200 libertycaps made into tea. One friends also said he had done a full zip but he is sorta prone to lies i will be with some one but he will be quite out of his mind aswell.:blsmoke::twisted::evil::joint:


Well-Known Member
I think the amount is over kill, you can only stuff so much of a drug into your system.. with that said no you wont die.. i've eaten more than that a few times.. but consider that 280 grams wet takes up alot of room in your stomach.. i've eaten POUNDS of wet shrooms.. and a nice tip is make tea because your stomach is not going to like that many mushrooms in your belly.:spew:and throwing them back up is just a waste. your body will absorb the drug faster in tea form. Or just snack on them all night instead of forcing them all down in an hour or so..

but again i cant imagine a human body will be able to metabolize the drug fast enough to actually get it all, i think its a little bit wasteful and wouldn't do it myself anymore.. . But i have been quite "wasteful" myself in the past ;)

if you really want to trip harder i'd look into something that potentiates or allows it to pass the blood brain barrier.. like an MAO-inhibitor

edit: Look what i found on erowid.

talks about mushrooms and MAO's together.


ha ha thats way too much to eat. eat a 1/4 oz max dry....you ever try a wip-it on them? best time of my life I still have a couple zips but I moved and dont have anyone to trip with, I hate doing them alone

kush fario

Well-Known Member
ha ha thats way too much to eat. eat a 1/4 oz max dry....you ever try a wip-it on them? best time of my life I still have a couple zips but I moved and dont have anyone to trip with, I hate doing them alone
1/4 is just not enough the difference between 7g and 10g is signifigant imo i like what darth said and i think i probably will do the tea and that youve eaten pounds realy makes me feel alor better actualy. i wondered if it would be possible to injest that much but being a waste or not isent my consern i just want to realy c what these powerfull mushrooms can do!


Active Member
You should dry them out as much as you can, eat them at a large dose first say 3.5 grams wait an hour and eat more when your ready. If you start early enough you can keep the trip going all night.

Chem Dawg

New Member
Yea man the most dried Caps ive eaten was 10g. tripped balls for 8 str8 hrs. But FYI the average human would have to eat 500g of dried mushrooms to even have a 50% chance of dying. thats a fact.. Sso with that said my friend......... PLAY BALL!!!!


Well-Known Member
man you'd feel like you were bloated and floating the fuck away specially wet man so much water weght yyyyeeeeeeeeeeesh

kush fario

Well-Known Member
lol it seams the general consensus is yes its fine so ill do it up and try to write up a trip report!
Well my personal opinion is that yes that is too much. I ate almost 19 grams one time dried btw and it was too hard core. I wa in a blacked out daze and the entire time I was frying I remember thinking that the psilocybin was for sure damaging my brain and I still feel a little mushy brain to this day. Its not necessary to eat that many. Try not eating for about 4 hours and then do up a quarter your body will burn them up fast and the trip will be very intense for 3 to 4 hours. Psilocybin cannot kill you but it can damage brain cells and your psyche

kush fario

Well-Known Member
Well my personal opinion is that yes that is too much. I ate almost 19 grams one time dried btw and it was too hard core. I wa in a blacked out daze and the entire time I was frying I remember thinking that the psilocybin was for sure damaging my brain and I still feel a little mushy brain to this day. Its not necessary to eat that many. Try not eating for about 4 hours and then do up a quarter your body will burn them up fast and the trip will be very intense for 3 to 4 hours. Psilocybin cannot kill you but it can damage brain cells and your psyche
i have done like 18 gs dryed it was intese as fuck but im lookin to tpo it by at leash a notch im gettin older and im probably going to stop most of my drug use exept for pot of course but i foresurely want to say good bye to tripping with an epic trip to remember for the rest of my life im strong minded ive done many acid tabs and 2cb and other things i fell in love with natural botanical highs. also to pick shrooms for potency should i pick right before the veil pops or should i wait up untill the cap gets bluish purplish when spores are readaly droping out?


Well-Known Member
I don't know how anyone could stomach that many wet shroom-eens at once, the taste alone would make me puke. Teas are REALLY strong tho, if you wanna get proper fucked up brew up one of them!

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Holy fucking shit. A half pound of cubes??

Good luck with your immersion into your brain. Have fun reliving moments of your life :lol:

Keep in mind fresh mushrooms will be stronger than dried mushrooms as the psyclocin(sp.) hasn't had a chance to degrade.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Oh and also... If you want an intense experience, eat the aborts and not the big mushrooms. 6g of pure aborts had me out of body for 1:30-2:15 at least. Like absolutely gone, in another world.


My last trip I had 7grams dried that I harvested myself. That was plenty, some of you guys can eat a zip? That's history too intense. I ate mushs with some shaman friends and wow it was amazing :)


Well-Known Member
Holy fucking shit. A half pound of cubes??

Good luck with your immersion into your brain. Have fun reliving moments of your life :lol:

Keep in mind fresh mushrooms will be stronger than dried mushrooms as the psyclocin(sp.) hasn't had a chance to degrade.
You know some times people push it, even when its not nessacary. I am one of those people. or rather I was one of those people..

Still my leading concern is that you wont be able to absorb the psilocin fast enough for it to really make the trip any more intense than say eating 14 grams compared to the 28 you intend on eating.. though if the drug isn't damaged in your stomach and your brain doesn't deplete its self of needed serotonins and dopamine.. you might extend your trip quite abit.

from all of my massive shrooms doses, at some point it no longer grew in intensity just duration.

I've tripped 15 hours on feild shrooms before... with walmart bags filled to the brim i just ate till i couldn't eat any more.

If you really want to increse intensity and not just duration i would look into MAO inhibitors.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I don't feel like psiclocin(sp.) would stop being absorbed.. Like why would his brain soak up all those cubes only til a certain point?

I mean that's without looking it up. But think about it.. I honestly can't think of a drug that you couldn't take more of to intensify an experience.

Though I agree such an undertaking would be difficult to stomach (by difficult I mean psychonaut super powers).. I don't see why some sort of an extraction couldn't take place..

<3 darth

kush fario

Well-Known Member
ya i think tea is the way to go ive boiled tea for like hours and had a rank trip from 8gs and ive also had a mild trip from mush just soaked in hot water for like 10 min is there an optimal ammount between the 2 i obv know that boiling them wasent a smart idea but hay it worked! time fram and can some one explain this lemon juce orange juce shit and just where can i get MAO inhibitors other than anti depressants which im not on nor do i like.?