Taking my drug test, passing or failing? - follow me on my journey!

Do you think I will pass or fail?

  • Sounds like a solid plan to me - Pass

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Most likely wont work/ little faith in the plan - Fail

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New Member
Hello everyone!

First post here but I feel the need to share my story after countless hours of researching how to pass a drug test for THC and what worked for other people and what didnt. Some background - I have already got the job and need to pass the screening, now some perks of this are 1) My girlfriends father is the one who extended the job to me, he is very anti-pot but I have already expressed to him I may have trouble passing the test. 2) He was understanding of that so I may find a way around the test even if I do fail (please god I hope I don't).

Anyways so basically i was a "heavy" user, one session a night, every night, for about 6 months. I found out about the job 10 days ago so I have been pot free for 10 days. I want to push the test back for another week but he wants me to start on monday (2 days away). Im not sure if I will be tested monday or not but as of right now I don't know when my test will be. I plan on updating the post once I take the test so you guys can know how I made out. Now I have not exercised or changed anything about my daily life in these past 10 days thinking time will be on my side. I now know I am wrong.

A few things about me, I am 5' 11" and around 180 pounds. I have a "standard" metabolism meaning I don't technically digest anything faster than the next guy. My build is the stereotypical "big boned" kinda thing where i have some body fat but am at a healthy weight for my height.

So today when he told me he wanted me to start in 2 days I was like shit so i tried an at home test and.......failed. I'm very nervous at this point but here is my plan. I went to vitamin shoppe and got plain old creatine pills and vitamin b12 pills. I'm taking 7(750mg per pill) of the creatine pills every 4 hours to get my levels up as well as drinking as much water as I can to test my theory. My theory is such that I will dilute the sample, keep my creatine levels up then 2 hours before the test take 3x the dosage of b12 vitamins to try and make it yellow.

So since i started mid-day today that would be 14 pills today and then the typical 4 hours starting tommorrow. I got a second at home test to try my theory tomorrow morning as if it were the day of the test. I will update the post about that as well so you guys can know my results. So to recap 7 (750mg per pill) creatine pills every 4 hours up until the test then 3x the dosage of b12 2 hours before the test. The goal is to drink as much water as possible for the next 2 days then to be pretty much pissing yellow water to dilute my sample. I have heard storys of this working as well as not working so my goal here was to be as descriptive as possible to help other people out in the same situation.

Some additional thoughts are that i should eat no food before the test and to make sure that I have already pissed like 3 times before the test. My thinking is that without any nutrients i can get the cleanest sample possible.

Hopefully tommorrow I will pass the at home test and confirm my theory.

I will be updating this post as time goes on so you guys can know my results and please if you have any advice or expiriece with this let me know!

Until tomorrow!