Taking the plunge: HP Aero Drain to Waste


Well-Known Member
The pom poms are good...but only a good start. I think initially you want to develop as many hungry mouths as possible, then once you have them, feed them. Which is why hpa aero is far superior to most growing applications because you can develop thousands of feeder tips instead of 100s in a normal hydro setup. Its why dwc does so well because it continually feeds. Imagine sticking a pom pom in dwc!!! Look out! Sure it would drink like Frank Sinatra in Vegas, but that bitch would get huge in a hurry with the proper environment. ...
i agree the godfather of aeroponics richard stoner owner of agrihouse he is the guy nasa called for advice for aeroponics in space i been studying his designs and picking apart what he uses and how he overcomes a lot of issues he never said you want pom pom roots he says " lateral root growth" is what you want and it makes sense for the system as a whole he recommends 3 seconds on 3 minutes off i constantly wondered why? he always recommended that and my conclusion from personal tests was it is needed for evaporative cooling in the root mass for nutrient uptake and don't forget that temperature and ph are a function "solution temperature compensation function" to be exact so if the temps are higher at the root mass the ph is different and it can and will effect ph at the direct site of nutrient application regardless of reservoir ph to some effect and my theory is its the temp change i up cycle times and get better feeding, finding that balance of cycle times is critical the plant will exhibit less turgor pressure with limited cycle times i proved this with a leaf sensor from agrihouse plugged into an embedded system logging the turgor pressure changes every 250 milliseconds or 4 times a second i'm working on writing a program to adjust a pid , proportional, integral, derivative controller to adjust cycle times with the sensor, it is the best way to work the cycle throughout the grow it will compensate with the plant as it gets larger and demands for water to keep tugor pressure richard stoner came to that conclusion with millions in research and developement grants from the national science foundation and working with nasa he charges thousands for his system and i find that is kind of irrational considering he uses inferior components in his systems he uses cheap parts and charges a fortune so its still outside of normal peoples reach he charges 78 dollars for a dvd with his book of information 2 different dvds i think anyways i respect mr stoner and do not know what he went through to get what he has accomplished but my goal with aeroponics is to be humanitarian and provide people with a space age option to grow food cheaply and fast its the future for everyone organic food cannot! be produced in enough quantity to supply the world with food well known fact! somebody would go without food sorry but its a fact, i like organic but if you look up food taste tests on you tube or anywhere else people always assume the organic food is the best tasting best looking one but are almost always wrong when they guess which one of two apples is organic and which one is grown on synthetically derived nutes the synthetics are almost always a better producer and the reason why is the plant gives no fuck where the chemical came from it only cares that it gets the elements it needs regardless of source sorry to offend organic nut jobs but its the truth and empirical science proves this! aeroponics is the future we already live in water crisis whether people acknowledge it or not this is the only thing ever to step up give an option to truly do more with less to grow food the world needs this now more than ever i wish mr stoner could be little more humanitarian with his efforts, he had futuristic visions like tesla, but tesla gave up his westinghouse contracts for the world! tesla is an absolute hero and deserves far more recognition the world needs an aeroponics hero i guess it will have to be us....


Well-Known Member
Evaporative cooling isnt efficient in a sealed chamber, it requires airflow. Also consider the temperature difference required to reach dewpoint and where the condensation occurs. As the droplets evaporate they will take energy from the chamber to achieve phase change from a liquid to a gas. Given the small amount of liquid involved it wont equate to much cooling, its not going to perfrom like an outdoor misting system where theres unlimited airflow. If the saturated air is left inside the chamber the only place it can condense is on the chamber walls and floor, assuming they are cool enough to acheive dewpoint. The wall or floor material will have at least some resistance (r-value) to the flow of heat so most of the sensible heat released as the water vapour converts back from gas into a liquid simply increases the chamber temperature.
If you want appreciable evaporative cooling, make the chamber walls and floor from a breathable material, assuming you have airflow across the outside surfaces of the walls and floor, water will condense on the inside surface. The sensible heat will be removed by the airstream, which in turn, cools the inner wall/floor surfaces. This results in an increased temperature differential driving the process. You can think of the liquid water on the walls and floor as waste, aka mist that didnt reach its target. If its running to waste anyway, you might as well use it to cool the chamber. Other bonuses gained from breathable walls and floor is automatic air pruning of roots, the breathable floor also guarantees total drainage. Root chambers with single point drains will always have some standing water, even with a decent amount of slope you`ll`have a few mm.