Well-Known Member
Municipal water at 1 ppm chlorine will kill all pythium. Pathogens cannot mutate to tolerate chlorine. My tap water is essentially RO water.tap has pythium in it! and ten billion other bacteria and viruses and i am a firm believer any pathogen from tap in that harsh environment is mutating to cope with the increased chlorination and in theory is hardening it to survive better in harsher places maybe your reservoir, bacteria do it all the time for antibiotics. and fast ! scary shit, our fear of germs is leading to antimicrobial everything and breeds super germs, google it , it's worth a google.. just pure science, i don't want to hear it as much as the next guy but my mind won't allow me to overlook it.
Of course low PPM tap water is not always good. My friend lives in a little town that has a municipal well. His tap water comes out at 40 or 50 ppm, which should be good for his DWC setup. He was all excited when he first tested it. After a couple weeks the plants started showing discoloration and definite signs of deficiency. I have read that well water can contain weird exotic minerals in it. Something in his water was locking out a trace nutrient. He switched to rain water and the deficiency disappeared.
Ya never know.