all bow before satan,for your master is here,believe in me,here me,i am within your soul,so unto me that soul and ill grant u your every wish,i bring peace,god brings pain
se newgrowth,all is good and all is well,just believe in your destiny for the evil will bring forth the heaven that u seek with a twist![]()
ive been doin that
my servant(s),i want u to take a week off,and go into hibernation for a week,smoke when u wake up,and take a recommended dose of nyquil and sleep for a week,u will see a new light when you awake,that is me consuming your soul.
Deal but will you pay me for the time i take off work and provide me with a selection of fine bud to smoke?
i do give u the fine bud bc its in your drawer, i encouraged u to grow your own mighty selection,and work...well u will have to put in for a vacation time
Damn satan this haze joint is pretty bomb thanks man
Especially those people that have lost loved ones to maniacs like you. I am one of those people![]()
Talk to Me about it!
I have now please go away.
i am the messiah of peace, i will tell you how its done if you want to live a happy care free life. I bring peace for i have the gift to give everyone what they want in life,in this recession it is the best time to sell,so sell your soul unto me and i will grant you what ever you want,look into the mirror and see into your eyes,see who you are,and realize that im telling you what to do is right,believe in me,believe that im in your heart trying to let out your desires that keep you from advancing to your dream of life,for this could all be a reallity show,the world is what we make it,i can change the world into what you want it to be,just look into yourself and realize the only thing stoping you from your ultimate goal is your soul.
You are a crazy mother fucker!
Fuck You!
I try to think for Myself, but my mom thinks for me since them doctors said "My head is full of shit!"
Try and stay away from the tap water![]()
you will burn for your sins,bow down and i may release you from your grip on reality