Tap water and the Soil Food Web, interesting video.


WTF about combustion levels? I'm searching my favourites n web for the article again . . ..

So when a good bacteria is killed by, let's use Cl, there's a raise in temperature, a combustion, when the process happens; this combustion, in the right circumstances, can raise root zone levels to a degree (lol) where more beneficials thrive than die from the containment added . . . .

wot you reckon to that thought ????

My point to this thread is, do I really want to bind up all the Cl??? Cannabis thrives on tiny bits of it, it's essential to many processes???

You flush natural soil qwizo?

It's all about the microbes in nature. What you do in your basement is up to you.

Semper Fi- Just take a 5 gallon pail of your chlorinated water and add a couple tablespoons of compost. That will bind up the Cl-.
