Taskenti from Cannabiogen. The real hashplant

I've got some selected females from the last batch I made. These are the TT123 #2, #12, #13 and #16. They'll be 8 weeks in some days, and I'll harvest them at 9. In summer I have to drastically scale down the power, so I'm just working with 400W in the tent. Anyway, these plants are solid 125 cm tall, and that's big for an indoor indica but not for Taskenti, but obviously they won't produce as much as in winter.

Also the frozen taskenti pollen I used to pollinate the TT123#7 female (probably the best of the bunch) worked, and these both being the most different branches of the lines I'm working with, I guess I hit an interesting point.


I'l have better pics. Cheers
These are the same selected females from the batch TT2012#3 numbered #12, #13 and #16. I didn't have space to flower them in their best moment, so they got a little big for my taste. Anyway, it is a quite good harvest, having in account the high temperatures, the light power reduction and the spider mites.

I have some more selected cuts from the same batch, and all of them are quite good. I am comparing these females with others coming from different batches, to seek for the best batches, the ones with more genetic diversity and complexity, and I like this one quite a lot.


I've got a big bunch of plants growing, they come from the TT2012#5 batch. In a couple of weeks I'll take cuts of all of them.

This crazy one, TT123#7, is probably the best female of the batch. This one made 8 tips and I believe produced quite a lot, and buds are quite hard, even now in summer, with little light and fewer nutrients. It's got some seeds from males from a different batch, and I'll flower another clone of her now, but I'll make an STS sex reversal to her to pollinate other selected females from different batches.


Big things coming. Have a nice summer
Taskenti is slower than the fastest indica strains. Here we can see the Taskenti outdoors side to side with a Matanuska (that I find to be a good example of a paki or afghan stinky indica selected indoors by its speed)

First picture: Taskenti #9 at the left side, and Matanuska at the right. The Taskenti didn't even show any flower until some days ago, and the Matanuska has already outumn colours. It isn't even September yet!


This one picture down is the Taskenti. It is the same clone I'm impregnating now with the Taskenti female I'm STSing


And this one is the Matanuska. This one will be ready well before October, while the Taskenti will need to get there.


I've been looking into the flowers of the STSed female TT123#7, and I was happy to see that it already had some mature flowers. Even better, they had already produced some pollen. At just 4 weeks since STS.

I know this pollen could be sterile, but I find this a good omen. This selected plant looks like very full of life and doesn't show symptoms of a limited gene pool.

Several plants labelled TT9, premium clones from a plant selected from another batch, have been flowering for about two weeks. In some days I'll try the pollination. This could be a step in my work and also the first legit feminized pollination between two selected Taskenti females in years.


Sweet smokes