Tasty GM crops, or insecticides... you decide

http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Pages/why-does-monsanto-sue-farmers-who-save-seeds.aspx.."When farmers purchase a patented seed variety, they sign an agreement that they will not save and replant seeds produced from the seed they buy from us. More than 275,000 farmers a year buy seed under these agreements in the United States. Other seed companies sell their seed under similar provisions. They understand the basic simplicity of the agreement, which is that a business must be paid for its product. The vast majority of farmers understand and appreciate our research and are willing to pay for our inventions and the value they provide. They don’t think it's fair that some farmers don’t pay.
A very small percentage of farmers do not honor this agreement. Monsanto does become aware, through our own actions or through third-parties, of individuals who are suspected of violating our patents and agreements. Where we do find violations, we are able to settle most of these cases without ever going to trial. In many cases, these farmers remain our customers. Sometimes however, we are forced to resort to lawsuits. This is a relatively rare circumstance, with 145 lawsuits filed since 1997 in the United States. This averages about 11 per year for the past 13 years. To date, only 9 cases have gone through full trial. In every one of these instances, the jury or court decided in our favor."...........................................................................................................Fucking Monsanto is so large that farmers can't afford to fight them. In most cases it's cheaper to pay Monsanto's extortion fees, than to defend themselves in court. Fighting Monsanto would bankrupt most farmers & Monsanto knows it. That's the reason there are so few actual lawsuits, "they're bigger than US Steel".
http://www.monsanto.com/newsviews/Pages/why-does-monsanto-sue-farmers-who-save-seeds.aspx.."When farmers purchase a patented seed variety, they sign an agreement that they will not save and replant seeds produced from the seed they buy from us. More than 275,000 farmers a year buy seed under these agreements in the United States. Other seed companies sell their seed under similar provisions. They understand the basic simplicity of the agreement, which is that a business must be paid for its product. The vast majority of farmers understand and appreciate our research and are willing to pay for our inventions and the value they provide. They don’t think it's fair that some farmers don’t pay.
A very small percentage of farmers do not honor this agreement. Monsanto does become aware, through our own actions or through third-parties, of individuals who are suspected of violating our patents and agreements. Where we do find violations, we are able to settle most of these cases without ever going to trial. In many cases, these farmers remain our customers. Sometimes however, we are forced to resort to lawsuits. This is a relatively rare circumstance, with 145 lawsuits filed since 1997 in the United States. This averages about 11 per year for the past 13 years. To date, only 9 cases have gone through full trial. In every one of these instances, the jury or court decided in our favor."...........................................................................................................Fucking Monsanto is so large that farmers can't afford to fight them. In most cases it's cheaper to pay Monsanto's extortion fees, than to defend themselves in court. Fighting Monsanto would bankrupt most farmers & Monsanto knows it. That's the reason there are so few actual lawsuits, "they're bigger than US Steel".
So if people break a patent/copyright they've agreed to they should just be let off?

Cool story, schmo.
I don't think they should have to prove that Monsanto's shitty pollen, didn't just blow over from a neighbors field...... They should be able to sue Monsanto for contaminating their organic fields with their GMO garbage......but Monsanto has the BIG POCKETS.......
I don't think they should have to prove that Monsanto's shitty pollen, didn't just blow over from a neighbors field...... They should be able to sue Monsanto for contaminating their organic fields with their GMO garbage......but Monsanto has the BIG POCKETS.......
If its "GMO Garbage" then why do SO many farmers keep getting sued for retaining the patented seeds?

Logic just totally escapes you, doesn't it?
No. no. That doesn't happen. There is no benefit to accidently. But, when you see that full tilled section or that silo switchero it is against civil law. This is not that old Monsanto. I believe you can let that go. This witch hunt don't hunt.
If its "GMO Garbage" then why do SO many farmers keep getting sued for retaining the patented seeds?

Logic just totally escapes you, doesn't it?

It was 85% trangeneic in 2009, I posted. Most goes to fuel. It is like the bus has left and these want to sue it to stop.

I really don't believe there are many. But, the few were civil violations for profit.

"Since 1997, we have only filed suit against farmers 144 times in the United United States."
www.monsanto.com › News & Views › Issues_Answers‎

JJ, I think you are a fine guy just with some understandable angst.

Don't feed into this madness is my brotherly advice.
It was 85% trangeneic in 2009, I posted. Most goes to fuel. It is like the bus has left and these want to sue it to stop.

I really don't believe there are many. But, the few were civil violations for profit.

"Since 1997, we have only filed suit against farmers 144 times in the United United States."
www.monsanto.com › News & Views › Issues_Answers‎

JJ, I think you are a fine guy just with some understandable angst.

Don't feed into this madness is my brotherly advice.
Can you actually believe some of these idiots think transgenic genes in GM food stock for animals will somehow transfer to the animal, then transfer to us?

L O fucking L.
If its "GMO Garbage" then why do SO many farmers keep getting sued for retaining the patented seeds?

Logic just totally escapes you, doesn't it?
Because Monsanto isn't forced into isolating their genetically mutilated pollen for contaminating everyone's crop....so that shit is everywhere, weather you want it or not......most only sign-up because it's cheaper than fighting the Conglomerate Monsanto.....they use their size as a weapon......they're Bullies....
my opposition to Monsanto has nothing to do with the quality of their products....it's their heavy handed patient enforcement tactics I despise.....fuck Monsanto!........"AN ACT OF RESPECT WHEN DEMANDED BECOMES AN ACT OF SUBMISSION"
Because Monsanto isn't forced into isolating their genetically mutilated pollen for contaminating everyone's crop....so that shit is everywhere, weather you want it or not......most only sign-up because it's cheaper than fighting the Conglomerate Monsanto.....they use their size as a weapon......they're Bullies....
Genetically mutilated?

I was gonna write out a big response, but I think "Bitch please" suffices.
You guys....I swear you will wake up as you grow up. It is all that and it is a good thing. These doors revolve all over.

And when you see Al Gore, oh that's OK. Peace on the Planet. Carbon Credit Traders have good hearts.

Then when we see Chenny went to straighten out Hailiburton, the hippies are appalled. This is a strategic defense firm that is no-bid. It needs a Dick Chenny.

Carbon Traders good. Botany Genetics is bad. Stupid hippies.

Hey now! I'm a stupid hippy. I know both sides are full of shit. What would solve this mess is merit technocracy with partial gift economy for food and health.
Hey now! I'm a stupid hippy. I know both sides are full of shit. What would solve this mess is merit technocracy with partial gift economy for food and health.

There are many solutions....it seems to me you describe my life. I solve for a merit technocracy as an Tech Manager. I hire, fire, promote, block, provide incentive and bonus, etc. It is complicated and cut-throat, sometimes.

And since this Merit-ocracy is highly paid, in a Progressive tax system, we provide for a partial gift economy for food and health for perhaps 1/2 of the Citizens, the ones in need. Yes, need for the most part.

Dude, you just swam up to Now. Welcome. :)
Well you seem like a total penis (to me)...


Our level of competence when it comes to GM is that of a chimp trying to figure out a flying saucer by poking it with a stick. Just because you can poke enough buttons to engage the transporter, doesn't mean shit. Maybe the ship has a fail safe mechanism to keep dumb asses away from fucking up the ship? But if enough chimps keep smashing with their sticks, eventually even a lowly chimp could break the ship beyond repair.
There are many solutions....it seems to me you describe my life. I solve for a merit technocracy as an Tech Manager. I hire, fire, promote, block, provide incentive and bonus, etc. It is complicated and cut-throat, sometimes.

And since this Merit-ocracy is highly paid, in a Progressive tax system, we provide for a partial gift economy for food and health for perhaps 1/2 of the Citizens, the ones in need. Yes, need for the most part.

Dude, you just swam up to Now. Welcome. :)

How I see it. If your subjects are healthy in mind, body and "spirit," they can work harder and the proletariat can exploit more efficiently.
So if people break a patent/copyright they've agreed to they should just be let off?

Cool story, schmo.

How can a person justify licensing "an idea". What if Ogg the caveman had "licensed" fire? Or the first person that made a wheel had licensed that? Physical property is tangible and to take a persons physical property is theft....the simultaneous use of an idea doesn't diminish another persons physical property or prevent anybody from using the same idea at the same time. Copyright laws are monopolistic and only exist thru government intervention.
So since you can't actually justify your morals; it's masturbatory to ask you to justify them? That's a convenient dodge...

Do you want to hear: one with harmony, life is precious: if you don't want others taking your life unjustly, then don't take the life of others, and you cultivate the energy you use based on how you live? Or would you just rather roll your eyes? :rolleyes: