Telekinetic Genetics

Oh ok. Breeding still a little confusing to me. All the Martian monkey look the same just little different in size. Very uniform build on them.
Ya they do it's pretty crazy. F4 dad gave em all a nice stability. I bred cousins. Had 2 f4 lemon alien males why you guys have 1 and 2. I have a male of each for each to make sure I stabilize out next round unless I'm missing something @Vnsmkr let me know if I'm incorrect but breeding my cousin's will create a stable f1 correct?
I think in a sense you are stabilising, and getting rid of (or bringing out) certain characteristics
Well ya I've found my dominant and recessive traits from the ones I have right now. Popped 20 of each am down to 7 of all but martian monkey had more females at 10. Everything real close to the same thing. Very little differences at all to be honest. I feel like I could of sold all the tester seeds and had extremely happy customers. That being said it's why I'm releasing this next round lol a total of now 435 popped no hermies and very little variation. Waiting to see a buddies I and partner's next round. But so far I'm pretty sure I've found what I like. Everything looks fire as hell to be honest. Can't wait to get some extremely stable genetics to everyone's garden
Any idea how long pollen stays viable?
I store mine in a papper bag after I dry the pollen for around 10 days, I put it in the papper bag and fold the bag up then put the bag in a tupperwear bole then pack that boll in rice and put it in the crisper in the frig and I have keep it for 6 months and used it and it was good.I don't know how much longer it would keep but I have keep it for 6 months that way.hope this helps
I store mine in a papper bag after I dry the pollen for around 10 days, I put it in the papper bag and fold the bag up then put the bag in a tupperwear bole then pack that boll in rice and put it in the crisper in the frig and I have keep it for 6 months and used it and it was good.I don't know how much longer it would keep but I have keep it for 6 months that way.hope this helps
Yes, thanks, I had some Polen balls break open last year and screwed up my grow. I cranked the humidity and misted as much as I could but I'm worried I get some of that dust again.

I suppose you keep it because you want to grow some seeds?
I am 99% sure I follow this kat on IG and have chatted with him. Seems respectful and definitely a cool dude to chat with. Always frosty buds being posted to his account. The pics and info here are bad azz too. Love all the photos.