Telekinetic Genetics

Checked out IG for the first time...sooo much bud porn! :clap::clap:

Hey everyone sorry about not getting the seeds out I've been completely slammed and might be having my dream come true. From what I've heard all week is we will have a big brother company a very big big brother company and be opening a dispensary here in Colorado. Nothing inked yet but we've been looking for and inquiring on dispensaries for sale all week lol
Btw guys please please please don't think this changes anything if this happens as far as who we are going out the window. We won't conform if it goes thru we will get to run the dispensary how we want it with one of our icons.....Also how's everyone doing haven't seen it as busy as normal past week or so here's some bud porn no names lol too much work plus I like my porn to be anonymous sometimes lolIMG_20170204_081739415.jpg IMG_20170204_081401332.jpg IMG_20170204_081111940.jpg IMG_20170204_080913296.jpg IMG_20170204_080212740.jpg IMG_20170204_075024989.jpg IMG_20170204_075455093.jpg IMG_20170204_074606374.jpg
Btw guys please please please don't think this changes anything if this happens as far as who we are going out the window. We won't conform if it goes thru we will get to run the dispensary how we want it with one of our icons.....Also how's everyone doing haven't seen it as busy as normal past week or so here's some bud porn no names lol too much work plus I like my porn to be anonymous sometimes lolView attachment 3893493 View attachment 3893495 View attachment 3893497 View attachment 3893498 View attachment 3893502 View attachment 3893503 View attachment 3893504 View attachment 3893506
Everything looking on point, been catching them on IG. Congrats on whats coming together and good karma your direction for it to happen as it should.....
Everything looking on point, been catching them on IG. Congrats on whats coming together and good karma your direction for it to happen as it should.....
I'm praying man it sounds like it's a done deal but nothing has been signed. It's pretty incredible honestly just to even get a meeting with him and hear him talk about how good our weed is and how he's ready to go all in on us. Praying man dude does it big be an amazing opportunity and I'd pay it forward even more than already do lol I just want to see everyone succeed
I'm praying man it sounds like it's a done deal but nothing has been signed. It's pretty incredible honestly just to even get a meeting with him and hear him talk about how good our weed is and how he's ready to go all in on us. Praying man dude does it big be an amazing opportunity and I'd pay it forward even more than already do lol I just want to see everyone succeed
Best of luck yo!
Thank u he's like I said pretty much all in his exact words but I don't wanna say who till I sign some shit lol we're still gonna be like "telekinetic genetics by _____________". If this shit happens I'm giving out free packs to all of you for all your support means the world when trying to accomplish a dream
Can't wait to hear the news and such :)