Telekinetic Genetics

The general public is content within their position on the ladder of social stratification. Fewer than 1% of Americans ever change their "inherited" status. Ambition is frivolous in that it is so easily touted, but the initiative to act, and bring such ambition to fruition, is rare, and "endangered".
I love when people try tell me I cant... lmao I'll show you cocksucker!
The general public is content within their position on the ladder of social stratification. Fewer than 1% of Americans ever change their "inherited" status. Ambition is frivolous in that it is so easily touted, but the initiative to act, and bring such ambition to fruition, is rare, and "endangered".
Exactly and it's that simple. It's a mindset that changes your reality to your dreams. You gotta just understand no excuse is ever enough. Can't leave any rocks unturned in this game of life. Like I said before those who the work today that other won't do, will have things tomorrow that others won't have. Never give up man I've wanted to do this since I was kid. My dad while growing up taught so many biology/horticulture/anatomy physiology classes I just caught on. Got real big into saltwater tanks growing coral and just growing in general. We would have competition on who could grow better flowers (actual flowers), tomatoes, and peas. Once I found my girl Maryjane all I wanted to was understand her. Luckily being in Florida I was used to growing tropical plants and caught right on. First grow Aurora indica in 2005. Plants looked amazing till flower lol harvested 2oz. There's something about finding your true passion tho. I've been blessed to have my passion of working with animals I love and now I'm blessed again to work with plants I love. Whenever you think you wanna give up just remember someone somewhere has it worse and isn't giving up so you can't either. And always follow your heart it's never logical but it can feel things that your mind can't understand. And sometimes even tho what you want doesn't seem possible or achievable there's no telling what tomorrow might bring. I've literally almost gotten a dispensary that'll have part ownership of simply by laying down fire. Anything can happen man sell yourself think like a boss, act like a boss, become a boss
Hey afgan I have this going on a couple of leaves onhaven't seen anything on any of my other plants any ideas


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Looks like you have something in there that likes to plants looked same after some worms were found eating....Have you checked for bugs?
Damn going to have to look though it throughly tomorrow but I'm going to have to seal my room of completely I'm growing in a room I made in the garage but ldidn't seal 100%. Also raise crickets and dubia for beardies so crickets get to sometimes qould those eat plants also have seen earwigs by garage door entrance
Damn going to have to look though it throughly tomorrow but I'm going to have to seal my room of completely I'm growing in a room I made in the garage but ldidn't seal 100%. Also raise crickets and dubia for beardies so crickets get to sometimes qould those eat plants also have seen earwigs by garage door entrance
Shit my guess was a grasshopper pretty sure crickets eat plants too I'm pretty stoned right now tho
Earwigs - nope!

Looks to me like a very limited taste testing by a bug that decided it was not to his liking. I get that and just like that on some outdoors once in a while......generally some mean looking little spiders take up house making in the plant and bad bugs go away...
Crickets? Maybe but, I doubt it.....It's basically not a tasty plant to most leaf eaters.

Like I said, I get that a little and from time to time on outdoor plants. I would ignore it. Unless it begins to expand, rapidly....Never seems to happen to me.
A month or so back I was up on the roof checking out these pretty butterflies which were hovering all around my ladies, one even landed on top of one and laid there for a minute with wings spread wide. A few days later I was in the middle of a good trip (really good) and was checking the plants over and 1 of the Quantum Kushs' had some fans chewed on, closer inspection motherfucking worms! I smashed them up, sprayed a load of chili spray, and the chewing halted....Never had that happen before, but I'll be shooing those damn butterflies away from my plants next time.....