Tell me everything about LSD.

my uncle took lsd in college and got scitzophrenia and joined the jehovahs witnesses and then drowned while drunk if thats who u wanna be take lsd im sure itll be fun
Man, I would be so happy if I came up on some LSD. It's impossible to find in SoCal though.... For me anyways. And I heard that it's actually one of the safest drugs to do. Unbelievably hard to OD on.
which, as you know, is the same average for the adult population at large. So it's people who would in all likelihood have been schizophrenic anyway who go that way after acid. Acid, for the record, does not make people crazy.
well there was no history of mental disease in my family and my uncle was a sucessful engineering student so i dont think he wouldv "gone crazy" without lsd
well there was no history of mental disease in my family and my uncle was a sucessful engineering student so i dont think he wouldv "gone crazy" without lsd
Mental illness is often not diagnosed, so a family history is possible. That's why LSD is dangerous... you don't know if you are one of those people at risk. It's possible he had an acute mental illness that was too insignificant to diagnose... acid has the potential to bring out that illness and intensify it.

Physically, acid is the safest street drug you can buy. Psychologically, it's a bit dangerous. If you're going to do it, be careful with the dose (start low and increase it slowly, don't overdo it) and make sure you have a sitter. If you're smart about it, acid isn't going to harm you. If you're careless about it... good luck.

My opinion is the best idea is to try mushrooms first. With LSD, you peak for a LOOOOONG time. The comedown is longer too. Mushrooms are pretty similar and shorter acting. I've had bad mushroom trips, and I can't imagine what it would be like to have that experience dragged out for a couple more hours.

Before you do it, read up on it: Erowid LSD (Acid) Vault
I know a good majority of the guys i hung with in the 80,s who did alot of sid,over half of them of some kind of mental illness,but it could be argued that if your going to do alot of lsd in the first place your not playing with a full deck.I know 5 guys that flipped there brain on the shit two took their life the others a veg and two came back after being substance free,meaning know dope no booze.if you want to take a chemical that fucks with your mind,it will fuck with your not saying never do it but man a couple of times is good enugh if you have to do it all.Ya i had good times watching the city and its people melt.but i also think it tooks some good years from me,it really messed me up.but i went strait for ten years solid and regained me equal librium.but hey people are gonna do what they do,that just the nature of the beast.
No one mentioned that you can't trip again the 2nd day on real LSD. You have to space trips 5 days a part. It depletes something from your system that can not be depleted again the next day cause it is not there to deplete. We grew up being told it was Vitamin B-12. Tripping on mushrooms or peyote buttons is different in that you can do it two days in a row, but other than that, both are very similar to LSD.
If you want to experiment with halucigens, , start with mushrooms (psylisibin) or peoyte (mescaline) before you try LSD. (I mis-spelled those)
In my college days, I became an avid drug user. I don't want to say marijuana is a gateway drug, but any "addiction abuse" can gateway to better highs. Most addicts just don't get the same high they used too, and it's not about enjoying the weed high, it's just about getting high.

With that said, my immaturity in my youth presented itself in a addictive way.

Today I only smoke weed. I will still likely eat mushrooms a couple times throughout my life, but now I'm in my late 20's, I just have more important things too worry about.

With that said, I have never tried heroine through a needle... that's it. I've done everything else you could imagine from grinding up nutmeg (which honestly does work, but very mildly) to extracting LSA (derivitive of LSD) from Morning Glory Seeds through reverse osmosis. I also went from a 248lb athlete to 182lb corpse in 7 months on a cocaine binge. I've dropped probably 20 - 50 hits of acid and chewed up about some ecstasy at least 15 or 20 times.

I've even unfortunately done meth. But not smoked it.

The only drug I would recommend to the mature, responsible,
weed smoker if you're interested in branching out, would be a little opium, preferable Black Tar.

But ask yourself first, what is your motivation. If it's curiousity, it's your life, if it's addiction, it's your life too, but that makes all mature enjoyers of marijuana look bad because no matter what we try, you all know that ignorant people are anti-drugs, and think we're part of the problem.

If you want to go be part of the problem, like I was for a short while, keep it to yourself. Because I want weed to be legal, and it's fine with me if that means the man-made drugs like heroine, cocaine, methanphetamines, etc never are legal.

I just don't know who we think we are making the God-made things illegal.

Maturity, responsibility, hard worth, ethical concern for others, and faith in something larger than yourself are all excellent traits in the occasional enjoyer of marijuana. Addiction is a waste of time.

It took me years of self degradation to figure this out, please, please do better than I did. You don't want to wake up in your late 20's with heart problems. Trust me :)

Much love from <===This Guy===<=<=<
Basically what I want to know are prices based on location. What is it like? Got any trippy stories? What have you seen?

My friend doesn't have a computer and has asked me to post on a forum or something to find out. So why not this fine forum? I havent tried lsd before. I havent tried anything besides weed. So its good to stock up on some knowledge before I (try to) find a person who can sell me some.

try Erowid LSD (Acid) Vault Everything you want to know.
ive never done acid before, but im really curious and want to try it. ive done shrooms once, but didnt like them a whole lot because they messed with my head, but i loved the visuals. i couldnt think straight, i had no concept of time and felt like i should be doing something, but didnt know what. well anyways... im thinking about trying it soon and was wondering if you guys had any advice for me.
ive never done acid before, but im really curious and want to try it. ive done shrooms once, but didnt like them a whole lot because they messed with my head, but i loved the visuals. i couldnt think straight, i had no concept of time and felt like i should be doing something, but didnt know what. well anyways... im thinking about trying it soon and was wondering if you guys had any advice for me.

Good LSD messes with your head a lot more than mushrooms, much much more.
To have a good trip, you have to constantly tell yourself and have someone else with you that can remind you too "this is just a drug enduced escapre from reality and nothing is real now". You can not control it, you have to be like a leaf in the wind and let it just take you.
Tripping is DREAMING a wierd dream, but you are still awake!
If you dream youa re a FROG, instead of flipping out and screaming "OMG, I am a Frog and I don't want to be a frog!" you have to say :
I'm a frog, I wonder what I will do next?" and you accept it.
Unless you dream you're a bird ! LOL
Fighting the effects of LSD, especially the ego-loss effects at high doses is a sure way to have a bad trip, as it will kick your ass up and down the street all day.

What does everyone think of day-tripping?
Day tripping is fucking great. It's hard to not have a day trip on lsd b/c of how long it last. But seeing the world on acid during sunlight is fucking amazing to say the least. I love lsd and it loves me.
Think the basics have been established. Start low, space it out, go with the flow, and make your surroundings good.

I also have a kind of tradition. Every Spring here, at least once, I go on a Hoffman bike ride. I take a moderate dose, get on my trusty bike, and just pedal along. It's especially amazing to ride past and look at people's gardens.
Granted I stop the bike and pull over. Acid doesn't need any more bad publicity.
I wasn't too keen on bringing my fiancee the first time, but I quickly forgot it and had one of the most magical times of my life, which I hope to repeat this coming Spring. Seeing the sun-kissed Earth (bring water!) with someone you love or just a really good friend (make sure it's someone you can trust) is sooo soothing and mind-altering.

On the flip side, despite what anyone would tell you, LSD does have the potential to turn your brains to mush. I think it's more like people detach to far too much and soon they can't get back to this world completely. I've got so many friends who just couldn't be satisfied with beauty and went for a constant trip.
It brings me no end to sadness to say that they all seem very fried, and it's not hard to tell they wish they could come back.

If you ever read A Scanner Darkly by Ol' Dick, you'll see a true recounting of the effects of LSD in a paranoid and dark setting. It tends to fester into a stream of bad trips and horrid thoughts.
The book struck a chord with me because he names off all of his friends (who frequented his home and took "drugs" with him) in the end.

You just have to be cautious and understand with psychedelics there is always the potential for dangerous encounters with whatevers not only out there, but also in your own mind.