Granny weed
Well-Known Member
On Saturday morning I had the police banging on my door, when I opened it their were eight of them and four were carrying guns! now this is the Uk and we rarely see armed policeman especially knocking on your door so early in the morning. They asked for my son and handed me a search warrant to search his room, my son was in bed so I went to get him, immediately asking him what he had done he looked as confused as I was. They then read him his rights and told him they were arresting him for inciting racial hatred, apparently he had argued with a muslim girl on facebook regarding a mosque that they intend to open just up the road from where we live. Because of what happened in London with the soldier being attacked they had been on alert for racial incidents and the muslim girl had reported my son for being racist. They told me they were sorry and that everyone was angry but they had to act on any reports of racist activity, when I asked why the guns they said it was what they had been told to do in such circumstances, when I asked what they were looking for in his room they said any weapons or evidence he was going to commit a racist crime they found a baton that he had bought back from a holiday in Cyprus and confiscated that and they took his phone and Ipad. They handcuffed him and took him away, the whole street was out as armed policemen are rare unless you are a danger to the public. The Ipad they took had lots of photo's on it including my plants so as you can imagine the next few hours that followed I was expecting another visit from them, they are almost done and to big to move so I sat and waited.
After what seemed like an eternity they bought my son back the policemen again apologised to me and said they had cautioned my son and told me to have a talk with him with regard to what he writes on facebook. He had got the Ipad in his hand and the whole time he was talking I just wanted to snatch it off him. However he gave it back to my son and wished us a good day, apparently they had not looked at it as my son had admitted the racist comments and they didn't need it as proof. When they left I promptly deleted all the pics and gave my son a good telling off for being stupid and bringing them here in the first place, so all in all I had a shit and worrying weekend.