Tesla New Model Unveil...

Why This Battery Breakthrough Could Make EVs Cheaper

Analysts estimate that the size of the EV battery industry will grow to around $70 billion by 2025, and there’s a number of innovative battery start-ups trying to grab a piece of the pie. One of these companies, Cuberg, is making lithium-metal batteries, which it says will be twice as energy dense as standard lithium-ion, and could therefore help electric vehicles become cheaper and more efficient. Because Cuberg’s tech is largely compatible with existing lithium-ion manufacturing processes, it has the potential to scale quickly. And if it does, we could see lithium metal batteries powering small planes and electric vehicles within the decade.
142 Tesla Megapacks power on to create giant new battery, replacing gas plant in California
The community was about to get a polluting gas power plant near the beach, and instead, they now have one of the largest energy storage sites in US, and it was deployed in just nine months.
Fossil fuel companies lied for decades about climate change, and humanity is paying the price. Shouldn’t those lies be central to the public narrative?
Internal records showed that by the late 1970s, Exxon’s own scientists were briefing its top executives that manmade global warming was real, potentially catastrophic and caused mainly by burning fossil fuels. Climate activists seized on the revelations, launching the hashtag #ExxonKnew.

Further investigations found that Chevron, Shell, BP and other oil giants likewise knew that their products threatened to render the Earth’s climate uninhabitable. In short, it wasn’t just that Exxon knew. They all knew.

And they all chose to lie about it.

Here is where oil companies are headed, they have experience, technology, money and political power.
This Overlooked Energy Source Could Supply 50% Of Electricity

Miles below the Earth’s surface, there’s enough thermal energy to power all of humanity for the foreseeable future. It’s called geothermal energy, and it’s poised to play an increasingly large role as a source of always available, renewable power. Now, there are a number of startups in the geothermal space, working to figure out how to access this heat in difficult to reach geographies, at a price point that makes sense. And it’s even gotten the attention of oil and gas industry giants, who are interested in greening their portfolios while sticking to their core competencies - extracting energy resources from deep within the Earth.
Here is where oil companies are headed, they have experience, technology, money and political power.
This Overlooked Energy Source Could Supply 50% Of Electricity

Miles below the Earth’s surface, there’s enough thermal energy to power all of humanity for the foreseeable future. It’s called geothermal energy, and it’s poised to play an increasingly large role as a source of always available, renewable power. Now, there are a number of startups in the geothermal space, working to figure out how to access this heat in difficult to reach geographies, at a price point that makes sense. And it’s even gotten the attention of oil and gas industry giants, who are interested in greening their portfolios while sticking to their core competencies - extracting energy resources from deep within the Earth.
Leasing of loop fields for new housing developments is starting to attract attention here as well. Makes for a low cost energy source for homeowners that can’t afford the extra 20,000-30,000 grand for their own loop field.
Elon Musk has confirmed that the Tesla Cybertruck will be equipped 4-wheel directional steering
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Maybe he could work on some mirrors first. SorryJJ, but that's the stupidest looking "truck" I've ever seen.
I don't know who the Aussie is, but he's a fucking moron. Tesla is going to put America's automakers out of business in the next ten years? Combined, they'll sell over 16 million vehicles this year, just in the US. Tesla just had its first quarter with 200k cars shipped. Thats 66k cars a month.

Aussie dude must have Tesla tattooed on his doink
I don't know who the Aussie is, but he's a fucking moron. Tesla is going to put America's automakers out of business in the next ten years? Combined, they'll sell over 16 million vehicles this year, just in the US. Tesla just had its first quarter with 200k cars shipped. Thats 66k cars a month.

Aussie dude must have Tesla tattooed on his doink
Sandy Munro is Canadian/American auto manufacturing engineer & has been a consultant to the US auto industry for decades. Auto manufactures pay close attention to his reports and have made many engineering changes due to his work. He has made a career out of dissecting auto engineering. His work is considered AAA
I know who Sandy is, been watching him on Jalopnik for years.
Its the Aussie "host" who breaks in with commentary over Sandy every 5 minutes that pisses me off
GM: We’ll Sell 1 Million EVs by 2025
The company now expects to sell more than 1 million all-electric vehicles by 2025, Barra said. It so far has launched only two: the Chevrolet Bolt EV and the Bolt EUV.
Tesla is producing almost 1 million cars a year right now & they have 2 new Gigafactories due to come online this year. By 2025 Tesla will be manufacturing 1 million cars a quarter. It all comes down to battery tech where Tesla has an ever expanding lead. I believe as these legacy auto manufactures lose market share and begin to close factories, Tesla will swoop in and resurrect them much like the NUMMI factory in Fremont...
Tesla should be worried. When GM and Volkswagen et. al. come fully on line, economies of scale will come into play. Im betting Tesla is bought in the next ten years to be the brand of a corporate conglomerate. Musk has had his ten years of free play, and never really took advantage of it. $50,000 for the lowest range model 3? lol