Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
just get a stable strain and get rid of the hermie genertics, spend money on good food media and such not products to prevent this....
I like to get f1 strains so Reverse is very helpful to me i think they got other products like it and im willing to spend the 20-40 extra in cash to stabilize my females


Well-Known Member
just get a stable strain and get rid of the hermie genertics, spend money on good food media and such not products to prevent this....
eh, I understand what you mean, that's the most pragmatic way of looking at buying seeds, yet I already have the plant, and a half dozen clones from her, so might as well.

yeah the funny thing that when i was shopping online for it that's the bottles i kept seeing then when i went to the hydro store they sold me a red bottle with a black top and blue labeling, thats the one i currently have is the red bottle
I see, kind of weird but whatever. I'd assume it's basically the same, I might just go with the cheapest route. Do you use it with your lights on?


Well-Known Member
i try and do it with the lights off cuz i dont have the saturator and i want the application to stay on as long as possible, another funny thing is that a have to shop for another one because all my shit is in a different country and im bout to start this growing soon


Well-Known Member
i just read the description for the gold bottle they say an application of reverse is 500ml, WTF!

In a 1L bottle thats only enough for 2 applications i will never get that gold bottle


Well-Known Member
haha yeah the instructions they have on the website are weird, it says that as a guideline for "the average sized garden", I figure I'd just use about an oz at a time, I mean if there's no dilution then it shouldn't matter how much you apply as long as you apply enough.


Well-Known Member
u see i run perpetual systems so this might be an expensive bill, if i cant find the diluted version then i have to look at a different product...

well to think about i think the bottle i was using was no dilution needed but it seemed to work with just a cap full of the application then just add water


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can see where something like that can get expensive, do you know of any other products that do the same? I'm sure there has to be one for the typical veggie/fruit gardener.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I can see where something like that can get expensive, do you know of any other products that do the same? I'm sure there has to be one for the typical veggie/fruit gardener.
i don't see no similar products it say not to dilute but ive been doing it with mine and don't see seeds at all