Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
I am trying to post my new pictures and I can not find out how to.. Can any body help me?
man im getting to point were i dont even think you ever done all these B.S. post,nothing has changed about postin pic.GZZ like whats ORGANIC,CMON MAN!!and you say 3 parts huh amount would be better.I do think your a legend in your own MIND Tho.And do your Banned dont belive what you say,have ppl do this and not get banned come FNN clean and tell the truth.Wish FDD was still around think im FLAMIN you you be on fire when he got thru :peace: im out starting new TX Tread.Your nothing but troll seeking attention and dont pm me anymore,Want nothing to do with you.BEECH, Mods ban this KID.


Well-Known Member
Thats cool no problem:) I am no legend but I did post this sooooo..

Well Rollitup.org A bunch of people have said this should be posted as a sticky..

It's up to you guys..

We are asking for a coco sub forum...

maybe a coco contest.. maybe a couple free shirts, or a couple of months of a elite for free to the winner..

But this is my thread

and if you didn't like the first song here is another..


A BIG THANKS to Nandro and Texas Kid for helping me compile all this wonderful information and pics to help everyone understand Coco and it's benefits just a little bit better.


Background on Coco

The recent shift to Coco as a medium for growers has caused many to turn and take a look. Since Coco can be used in virtually any style of growing (ie. Container Growing, Ebb and Flow, DWC and even Aeroponics) and wide spread reports of increased growth rates as a result of it's use, it certainly merits a closer look.

Coco and it's various grades are manufactured from the shells and husks of the Coconut. While Coco is made in several parts of the world, Sri Lanka is by far and away the world leader in Coco production. For obvious reasons, it is cheaper to produce the Coco in Sri Lanka as labor is cheap and Coconuts are quite abundant as Coconut export is one of Sri Lanka's top export products.

Coco products have many uses other than it's Horticultural applications. As an example, Coco husks (the larger pieces) are used to mix in with unstable earth to help anchor it and allow water to easily pass through thereby controlling erosion in mountainous areas of the world. Coco is also used to filter drinking water in some parts of the world that can't afford the high cost of water treatment plants.

Coco in Gardening

In indoor gardening, Coco and it's various grades offer indoor growers (Newbies and Seasoned Growers alike) a super forgiving medium that practically insures that over-watering and "dampening off" never occur. In Hydro, Coco allows the gardener to cycle/flood less frequently as the Coco itself, unlike Hydroton, will retain the perfect amount of moisture to keep the plants happy between floods. Depending on the grade of Coco used, if you're flooding four or five times per light cycle, you can easily cut down to two to three floods during "lights on" and NONE during the dark period. Less floodings = less nutrients used = big savings on nutrients!

Being a totally inert (no food value) substrate, supplemental feedings through a good, well rounded nutrient regime are essential. However, this is the beauty of Coco as since it is inert, you can more accurately control EXACTLY how much food your plants are receiving. Also, by just looking at your plants, you'll be able to see if they are wanting more food or less and you can very precisely contol the feedings by monitoring the PPM or EC of your feedings. Coco allows the grower to have a "gas pedal" and a "brake" for the plant growth. Through trial and experimentation, you will quickly find that precise level that your plants perform best at and learn to keep it there for pronounced growth!

Something should also be said about the "symbiotic" relationship that Coco enjoys with plants. When doing a side by side comparion with plants grown in Coco versus the same plants grown in Soil (or Coco vs Hydroton in Hydro), it becomes apparently very quickly to the grower that the rate of growth is EXPLOSIVE in Coco! It's not at all unusual to see the same cuttings in Coco be twice the size of cuttings in soil. The plants have an overall healthier, happier look to them and the hybrid vigour of a given strain is accentuated when in Coco. The tastes and aromas of buds grown in Coco are extremely difficult to tell from herb grown in a totally organic soil and are ALWAYS more flavorful and aromatic in Hydro when compared to Hydroton grown bud. The plants just seem to give their best in Coco and with less hassle than either soil or Hydrton.

When it comes to the problems of seriously vasilating pH in Hydro when Hydroton is used, you can kiss those problems goodbye when you convert to Coco as your medium. Once thoroughly flushed and buffered with pH'd water, Coco will prove to be rock solid when it comes to staying in the proper pH range. This reason alone makes Coco worth converting to in Hydroponics, IMHO.

Aside from training your brain to pH at hydroponic levels, Coco growers must adapt to a "Water to Waste" approach to watering/feeding when container growing. This means to continue watering well after runoff water comes out of the bottom. This is because Coco retains just enough moisture to sustain the plant but, like Hydroponics, it requires a good long drink to keep the plants happy. This also acts as an effective "flushing" method to keep salts (nutrients) from building up in the medium. Although you need to feed much more frequently than a pre-ferted soil mix, it is still recommended that you do a periodic plain pH'd watering to assist in ridding any built up salts in the medium. For this reason, Watering to Waste requires some sort of "catch" system to capture the run off water out of your pots when container garden. An Ebb n Flow tray works well or you can fabricate your own catch try to place under your pots. If elevated, this catch tray can have a drain in one corner or at the center to allow the run off to drip into a Rubbermaid container below the catch tray.

Coco and it's various grades

There is much confusion and misunderstanding regarding Coco. You will find that virtually all Coco is referred to as "Coco Coir". When, in fact, Coir is but just one of the different GRADES of Coco available. Coco is manufactured into three major catagories, or grades. Essentially, these grades are a catagorization of the "coarseness" of the various grades of Coco. They are as follows in order from the finest to the most coarse:

  • PYTH - This is the finest grade of Coco. Pyth is harvested from the softer tissue just inside the shell or husk that is pulverized into a fine particulate. It resembles light brown, dried coffee gounds. The finer particles provide a solid substrate for the plant's root system but lack in the rapid drainage of it's more coarse forms. Using just Pyth solely as your medium is NOT recommend because of it's tendency to retain so much moisture but can be blended with other grades to add some body to the blend. Some manufacturers like Earth Juice and to some degree Botanicare use a fair amount of Pyth in what they call Coco Coir. Again, this grade is not Coir but we'll get to the next!
  • COIR/FIBER - Coir is a longer fiber harvest from the outer layers of the shell or husk and is often chopped into shorter fragments. The fabled "Profit Disks" were made from this portion of the Coconut. While Coir still holds a good amount of moisture after watering or flooding, it's drainage is significantly better than Pyth. Coir can also be found in very long strands often referred to as "Coco Fiber" and is commonly found in nurseries and craft stores. The longest strands make a good liner for the bottom of pots which you can fill on top of with finer cut Coir or Croutons for an excellent medium.
  • HUSKS (aka "Croutons") - The coarsest grade of Coco are the Husks which have also been referred to as "Croutons". Several growers here at the Bay can tell you of their success with Croutons. Made by fragmenting the shells or husks of the Coconut, Croutons are made up of chunks of shell and represent the fastest draining form of Coco available. Croutons are HIGHLY recommended for use in Ebb and Flow as well as DWC systems because they are absent of the finer particles that would tend to clog spray nozzles or pump motors. Croutons drain as well as Hydroton but do retain a perfect amount of moisture between floodings as compared to Hydroton. General Hydroponics recently discontinued their Coco Croutons and they have not been available. Until now, that is. More on that in a moment.

The following pic illustrates the various grades of Coco. However, Pyth is not shown.

Which Coco is best for me?

Deciding on which grade of Coco or which brand can be quite confusing. For many, this is a trial and error excercise until they find the best grade for their grows. However, some generalizations can surely be made.

For Container Style growing, either Coco Coir or a blend of the various grades would suite you quite well. In containers, a nice blend of longer fiber Coir with a small amount of Pyth blended in would give your roots good aeration and they Pyth would help to retain a bit more moisture so that watering every two to four days would be appropriate.

While Coco Coir with Pyth in it MUST BE pre-washed, we recommend that ALL COCO PRODUCTS BE THOROUGHLY FLUSHED with pH'd water to rid any impurities from the blend.

*It's also VERY IMPORTANT to remember that when growing in Coco, you MUST pH at Hydroponic levels in the 5.5-6.0 range. pH ranges higher than this will result in plant deficiencies and nutrient lockout!

For Hydroponic and Aeroponic growers, Husks or Croutons are the way to go for sure. Nandro says that Husks/Croutons are "God's gift to our gardens!". Again, being absent of the finer particulates (after a good pre-rinsing, of course), they are the PERFECT medium for recirculating systems. As Husks are available in a couple of different sizes, you can experiment to see which size works best for you. In either case, both sizes retain enough moisture that you can reduce your amount of flood cycles and save on nutrients! Roots just explode in growth due to the amount of oxygen available in a Crouton medium and they grow easily through the net pot. The growth rate will astound the most seasoned of growers!

In the end, it's a matter of grow style. If you container grow, a finer mix will do you fine just as long as it's still light, airy and pourous. In Hydro, the larger chunks of the Husks/Croutons will get the job done and give you better tasting, better smelling harvests than Hydroton ever has for you. Try it once and you'll never go back.

Sounds great, Rell, but how and where do I get all these grades?

Well, I'm glad you asked since I haven't had a good answer for you until just this week. As it turns out, Nandro, Texas Kid and I found a producer of these various grades of Coco right here in the North Texas area. A company called RioCoco imports the various grades from Sri Lanka and then pre-washes and packages primarily for the commercial agricultural and civil industries around the world. Up until now, this product has not been available in hydroponic supplies but, THANK GOD, we've been able to put RioCoco in touch with Water Baby's Indoor Garden Supply and they now will be the exclusive hydroponic supplier for their fine products! Take a look at all they have to offer.

RioCoco Green Starters

Green Starters are a compressed block of a perfect blend of Coir, Fibers and Husks called their S1 grade and when broken up will contain a small amount of Pyth. The block measures 7"x10"x2.5" and makes for a great shipping size. The wrapper can be opened up and used like a grow bag or use it to fill your containers. Just add your pH'd water to expand and break up the block. It recommends adding 500 mils to start but we found that about 1.5 liters was just about right. Nandro says, "Green Starter Coco Blocks are a great way for container growers wanting to experience the Coco craze".

Here's a shot of a fresh moistened block.

And a shot after it has drained and been broken up a bit. We popped a few holes in the bottom of it to let the water drain through properly.

The S1 Custom Blend Coco contained in the block is their premium mix of Coco and is suitable for Container Style growing but can be used in hydro if you utilize a mesh bag for your reservoir pump or Coco liners in your net pots. This S1 Custom Blend is an absolutely gorgeous mix as you can see above and could still be used in recirculating systems if pre-flushed well to rid the mix of small particulates.

RioCoco Chip Blocks - S2, S3 and Croutons

RioCoco has also packaged into pressed blocks their finest grades of Husks/Croutons. Again, these are the large chunks of husk or shell that are best suited for recirculating Hydroponic Systems. The Chip Blocks are available in three grades: S2 which are medium sized chips, S3 which are slightly larger and Croutons which are the largest size. Premium Coco Husks like these are highly recommended fro growers using hydroponic systems like DWC, Drip, Ebb n Flow, Aeroponics and any other recirculating systems. The S2 and S3 Husks also make an attractive bedding cover (like Mulch) for your outdoor flower beds!

S2 Chip Block

S3 Chip Block

Sitting side by side you can see the one block has bigger chips than the other.

These Chip Blocks weigh between 9-10 pounds and should produce between 50-70 liters of expanded product. This is comparable to the pressed blocks of Coco offered by Botanicare and Earth Juice but the quality of the finished product is FAR superior.

There wasn't a block to show you of the Croutons but here is a sample bag we received from RioCoco and you can see how much bigger they are. These Croutons are available as RioCoco's Green 'n Grow Premium Coco in 1 cu. ft. bags. More in a moment.

Here again is the pic of the various grades and you can see the comparison of size of the S2, S3 and the Green 'n Grow Premium Coir Croutons better side by side.

E-Coir Coco Fiber

RioCoco also offers the longest strands of Coco known as Fiber in plastic bags. E-Coir can be used to grow in exclusively but, in it's longest form, it makes a great liner for your pots and the S1 Custom Blend, Husks or Croutons can be added on top for a superior draining mix. The Fibers can also be cut into short pieces and mixed in with your choice of Husks and/or Croutons to make the perfect custom blend for you. E-Coir is an excellent and versatile Coco product.

man im getting to point were i dont even think you ever done all these B.S. post,nothing has changed about postin pic.GZZ like whats ORGANIC,CMON MAN!!and you say 3 parts huh amount would be better.I do think your a legend in your own MIND Tho.And do your Banned dont belive what you say,have ppl do this and not get banned come FNN clean and tell the truth.Wish FDD was still around think im FLAMIN you you be on fire when he got thru :peace: im out starting new TX Tread.Your nothing but troll seeking attention and dont pm me anymore,Want nothing to do with you.BEECH, Mods ban this KID.


Well-Known Member
So before you go firing off at me understand there is a reason I am who I am....

Texaskid, Lonestar, Cemchris, lilmisslonestar, TRC and many more made me, me..

Breedbay, THCfarmer and the texas under ground aka TXU... Thats why Im at the Texas Dixie Cup and your not....

PS.... yeah the forum has changed dramatically since 09 thats why you have 1,738 post and three dots..

I hope girl you can forgive me....

I started this thread outta love not hate... Your words "Im not looking for Drama"..

This is only one forum.....

If I am so fake look up my user names.. TexasPipeLineTrash at Breedbay, or ODanksta at THCFarmer, And ODanksta at DMT-Nexus.. or the3rd3y3 at drug-forum... if your so set on only this forum and only that you are quite bias.. Open your mind and possibilities....

Yeah me and FDD2BLK were at one time friends... He hated on me.. I looked up to as a father.. so there is the truth..

I have a beautiful garden being posted on the "OTHER FORUMS"

Just maybe.... You should watch out for your safety.. I hate worms.. parasitic lil fuckers.. The last time I posted when the "WORM" was active just a couple days ago.. I saw a advertisement "meet local girls in "$&#%^#^" just happensto be my area, that worm knows where you are...Your IP has been ripped..

So knock yourself out girl :)

I will grow on


Yeah that's whats up TRC....... With respect ..... No one else can post that pic without being a fake...

man im getting to point were i dont even think you ever done all these B.S. post,nothing has changed about postin pic.GZZ like whats ORGANIC,CMON MAN!!and you say 3 parts huh amount would be better.I do think your a legend in your own MIND Tho.And do your Banned dont belive what you say,have ppl do this and not get banned come FNN clean and tell the truth.Wish FDD was still around think im FLAMIN you you be on fire when he got thru :peace: im out starting new TX Tread.Your nothing but troll seeking attention and dont pm me anymore,Want nothing to do with you.BEECH, Mods ban this KID.


Well-Known Member
IM a full grow Man.I fly under radar i dont need or want the little accolades and All the Attention you SEEM to NEED,hope you get some friends and wish you the best in life i really Do JOHN,Whats organic qoute from you,Face Palm.Good luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
Yeah me FDD2BLK were at one time friends... He hated on me.. I looked up to as a father.. so there is,Understanable.I have no desire to tell you where all im a member,as im happy with the ones im on,just keep on pattin your self my friend,no need to reply KID as i too hate Drama!!


Well-Known Member
Some of ya'll may have seen these pics floating around the internet from other forums that were posted in the past..

Before anyone starts to flame 3y3 understand that 3y3 and masterofgenetics are the same entity "Do not know if that is allowed to say on here, sorry if its not"

Not use to the whole swim thing, honestly when 3y3 first came on this site, 3y3 thought swim was a user name.. Lol

Everybody was like swim this, swim that.. 3y3 thought swim was a serious badass....

Well let this guy explain some of history.. 3y3 has been a grower for about 10 years now. 3y3 is extremely well connected in the field, with a ton of respect for being the guy who is not trying to fuck everyone over. 3y3 takes growing very professionally.. And 3y3 now works but only grew for 6 years for income and lived quite nicely.. 3y3 had the girls and friends... At least 3y3 believe it to be that way..

So with that being said 3y3 must state growing can be extremely rewarding but also can have horrible consequences because marijuana is illegal in most of the world.

First and foremost the most important thing you need to know is under NO circumstance ever tell anyone what you are doing or it could cost you your life! Girlfriends should NEVER EVER know! 3y3 use to bang all his girls on his bench that was in the grow room..

The only reason 3y3 is not growing is because of a bad break up that happen over a year ago 3y3 owns a house that 3y3 is scared shitless to even visit. 3y3 had to rent it out to some friends.. A large 5 bedroom two living room house that is in the country. The perfect grow house. 3y3 had used 3 bed rooms and a whole living room. But 3y3 had a bad break up and the cunt ratted out 3y3.. So lesson learn. 3y3 moved into the city and staying with some friends and work the typical 8 to 5 job completely fucking broke everyday. So if you want to lose everything then tell girlfriends and friends it will only be a matter of time..

The second rule is do not dump huge amounts of high grade pot in a small town.. 3y3 had to learn this the hard way.. When 3y3 first moved to this town 3y3 knew no one. 3y3 grew and grew stock piling for all most a year with no customers.. 3y3 might a bad ass girl in town that smoke pot and grew up there. Boom it wasn't even a month later and 3y3's stash depleted to nothing. like 10 lbs to grams.. Well the money was right so 3y3 acted a fool. Threw some huge rims on the truck, and tossed in a huge system 4 12's and 4 10's and screens.. Needless to say 3y3 never had money like this and bought the stuff he could never afford.. 3y3 had no job hardly left his house but had all these toys.. Cause huge amounts of attention to himself.. And the cops started to notice.. 3y3 had bought 2 large Doberman's to guard his fort. At 3y3's house every friday would be cars lined up the street in the drive way and in the yard in the country off a highway not a suburban house with close net neighbors... 3y3 had the 3 acres and 3y3 had cars lined up and down the street off the highway!! People knew 3y3 that 3y3 had never met before 3y3 had become the talk of town.. 3y3 had cops watching the house but he would like to think he out smarted them. 3y3 had spotters watching the street on busy days to inform of the cops.. Also 3y3 had friends that worked with local police department so 3y3 knew all the undercovers and the top dog drug enforcement guy which 3y3 believed was hired to get rid of 3y3.. All got fucked up because of that girlfriend. Not the first one mentioned but the evil cunt.

Well to end that story 3y3 had got a random phone call all they said "he knows" then hung up. He is the top dog DE officer.. So it was earlier this year around march, and 3y3 already had a outdoor garden started in the woods.. So 3y3 had to move close to 40 plants from inside to outside the shittier part of this 3y3 had most of the plants in 18 gallon containers with two inchs of lava rock in the bottom and pebbles on top. And 3y3 lets them grow quite tall for most indoor gardeners sometime 3y3 will grow 8 foot beast inside.. 3y3 am talking one plant per 4'x4' table with two 1000's on top and 400's on the sides.. try to move that shit..

3y3 had to get out all those plants late at night to the woods took days to do.. 3y3 had a buddy that was a owner of a local nursery, 3y3 told my friend what happen and he let me borrow truck loads of plants.. 3y3 loaded all these in my grow rooms and called that DE officer over to my house.. Scariest shit 3y3 have done.. But it was get caught by raid or call the officer to tour 3y3's newly legal garden.. And he did, he knew 3y3 was full of shit considering 5 bedrooms and only one bed.. lol.. straight stash house.. But he couldn't do a damn thing to me.. Then I moved..

And now this is where 3y3 stand as of today.. A result of 3y3's fuck ups.. 3y3 now has a large amount of wisdom and understanding and the up most respect for this business..

Well lets start with 3y3's equipment

2 4'x4' ebb n flow tables
8 pot hydrofarm from GH
10 DWC buckets
A army of pots buckets and barrels

enough nutes to start a indoor gardening shop "a GH user" but many more than just GH

4 400 watt MH
1 600 watt HPS
3 1000 watt HPS
All in 8" air cooled hoods
Light movers
two 750 cfm inline fans
and a RO system

Strains: Goddamn 3y3 listing this shit


Jack Herer

Green Crack

Comrade x Blue Apollo 11

Top 44 x skunk#1

Skunk#1 x Haze

Tx misha

Chocolate Thia male pollen

Shoreline x Herijuana

Plus many many more..

well here we go lets see if my pictures upload..

Enough said lets get down and dirty....

Turn on the slow music, and grab a chair...

Purple nads on my CxBA

The hot, hungry, little sluts waiting for a cream pie...Hehe

You don't have to wear a condom for these girls..

The3rd3y3 added 6 Minutes and 35 Seconds later...

Honey oil


7footer Skunk#1 x Haze

The Warehouse

New moms Killer Queen ( Lonestar's cut "TRC" )
And G-13 x Haze

Jack Herer mom

My ShoreLine x Herijuana males to pollinate my Jack Herer and Top 44 x skunk#1 females..



Well-Known Member

Soil mix.. 1/3 Coco, 1/3 vermiculite, 1/3 perlite and little bit of humus..

Veg... at 2 weeks of solid growth

Nutes.. Per gallon

Humbolt's Own

Master's A and B... 4 ml each

Verde... 4 ml

Myco Madness... 4 ml

Magi-Cal (technaflora's) 2 ml

Pro-teck silica 2 ml

Hygrozyme 5 ml

Ph... 6.2 to 6.5 in coco 5.8 hydro

at 640 ppm

Ro h2o at 25 ppm

Flower nutes... at 10 weeks

hygronzme 5ml

Tigerbloom 7ml

problend flower 14ml

ph... 6.2 coco mix drain to waste (run off)

ppm... 980


Jack Herer

Jack Herer x (C x B x A)

(C x B x A) F2's

Top 44 x skunk#1

Skunk#1 x Haze... F2's or more

Shoreline x Herijuana

Shoreline x Herijuana x (Top 44 x skunk#1)

Shoreline x Herijuana x Jack Herer

Green Crack


Chocolate Thai ..... probably one of the worlds best strains!!

Chocolate Trip... (Chocolate Thai) x (blueBerry)

hold it down.....Tex

Left to right
Killer queen (g-13 x c-99), Jack Herer and G-13 haze. Moms

Jack Herer x Comrade x Blue Apollo the freebie seeds I gave out to ya'll

Shoreline x Herijuana revegged to find a Mom

A new trick I just learned.. Roots grow down right? add 3 gallons to already 18 gallon container. Also air prunes the roots..

Couple of hundreds of dollars in Nutes!!

First round of clones to be grown outside

The seeded Jack Herer pollinated from Shoreline x Herijuana males over 80 days in..

50% honey oil + 50% keif = 1 hella of a party

(notice the purple kief)

1400 watts, 8000 BTU AC, outside temp 75, inside temp 65

Seeds!!! Jack Herer x Shoreline x Herijuana..looking for the Shoreline pheno

Top 44 x Skunk#1 x Shoreline x Herijuana

Stay high.....

2nd week of flower for some others just went into flower yesterday..

My G-13 x Haze

Yep thats one plant

My home bred Jack Herer x Comrade x Blueberry x Apollo

Home bred seeds

every thing else is mix of all the strains outside..

Here is the beauty respect Mother Earth because is our God

The3rd3y3 added 4 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

he elders Jack Herer x Comrade x Blueberry x Apollo 11

Chocolate Thia

Killer Queen (G-13 x C99 )

Indica Pheno JH x C x BB x A11

The giants

The 3 week clones planted at perfect time end of may for texas

3 week old pics of my indoor

G-13 haze

Killer queen

room shot

This is the Jack Herer x Comrade x Blueberry x Apollo.... Indica pheno

A huge Killer Queen (G-13 x C99) bud 4 weeks into flower

Jack Herer x Comrade x Blueberry x Apollo... Sativa Pheno

Room shot all the plants in the white buckets are the Jack crosses

Another room shot...... Sorry for the blinding light

Fresh set of 30 clones... Chocolate Thia, Chocolate Trip, Shoreline x Herijuana, Aff goey, and G-13 x haze

Jack Cross super sativa pheno... Outdoor strain it should have been in a 30+ gallon pot.. But I like the stupid super sativas

More Killer Queen nugs...4 weeks..... This plant is fucking huge..

Yeah my favorite bud

Room shot lights off

Killer Queen (G-13 x C99)

G-13 Haze

Alright I have to say this strain is DOPE! I received this cut from a friend. At first It was not my favorite. It was kinda slow getting started.. Killer Queen is a cross between (G-13 x C-99).. The cut I have is Lone Star's of Texas Resin Company.. I grew it in a 18 gallon container of a coco/perlite/vermi.. Vegged it for 45 days.. And cut it at 55 to 60 days into flower."I lost count of the days" but it a 55 to 60 dayer..

Here is the porn...



Well-Known Member


JHxCxBA pheno # 2

Comrade x Blue Apollo back cross 1

G-13 Haze

All the small plants at the front are younger clones from Killer queen (G-13 x C-99) Lone stars cut and G-13 haze

older JHxCxBA mixed pheno's

Plant in middle is Chocolate Thia pheno # 1 (huge yielder)

JHxCxBA... Indica pheno

The chicken wire fence is 4 feet tall to help keep out rabbits and deer and you can tell how tall the plants are compared to the fence some are almost 7 feet tall

All were cuts. The strains and flower times

Amnesia haze pheno #1 90+ days

Amnesia haze pheno #2 90+ days

Sour tia 100+ days

Sour mist(cali x sour deseil) 90 to 110+ days

Mendo purps 70+ days

Green crack 45+ days

Bubba 72 days

Toe jam 65 days

Choc trip 70 to 80 days

Cheese 60 to 65 days

Cat Piss 45+ days

Bubblegum 70+ days

Train wreck ( MY big plant) its a reveg 55+ days

SmashBerry From seed Idk? this will be my male plant
Fucking respect, I am not the best but I earn what I am


Well-Known Member
Thank you looks beautiful. I need to learn to post on youtube

I wish we could have a cannabis cup like the do out west! I mean like out in the open :)

This is what I'm workin' now... it's gonna be glorious in 3 months.



Well-Known Member
OK John we be cool.And 1 more time dont send me pms saying im a girl.SOMEBEECH is from a song,Miranda Lamberts husban cant get name in head of who is rt now but she grew up down the road from me.RIU you ppl need to google FDD2blk to see how safe this site is,might be surpised.


Well-Known Member
FDD2BLK made this forum... I still to this day have the upmost respect for him.. FADEDTOBLACK was a God to RIU.. there is no doubt about that.. Somebeech I am not your enemy girl I dont know you but I love you......

OK John we be cool.And 1 more time dont send me pms saying im a girl.SOMEBEECH is from a song,Miranda Lamberts husban cant get name in head of who is rt now but she grew up down the road from me.RIU you ppl need to google FDD2blk to see how safe this site is,might be surpised.


Well-Known Member
if 6ft3 girl man you need help,i am a guy you said you drunk but Damn dude i can read when i used to drink!!!!!Sober up.FDD is in big trouble not gonna say not my place.


Well-Known Member
I will most likely be banned again in a couple of days.. But for the TexasGrowersUnite friends.. I am grateful that ya'll have made this a wonderful thread.. If I am not here tomorrow I know ya'll will be.. Thanks on the behalf of TRC family.. We are still strong.. Sharon, Karen , and the Texas Hammer will live on through my blood..

We Will Over Grow The Government... Support Growtech364 give him REP every time.. Every time he post, like his post.. A friend indeed... Growtech364 for President!!! Or at least head MOD.. I love you bro.....