Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
yea that sucks bad. thats my store, or at least were i buy my supplys, and some ass hole fucked it up.


Well-Known Member
there is man. its called coolhouse and i got a terrible feeling in that place. i think they're cops. dude says shit like sea of green and other stuff that shouldn't be talked about in there.


Well-Known Member
there is man. its called coolhouse and i got a terrible feeling in that place. i think they're cops. dude says shit like sea of green and other stuff that shouldn't be talked about in there.
Maybe the guy was trying to give a subtle hint that it might not be cool to talk openly about growing weed in his place of business. I am sure that stores that sell hydro stuff are probably watched by local authorities. They have to cover their asses to stay in business. It's just like a head shop. They cant say they are selling DOPE smoking accessories, they have to call them tobacco accessories. Remember, this isn't California. We live in the state that was backward enough to elect Bush as governor.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Prob some prohibitionist assholes trying to ruin everybody's fun. Or maybe it was a training exercise for the local Hutaree chapter. Either way, it's pretty pathetic that the cops couldn't protect the place or deter this from happening...especially when the same guys did the same thing unsuccessfully just 2 weeks prior. I'm sure they'll never catch them.

All I can say is that either the other shop in town is going to get a LOT more business now (which is a little suspicious I guess), or they'd better watch their back cause they're prob next.


Well-Known Member
Maybe the guy was trying to give a subtle hint that it might not be cool to talk openly about growing weed in his place of business. I am sure that stores that sell hydro stuff are probably watched by local authorities. They have to cover their asses to stay in business. It's just like a head shop. They cant say they are selling DOPE smoking accessories, they have to call them tobacco accessories. Remember, this isn't California. We live in the state that was backward enough to elect Bush as governor.

as soon as he made a weed reference i bounced. i'm not gonna go into a store where the owner talks about growing pot. thats sketchy to me. i dont see how he's protecting his own ass by saying aeroflo's are good for a sea of green. thats cutting his own throat in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Prob some prohibitionist assholes trying to ruin everybody's fun. Or maybe it was a training exercise for the local Hutaree chapter. Either way, it's pretty pathetic that the cops couldn't protect the place or deter this from happening...especially when the same guys did the same thing unsuccessfully just 2 weeks prior. I'm sure they'll never catch them.

All I can say is that either the other shop in town is going to get a LOT more business now (which is a little suspicious I guess), or they'd better watch their back cause they're prob next.
for sure man. cops should have been on high alert for those pricks to show back up. expo was expensive but at least i felt safe in there.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm just a fellow Texan checking in. Complete newbie grower, but with a few tips from our local widow maker I am well on my way.


Well-Known Member
soo not dry in houston; friend just picked up some pretty good bud; it has names but i don't like corresponding street names to actual strain names (actual friend but also a dealer; i've never bought from him but smoked almost everything haha).

Decided tonight to start germinating the Texas Twister seeds; all six went into distilled water. Gave that one female I was planning on using as a mother to my friend who is flowering his right now so we'll see how that one turns out over there.

I was only able to get one Texas Twister to germ. He/she is about a month old and only about 4 inches tall.


New Member
I wanna open a complete nursery and hire little old white gardening ladies to work there(they would be obvlivious to the fact that everything pertains to growing). Kinda like garden ridge but only cannabis specific items (not the ones that literally say for cannabis though), and instead of those little random fucking flowers I'd just have smell detterring(sp) plants and shading plants (to hide if daring to grow in backyard :D) With this plan no one would have to worry because they would just walk in grab some shit and leave. If some dumbass starts asking specific questions the workers wouldn't know wtf they're talking about haha.

(parenthesis info came later)eh?


Well-Known Member

as soon as he made a weed reference i bounced. i'm not gonna go into a store where the owner talks about growing pot. thats sketchy to me. i dont see how he's protecting his own ass by saying aeroflo's are good for a sea of green. thats cutting his own throat in my opinion.
I misunderstood, I didn't realize it was HIM that made the reference. I would have got the hell out of there too!!


Well-Known Member
Met a dude called himself "Mantis" working there.. been in a few times, I know I sure recognize them. Still haven't had them swing a deal my way, but it's the same story for TX Hydro also in Austin.

troy has given and offered deals to me...could be that it is always cash...but i would think that would be the norm. Oh yeah, someone said they didn't trust a shop that mentioned sea of green, that is NOT only a weed term. still if you get the "vibe" get the fuck out :blsmoke: