Man, I had a serious scare yesterday that I thought my fellow Texans would appreciate. I work from home, so I'm always here. Yesterday, I'm working on the computer in my office when I hear my doorbell ring, followed by a loud knock. I was expecting my new Volcano vaporizer, so I went running out to the living room. As I'm running toward the door, though, I notice there's no big, FedEx truck in front of my house, like I expected. This made me hesitate and look closer before opening the door and, man, am I glad I did. I notice that there's a silver Crown Vic with tinted windows and a spotlight on the driver's side parked in front of my neighbor's house. I stealthily look through the peephole in my door and realize there's a police detective standing on my doorstep. I broke out into a cold sweat and didn't answer the door. The guy eventually got back in his car and took off. Needless to say, I was freaked out the rest of the day and watched to see if he returned, which he didn't.
Fast forward to today...I'm sitting in my chair in the living room, watching some t.v. before I get to work, when I notice the same Crown Vic drive past real slow. I'm like, here we go again. This time I'm ready for the guy, though. I quickly put all of the paraphernalia that normally sits out on my end table in the living room away and out of sight. The detective comes back and stops in front of my neighbor's house again. I watch as he gets out and goes and pounds on my neighbor's door. This action floods me with relief and confirms what I should do. After getting no answer again from the deadbeats next door, (the guy's chick was obviously home, but she didn't answer) the detective comes and bangs on my door again. This time, I opened up and played the good, law-abiding citizen for the guy. Turns out he's looking for my neighbor for a reason he didn't share with me. He asked me when the guy is around to which I answered that I had no idea, as I never talk to that guy. I did give him a description of the guy's pickup, but not much else. He seemed very happy with me and even shook my hand and told me to have a nice day. I don't want to see anyone get hassled by the popo, but I'm just soooo relieved that they weren't casing me.