Well-Known Member
Texas is a republic.
again, will you please show me where obama said that he's kenyan, in his own words?
we've been over that one, you're lying.
there is no non-racist perspective to calling obama a kenyan. plain and simple.
so in other words, you feel that blacks should endure denial of service, which is harmful, so that we don't inflame the racist hostilities of people like you.
got it. thanks for clarifying.
so basically you're proclaiming that racism is over since we have a black president, who you then call kenyan (he's hawaiian, but no matter). and to boot, no one even acts on bigotry anymore. it's not like cake shops and flower shops deny service to gays and keep their doors open just fine, even though they do.
got it. thanks for clarifying.
so are you gonna be a pussy and not name the "geographical regions" where they didn't evolve from the neck up?
and it totally wasn't about race, which is why you chose to bring it up in a discussion about race and intelligence?
you didn't clarify a thing.
if you honestly think people will read what you have written and conclude that you are not a racist, then you are deluded.
and about the "segregation by choice", did blacks just choose to segregate themselves to disproportionate inner city plight? was that their choice?
I got a raging Jon Boehner right nao.Thread giving me boehner.
no, that makes you a dumbass.
Holy shit, where to start..
Nah, you are not worth it. Is there anyone besides buck that don't get it?
Seriously though buck, I had say as to what went in my school bio. What makes you think the Kenyan didn't? What do you have against Kenyans?
I got a raging Jon Boehner right nao. you are saying that a white man who votes for a black man for president is a dumbass?
no, i'm saying anyone who votes for herman cain or ben carson is a dumbass, because they are idiots.
herman cain doesn't even know where libya is or that china has had nukes for decades.
ben carson compared insurance reform to the most vile institution we have ever had in this nation.
do you defend that? do you endorse that?
But wouldn't voting for those 2 make me a non-racist?
And bho didn't even know how many states comprised the USA, you are really reaching here with your rebuttal.
You're not circumcised, huh?And the most vile instituion we have ever had in this country is the DHHS ( aka the welfare train ).
And the most vile instituion we have ever had in this country is the DHHS ( aka the welfare train ).
You're not circumcised, huh?
Already told you little man. It's useless to explain because you will read it as what you think I meant instead of what I actually said.bucks typical misrepresentation
K. I'm done. For the record. I never bring moms into it. Ever. Just fucking don't.Ask your Mom pinhead.
hmmm, so assistance to needy families is worse than separating children from their families, selling them into lifelong servitude at the end of a whip, and treating humans as property?
thanks for confirming that you are indeed an idiot.
bucks typical misrepresentation
Already told you little man. It's useless to explain because you will read it as what you think I meant instead of what I actually said.
If any other person asks for clarity that's not in the buckpack I will gladly oblige. It's pointless with you because the next time I or anyone points out your lunacy it will be right back to RACIST!! It's all you know.