beans davis
Well-Known Member
Guarding the border is complete non sense, our government wants them here, George Bush let them flood the US to lower our standards and trash the American dollar. Illegal immigrants have more rights and stand a better chance than I do here in Texas. Not being racist, just telling it how it is.
Go here...we need all the help we can get my bro. The feds have issued a media black out...don't believe anything you here on the canned guv news about whats happenin down here...its 90% lies.
HOUSTON, Texas—Militia groups in Texas and across the nation are responding to the Texas Border Surge announced Wednesday night by the offices of the Governor, Lt. Governor and Texas House Speaker. An announcement was made on several new media outlets including Facebook.
The alert to the civilian militia groups, which includes many groups who showed up at the Clive Bundy ranch in Nevada, calls on all able bodied militia members to converge on the Laredo sector of the Texas/Mexico border. A man who identified himself on a national conference call as “Ruthless” said their objective it to “put up a man-fence” to prevent the illegal aliens from crossing the border in their area of control.
Following is the text of the actual alert which was published on and several other locations:
“***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love's #298 Love's Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia ***ACTION ALERT*** All Texas & National Militia Available Please Converge Immediately Status GO: Mission close down Laredo Crossing for starters ((All need to be closed)) Operation complete when border fence is in place and secure Name: Love's #298 Love's Travel Stop 28527 Interstate 35, Encinal, TX 78019 (956) 948-7044 Location: I 35 & Hwy 44, Encinal, TX Distance from Encino: 93.7 miles Contact numbers: for location and or pick up 580 889 1036 423 333 8872 Militia Conference Number 24/7 For info and assistance 559 726 1300 access 639939# It's time to bring down the thunder. Activating the Patriots willing to stand up for America GO GO GO. III% Kelli in Texas USA Let's share this like the brushfires of Liberty”
Another leader of the conference call said there are 500 militia troops currently deployed on the Arizona/Mexico border. She declined to specify where they are deployed. She also confirmed they have “boots on the ground” in the Laredo sector at this time.