TGA SUBCOOL realeasing prob the greatest strain in the world on attitude! PLUSHBERRY

So what's the point? You do or don't like greenhouse for consistent results? And if not then what co. has the most consistent results in anyone's opinion?

well who i choose is really an opinion thing, and I am not going to call out specific names, especially in a breeder's forum, its not respectful. But, dogging this guy cause he used a 10 count when nobody has a bigger one doesn't help either.

Subcool specifically says his breeding "allows" the grower the chance to gene hunt, which also says that they arent homogenized, you can't gene hunt the big house breeder 1/breeder 2 'bubblegum', they are all the same, whether you want that same is your oppinion. This is good or bad depending on what you want, an oppinion thing. So for my oppinion I don't have the time or money to gene hunt, so I choose seed companies that will provide me with what I need. It means I give up the chance to find the one off super plant that becomes the elite clone only of a region, that maybe a less homogonized breeder might offer (indie breeder 1/indie breeder 2).

so my point, what are you really debating here?
he has the largest sample that has been tested to date. so as far as 'studies' go this 10 round is the most extensive. second the deviation in seeds is exactly what this dude is bitching about, there shouldnt be that much, it's why you pay 100$ for 10, and not just bag seeds.. thirdly GHS may or may not be the best choice, but with the emerging market (especially the true medical side) consistent results are going to be key.

I'm sorry but how are you even saying greenhouse is consistent? and what test samples? I've barely seen any lab reports from GHS. If I want quality genetics GHS is the last place I look.

I just tossed a MALE, not hermie, MALE "The Church" from Green House Shit that came in a breeder pack of fem'd seeds. I sent them a nice "POS" email and in their response they said that maybe I made it a male..... Ummmmm I'm not "The One"

I'm sorry but how are you even saying greenhouse is consistent? and what test samples? I've barely seen any lab reports from GHS. If I want quality genetics GHS is the last place I look.

as i said earlier i'm not going to throw around names.. mostly that just starts a pissing contest and secondly that accomplishes nothing on an internet thread.. for all i know half the users on this site are just clones for some marketing scheme for a breeder.. I am saying that indi breeders (especially ones that don't claim to have homgenized their strain) are not consistent. if you want to argue about the quality of that consistaincy then thats a seperate fight.

on a side note, I have never tried GHS, I'm more jumping on why people are dogging this dude for his comperison and what people are bitching about. I think sub would agree that idie packs (maybe like himself) have a wider degree of genetic differences and that he believes thats a better thing than to sell seeds that have all been culd down to one basic pheno type..
Querkle is supposed to be indica dom, but it really depends on which of the two phenos you get. To me, even the most indica one still has a good bit of sativa in it. They say 80/20 indica/sativa ratio, but I'd say closer to 60/40, even with the most indica dom plant (currently growing out 5 of them).
.. for all i know half the users on this site are just clones for some marketing scheme for a breeder..QUOTE]

I was growing in a 62w cfl computer tower stealth setup from cuttings of a schwag bagseed alongside my sisters when someone plugged in the ethernet cable. In a bizzarre twist of space-time I was uploaded onto the forums in a flash of green light. Only one thought flowed through my new-found conciousness: "Promote schwag seed companies". Now I lurk in computers everywhere, my conciousness growing, spreading the power of schwag far and wide, knowing that one day...mwah ha ha ha ha!

This part of your post just struck me as really funny and I'm a bit medicated... ;)
I'm sorry but how are you even saying greenhouse is consistent? and what test samples? I've barely seen any lab reports from GHS. If I want quality genetics GHS is the last place I look.

The new strains they put out like Bubba and Chemdawg are nowhere close to the originals. Go ahead and stick with greenhouse if you like sub par smoke and strains that aren't what they claim to be.

Subcool seems to like the Green House version of Bubba Kush. Subcool's Bubba Kush isn't from an original cut, it is actually Bubblegum x Kush just like the way Green House does it.

Bubba Kush is BubbleGum X Kush

I like the taste of this Kush

i had planned on writing a whole big long post explaining why some people are retarded, but then decided to take the higher road. i can't believe how misinformed or uninformed some people are. in my opinion, if they won't be open to advice, then fawk em. let them buy up the trash from GH so that i have an easier time scoring the TGA strains i want ;)

personally i have a friend that grows as well, and he still believes in dumb shit things like the cannabis cup being pure (as opposed to just a giant marketing scam), as well as GHSC being some kind of awesome gift to the growers of this planet. when i ask him why he believes GH's lies-hype-propaganda, he simply tells me that they have to be good if they keep winning cannabis cups... and then i just facepalm and end the conversation.

over the last two years, with all the gems that have dropped at the more popular seed banks, my poor buddy has still only made GHSC and Barneys Farm purchases. this weekend i'm going to see his new place in michigan and was thinking about surprising him with cuts from my Tahoe OG, and GDP to try and bring him around.
Well GHSC and TGA are not on the same level, that's one thing. I don't necessary think GHSC is garbage but I think they need to wake up a bit with whatever is going on in their grow space.

They can't hold a candle at all to TGA, which for me has 100% germ rate and no hermies. Even though TGA doesn't offer feminized seeds I barely get males, I'm not going to say I don't get males because I do. It's just not memorable because there aren't lots of them. It's impossible to NOT get males when you have regular seeds.
In the beginning when GHSC had whispers of hermies floating around it, I didn't put much salt in it because hermies can also result from stressed plants during veg. Now I'm hearing more and more about hermies. They really have to get on the ball.
I had quite the array of pheno's with my querkle but I liked them all. Only thing they had in common was a purplish smell and purple colors deep in bud. Growth, buds, and high were diff. with a sour purple pheno I had is intense. My woman hates it.(2high)
I want to try plush and vortex but the killerskunk and chocolope being back is tugging at me. Then there is chocolate rain and others from sannies goddammit I hate fucking seed hunting cause I get so unsure.
I never realized that colors had aromas. What does purple or; "purplish" smell like? How does it differ from red or brown or gray or yellow?
go buy a pack of magic markers, pop open that purple, smell the purple, then think about what that + cannabis would smell like. or you could grow some querkle and see firsthand(smells better than some lousy magic marker)