thai skunk - first timer. got buds - now what?

my first time growing myself.
ordered some thai skunk seeds from a website tht i dont even remember anymore.

i dont have any setup. im growing in a pot in my balcony. i stay in a tropical country.

i sowed 3 seeds in june. till august i had just a 4 inch plant. the weather was real bad. stormy and cloudy all the time, so i guess it couldnt grow much.

and then suddenly late september and october, its jumped!!! its now more than 2 feet. 2 seeds never germinated, the only one is a female.

my question is, it has multiple buds now and all of them are about 1-2inch long. they dont really seem as dense as the photos i see online of others plants.

im wondering

1. when i have to cut off the buds and hang them up for drying.
2. how long do i dry them.

here in india u get some really nasty black kinda weed most of the time. it crushes easily and fills right into an emptied cig.

the kind i saw in amsterdam was a revelation to me. the snowy fluffy bright green stuff was like seeing god.

do i dry it out into brown/black stuff or do i keep it bright green?

thanks in advance. attached are some photos as of today.




Active Member
you are not even close to harvest. you need to be patient. that black/brown weed is bunk as fuckin dirt, and there is no possible way to make your plant look like that, and you shouldn't want to. read the grow faq. trichs(crystals) will tell you when to harvest.


Well-Known Member
DOOD thats a good lookin BITCH!!! she aint ready tho like nigga pleez said! haha wit till them stringy things (trychromes) start to go cloudy, then to amber. u need to watch closely from here! that is an awsome 3 fingered sativa I MUST SAY!!!!

a growers dream in CALI. wel me at least!
wow. thank u all. u guys have definitely setup my confidence level now.

so this does look like thai skunk right? i was going for sativa when buying, thats all i remember. dont remember the sight or what i exactly bought.

how many more weeks would u say i have to wait? a close friend is crashing at my place in 2 weeks (11/27) and i'm hoping to burn some of this on that weekend (and remember the times in amsterdam during by bachelors party ;) )

can i click off just one bud and smoke it on that weekend? just for the heck of it.

ill keep posting regular updates. im gonna need help all along with this.

thank u again.


Well-Known Member
OK. this mayb a while. and as fer clipping a bud off, i did my first gro a few times....i WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN!! stress the plant out, depleets thc, and yeild(how much u grow).
it almost looks like BC mango to me but i dont kno!
its a good lookin girl she will make u happy wat hav u been feeding her???
if u use tap water let it sit out fer a day to declorinate, i dont kno a bout india but id do it anyways. and....check regularly for pest and damage to it! im tryin to think of every thing to tell u! hahaa its hard.


thai skunk is a heavy sativa..... as such, it will have the slender leaves, be tall/lanky, and take a longer time to flower.... DO NOT clip a bud "for the heck of it".... you would do better smoking your lawn..... keep growing that baby and be patient


Well-Known Member
agreed do not clip off anything yet. At all. Those bud sites will grow ten times + their current size. So you are not losing what you are losing ATLEAST ten times what you clip.

You have a loooooooong way to go. If I was you I'd write down today's date...and in 30 new pics of this plant and ask when?

Read up as much as you can on this site...but do not start going fucking nuts on your plant trying to do too much at once.
ok wont be doing anything to this one. hopefully i'll have it for new years?

im growing it like my other plants in my balacony. just regular tap water. it was in a smaller pot earlier, so i transplanted it once and thats when the grow just zoomed.

i was spraying it with regular rap water too until i read here that buds should not be sprayed with water. so i've stopped doing that. now i just water it every 2-3 days.

what can i do about the smell? it isn't so much now, but im guessing its only going to increase. and im in a open balcony with log of neighbouring balconies.


Wow it sounds to me like the weed you have been buying was vaped and then sold. Weed should never be black and crush up easily eeeeewwwww


Well-Known Member
ok wont be doing anything to this one. hopefully i'll have it for new years?

im growing it like my other plants in my balacony. just regular tap water. it was in a smaller pot earlier, so i transplanted it once and thats when the grow just zoomed.

i was spraying it with regular rap water too until i read here that buds should not be sprayed with water. so i've stopped doing that. now i just water it every 2-3 days.

what can i do about the smell? it isn't so much now, but im guessing its only going to increase. and im in a open balcony with log of neighbouring balconies.

DE-Clorinate your water!! fer reals ur dirt hav micro organisms that r killed the clorine in tap water, 24 hours b4 use.
the smell outside i dont think there is much...not sure i do indoor.


Well-Known Member
I'd buy a bag of bone meal and a bottle of blackstrap unsulphured molasses. Mix a TEASPOON of each into 1/2 gallon of water...feed every other feeding.

I'd do this starting NOW. You need SOME flowering nutrients...just tap water is insufficient. If these fertilizers are hard to get by you...go for a flowering phase chemical fertilizer such as Miracle Grow.

Learn what N P K stand for..but for flowering Miracle grow N 15, P 30, K 15. will do well for you if used in lighter amounts than recommended on package. Chose to fertilize with this every other feeding.

Try to get the bone meal/molasses first...they are your most fool proof fert. solution. No worries about over feeding...decent results...much better than NOT using fertlizers.
hello hello
some problems lately. its december and pretty cold. its about 15 degrees celcius here.
all the leaves are dying off.

right now the plants buds have a grown a little since the photos in initial post but all the leaves are gone now.
the plant is basically just a stick with buds now.

what do i do? should i just harvest it? or will it still show some growth? should i move it indoors? i dont have a light setup etc and dont want to setup one either.

any helpful is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
ok wont be doing anything to this one. hopefully i'll have it for new years?

im growing it like my other plants in my balacony. just regular tap water. it was in a smaller pot earlier, so i transplanted it once and thats when the grow just zoomed.

i was spraying it with regular rap water too until i read here that buds should not be sprayed with water. so i've stopped doing that. now i just water it every 2-3 days.

what can i do about the smell? it isn't so much now, but im guessing its only going to increase. and im in a open balcony with log of neighbouring balconies.
sorry bro, think more like feb-march. its a sativa, they take a very long time to flower and finish up. you have a very long way to go still.
yes im aware of curing. i want to do that too. im in no hurry to consume this on new years.

what about the plant itself right now? will it grow further? i am worried it might be dying for some reason. all the leaves have dryed up and gone. as i said, its a stick with buds now.
so question is, harvest or let it grow (if it will).


Well-Known Member
dude, dont touch it, if their is anything wrong with it it is because of stress, just correct the problem and keep going, the stress prolongs the flowering period and the thing is i see nothing wrong really, you dont mean you just went and chopped off all the fan leaves, do you? of course it will grow, if you harvest now you are not gonna get even a small buzz from it almost guaranteed.
its way too early