Thank you Trump!


As far as progressives go...the green new deal and MMT. Both dumb and dangerous platforms.
your main, defining principle has been borrowing money from china to pay farmers welfare so that they won't sell to china in order for americans to pay more for the goods we get from china. this defining policy of yours has made the stock market volatile, increased the trade deficit, cost americans billions upon billions of dollars and skyrocketed the federal deficit.

the brilliant minds that brought us this policy now oppose investing in and subsidizing jobs in renewable energy, which will inevitably be a massive part of the worldwide economy in a very short time, in order to subsidize a dying, dirty industry that pollutes our planet and kills our citizens.

i'm sorry but can you explain succinctly why this is a good idea and not incredibly fucking retarded?

thanks, pedolover
Thanks Trump for showing us what progressives are made of.
I already listed this.
Thank you Trump for getting caught with Russian interference in 2016, if you wouldn't have been so obvious we might have never learned about how we are being manipulated.
Without Trump we would not realize what progressives and Trumpets are talking about. Understanding it through the Saudi/Russian/Trump trolls eyes, progressives make much more sense.
what do you mean?

did progressives let convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein recruit his victims out of our chintzy little florida golf club? trump did

did progressives wait until a bunch of neo-nazis went on a torchlit mob while chanting "jews will not replace us", purposely march past a synagogue as services were getting out, then kill a woman and injure dozens others and then praise those neo-nazis as very fine people?

did progressives describe the manner in which they rape women without their consent, and then get faced with several dozen women who all have stories of being raped in exactly the manner described?

please elaborate a little more on what behavior you are seeing from progressives that is so appalling to you, ya dickless little bitch

You are a real libtard pile-of-shit. You need to get the hell out of OUR Country, and take your libtard fake news and ideas with you. At least take the crap you are posting here, and take a flying leap. MAGA Trump 2020.
You are a real libtard pile-of-shit. You need to get the hell out of OUR Country, and take your libtard fake news and ideas with you. At least take the crap you are posting here, and take a flying leap. MAGA Trump 2020.
You are a real libtard pile-of-shit. You need to get the hell out of OUR Country, and take your libtard fake news and ideas with you. At least take the crap you are posting here, and take a flying leap. MAGA Trump 2020.
In what percentage of Presidential elections have you actually taken the time out of your busy sheep-sodomizing day to actually go vote? Just curious.
You are a real libtard pile-of-shit. You need to get the hell out of OUR Country, and take your libtard fake news and ideas with you. At least take the crap you are posting here, and take a flying leap. MAGA Trump 2020.
I live in America where abortion is legal, Obamacare is the law, and we put no walls on our borders

If you don’t love America then it’s you who needs to get the hell out you pedophile loving racist
looks like another wannabe bundist (Bundist definition, a short form of “German-American Volksbund,” a pro-Nazi organization in the U.S. during the 1930s and 1940s.) from storm-front has ambled it's way onto the forum...
note his source for the cute memes...
Yeah I wasn't going to click that link, sketchy as hell.