That High School skunk

Just a quick question.... skunky weed doesn't smell like actual skunks right? Or is it similar? Just asking because we dont have skunks in New Zealand :)

Apparently this one smells of the animal (but i'll take this with a grain of salt, americans love to sensationalize the smell of weed, often to the point of being plain wrong, supposedly cheese smells of cheese... :lol: but if they can describe it in a billion and one diverse aromas, then they can pretend they are an expert on cannabis)
I don't think a pot snob would be proud of their buds smelling like skunk-butt.
It's obvious you've never experienced the roadkill.
Thats true but I always hear people talking about how skunks smell real bad but people seem to like the smell of skunky types of weed
Skunk weed truthfully is probably about 5% the strength of a skunks spray.

Skunks can legit kill people. They are that fucking bad smelling, they will make you choke and not be able to breathe. There is no way the weed is that strong. BUT it does smell like the spray.
Never smoked european skunks + never had the urge to.
The American skunk the OP is referring to did smell like skunk.

It wasn't called Skunk #1...

I was simply pointing out that strains are not necessarily named completely accurately. Cheese being a good example. Even Dr greenthumb when he tried to sell his knockoff "exodus" marketed it as smelling of cheese. I've seen other forum members start going into various fancy descriptions like it was a matured parmesan etc. It's very amusing. (bare in mind i spent 5 years as a cheese monger :D)
Skunk weed truthfully is probably about 5% the strength of a skunks spray.

Skunks can legit kill people. They are that fucking bad smelling, they will make you choke and not be able to breathe. There is no way the weed is that strong. BUT it does smell like the spray.

Thats what I was thinking it would be like lol Nasty things by the sounds of it
I was simply pointing out that strains are not necessarily named completely accurately. Cheese being a good example. Even Dr greenthumb when he tried to sell his knockoff "exodus" marketed it as smelling of cheese. I've seen other forum members start going into various fancy descriptions like it was a matured parmesan etc. It's very amusing. (bare in mind i spent 5 years as a cheese monger :D)

Euro strains...bad names?
I just went looking for a clip from the TPB episode where they have to go into the US to save Bubbles, and instead of the clip, i learnt that they are doing 2 new series! Fuck yeah!
I lived TBP. Not in a trailer park but I grew up in Rural Canada which is probably why I hate the show so much, it's just too real.

Where I grew up a guy had 5 foot wheels on a Firebird or some similar muscle car I was like 12 when I moved hard to remember all the crazy from back then. A dump run didn't get done without a 6 pack or some rye and cokes, with me in the back seat of course :). People would literally drive around with pieces of their cars missing, hoods doors, hell some would saws-all the roof off for the summer. Kids didn't play hockey where I grew up, they rode four wheelers threw corn fields to see who could make it to the other side, in the winter you snowmobiled with a sled on the back, I can't even count the amount of times my best friends dad ran into a fucking house on a snowmobile. My best friend and I got chased by the town crazy with a shotgun because we broke sticks over corner of his barn, the best part? same town crazy that chased my mom and dad for doing stupid shit :)

I moved from the country where people were regularly dieing to their own stupidity to the ghetto at 12 years old where people were getting shot 2 doors down, talk about culture shock lol
It's not pot snobbery, I don't know how many fucking times it needs to be said, we are NOT talking about the strains named skunk.

If anything the snobbery comes from you people coming in, derailing a thread and bashing Americans.

The smell was that lingering smell of a skunk, it wasnt unpleasant and wasnt strong as being right on top of a skunk so no it wasn't nasty.

The only thing anyone has said is that if you have never smelled an actual skunk, you don't understand what we're trying to describe and there is no way for us to articulate it for you.

Go read the damn thread before posting, nobody is sensationalizing anything, people who know what a skunk smells like, know exactly what this thread is about.

And nobody is bashing dutch breeders here, some of the best strains is the world came from dutch breeders, hell the smell we're talking about could have come from a dutch strain but it is gone and it wasn't the strains being sold as "skunk" now.
its common sense, if you can't see that you're an imbecile imo
seeds are not legal in the USA you know this right ?

it was not until the 1990s that seeds became available to the growers of the world
not just a few ghetto OG hipsters from LA running nl5
we are talking many thousands of growers all round the world growing dutch/canadian created hybrids from american clones
this creates a huge gene pool for the people of the world to select keepers from
this is why many keepers originate from 1990s

in the uk folk can admit that cheese is just a selection of old sensi seed stock

Americans in the spirit of a Hollywood blockbuster have to create dramas/legends about grateful dead concerts to explain the linage of the most prized possession OG KUSH

i do not know what you guys have against the dutch, you would rather believe og kush is from some land race than dutch strains lol
Come on man, I know you're smarter than this. You think because seeds were illegal here, we didn't have them? With the amount of weed that came here from around the world (and not from the dutch)? Lol. Where do you think the dutch got most of their genetics from in the 80's? From us. Northern Lights, Skunk, Blueberry just to name a couple. And what did they do? Recycled the shit out of those genes into a boring pile of poo.

Cheese? You mean skunk? That was created in the US, and became watered down and fruity by sam and the dutch over the years? The same dutch that mixed cannabis with tobacco because it's too strong, and bred for stability, not funk, or potency? Uk folk can admit cheese came from sensi, but can't admit that cheese is early reworked skunk that came from US genetics.

You know why you like cheese? Because it's funky and potent. You guys got skunk from sensi before the dutch completely bred the rest of the funk out. Skunk was even funkier before it went overseas. Don't be mad at us. Be mad at your own countrymen for not coming up with the amount of originals that we did and still are. Be glad we had access to all the genetics we did thanks to the booming black market weed trade here. Also, point me to a couple of dutch strains that are good enough to be the parents of OG or the chems and that share their characteristics.
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Funny, that's not what these two quotes suggest. the first one states that even if someone has a big bag of the genuine article skunk, then they are not to be believed if they attempt to describe it, unless they've also smelt the animal. Clearly a logical way to approach things. The second quote clearly states that unless you've smelt the animal you cannot have smelt the strain. Very logical.

"we can't really believe anybody outside North America when they talk about skunk, they have never smelled a skunk"

"If you've never smelled a distant skunk you've never smelled the 'skunk' we are talking about."
How thick headed are you? You may have had the skunk we're talking about but we can't articulate it and neither can you. Unless you've smelled a skunk you can't come in here and say you have had weed that smells like a skunk. How the hell is that not logical?
Let me say that again because you'll just ignore the entire point.

Unless you have smelled an actual skunk, you cannot say you have smoked a weed that smells like a skunk.
I think it's being mis-articulated here.

If you have smoked skunk, but have not smelled a skunk how can you say that the weed you smoked smells of the creature? There is no way of knowing, the strain was still called skunk, and regardless of what some may say you still smoked skunk. Do you know what a skunk smells like by smoking skunk, maybe, I haven't smelled weed that smelled like skunk in about 15 years. About the time I started smoking is about the time Skunk was starting to disappear from my local areas. To be completely 1200% honest, it wasn't that strong of a weed, and the smell made it next to impossible to smoke in doors if you had any care about how your pad smelled. Better weeds came along that were high tier rather then the mids that skunk was.

Is the real deal skunk out there somewhere? Probably, do people actually want what they think they want? Probably not. Once you get that shit growing in your house and stinking like ass for 2-3 months of flowering I bet they change their minds. Especially when there's better weed out there now with better smells and flavours.