that moment when.......


Well-Known Member
The moment I tell the full truth in an argument Knowing an omission would shorten the conflict by several hours.:wall:


Well-Known Member
The moment when, your walking into the grocery store and your girlfriend stops to pick up a mysterious bag on the ground in front of a security guard only to find out that it was a dime bag of some mids. True story.


Well-Known Member
That moment when, you have your girlfriend sell a bag of weed to a friend at work and she over charges by 50 dollars. :lol:
Also a true story.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
the moment when on, 12 grams of mushrooms, already pulled ove,r the cop gave us a ticket instead of a second cop car coming and arresting us . . . . . you eat the rest on the way to sudden valley


Well-Known Member
that moment when you realise the 11 year old is in charge and you stop growing when you should put 11 year old in a guitar case and shove under the bed.


Well-Known Member
the moment when you kill a case of labatts and a 5th of soco 100 and back out and wake up in a cop car and realize youre not wearing a shirt and there are still herbs in pocket :-P... i told him to stop but... he didnt and i yacked in his back seat.. True story, apearently i had my stomach pumped and shit and i dont remember a thing, still dont and that was years back


Well-Known Member
the moments that you walk from room to room.. desperately trying to recall what the hell you went into those rooms for.

and then the moment you remember it and think wtf did I want that for...


Ursus marijanus
That moment when you stop tearing up your place looking for your glasses ... because it dawns on you that you can see what you're doing ... cn


Well-Known Member
that moment when you run out of rizla knew should have bought some when at the shops - finds one under the table