"That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

Ok, did more lookin at ways to kill them little fuckers.....then I remembered when I had fruit flys in the house, I could not get rid of them either! well, small rubber bands and air swats did help to keep them at bay....... but seems like they regrouped around an old banana and started coming in from the north and south to over take me..... I was just about to give up when I walk in the supply store ( home depot) told them I need more fire power up in the getto as the fruit team was giving me an ass whoopin!

Team commander took me to the heavy artillery section of the store! I seen stuff that would kill tunel diggers, moles and what not! even had some contraption for holden 5 mice at one time! I told the dude, this is not going to work!

He said ....try this, and he gave me something that did not smell or anything.

So I took this damn thing home and ripped it open and placed it on the counter...... next day all them fucker were gone!! so I started looking it up and to my amazement seem some folks been using this for mites and winning the war on there drugs!:lol:

I am going to place one in my room just for preventive maintenance, I don't care much about any tree hungers that don't like it, really can't be worse then theses folk that shove they face in a bag of lacquer thinner.... don't want to offend anyone just my opinion .... you can Google it, see how ya like it... I think the hydro store would talk it down, because they don't sell it. But if they did sell it they sure would talk it up! :) good luck my fellow mite worriers!!
I have an outside garden also, tomato's, peppers, onions...shit like that. I think they are in that garden and I brought them in? I really don't know how the hell they get there either.........? but yea, unfortunately, you will get them sooner or later :( or just put one of them things I posted a link to in your room a few times a month, for a few days at a time to keep them away.
well if your local shop dont have it then go to the mighty wash web site and look up dealers and find one you can order from in
your area.

With vague posts like earlier in this thread its no wonder folks hate the search function. Thanks Again
mighty wash certainly works wonders. not a single mite or web to be found on any of my 11 plants. safe to use any time of the flower cycle.
mighty wash certainly works wonders. not a single mite or web to be found on any of my 11 plants. safe to use any time of the flower cycle.

yep and in my opion everybody should do a spray down to wash and eliminate the posability of future outbreaks!! just best to play it safe even if you
dont have bugs
I liked the mighty wash, till I got a "no pest strip" at home depot.
Them things kick ass!! No mess no fuss.... $7.00 open it lay it in the room for a few days, BAM!! no residue no mess NO mites or eggs! so simple, no lingering Oder or smell , taste, nothing. I don't even care if I get mites anymore.... its the powder mildew I think sucks, guess I need a better dehumidifier................
I liked the mighty wash, till I got a "no pest strip" at home depot.
Them things kick ass!! No mess no fuss.... $7.00 open it lay it in the room for a few days, BAM!! no residue no mess NO mites or eggs! so simple, no lingering Oder or smell , taste, nothing. I don't even care if I get mites anymore.... its the powder mildew I think sucks, guess I need a better dehumidifier................
get some eagle 20 and be done with p.m
I was wondering??? If I put a small amount of mighty wash in the water to feed my plants will it kill hiding mites hiding in the soil?? but not harm the soil.
i want to know what the 0.0001% part is,
From the conversations Ive had with some very smart people, we think its some sort of ionizing agent. Perhaps an powerful organic ionizing molecule. NPK doesnt mention what the 99% ratio is and what it could mean is the ratio between H2O and ionizer molecules. This would explain the smell, the milky color, the %, the reason you need to 'shake well' and a mechanism it works and has would have some residual activity. Lastly, calling it 'frequency water' is a nice marketing gizmo while ignoring the real science behind it so others dont catch onto their mechanism and formula. Or at least this is my best guess so far.