"That Stuff" Mighty Wash? Kills Mites Dead

im right at the end of veg with my blue dream, im within days of making the transition to flower, i just found mites on like 5 of the plants i have. is the mighty wash safe to use straight thru? and also, should i not make the transition to flower until i know they are dead? its only my second harvest and had no problems with my first PLEASE HELPPPPP!!!!
mighty was is great but kinda pricy i would go with neem extract fist then switch to the mighty wash towards the mid flower/ late flower if you still need something.
Sprayed it one time 6 wks into flower have not seen a mite in 7 days this shit works, Folks at grow store reports you can drink it out of the jug or use it as bong water. I don't know about that but the bugs are dead. The jug reports 99.9% H2O with freqency infused into the water, way over my head but like I said the bugs are dead. 35$ for a gallon jug. Check it out. Don't know about you other stoners out there but I've wasted a lot of money on a lot of shit that doesn't work. I do know of other stuff that kills mites but it kills people, dogs, cats, and anything that lives in or around water, no thanks....Give this shit a shot guy's the more people that are using this stuff the less likely I will have to smoke weed that has been spryed with some nasty stuff like avid. I met a guy that own a dispensery in WA. state that told me he sprays malathion on his plants to keep mites off crazy fucker I felt like pissing in his mouth what an asshole.
I know I don't post on here often but I do read alot. I usually stay out of the debates, but I have tryed many things I've learned on this forum some work some don't it is all part of the learning process. I'm not the guru grower, I'm not a sales rep, I'm just a potbilly that loves to grow and smoke weed.
My hope is that some day us stoner types can meet in a pot bar kinda like the drunks get to, so we can discuss this kinda of stuff face to face(while smoking a dobbie) rather than hiding on these fucking computers and playing second fiddle to all these drunks driving up and down are roads.

Peace death to spider mites
Lung Butter (The oringinal Potbilly)

This almost made me cry. Fuckin boozers.

I'll be giving this Might Wash a go tomorrow. Looking forward to dead mites.

i can say mighty wash works, but it its really expensive. it is drinkable like the claim. i tried some. IMo tastes like chewing on paper.

i personally quit buying it, because I dont see a need for a more expensive product when I get the same results from azamax/neem oil.
spent less money on the 2 bottles of aza/neem as i did on 1 bottle of mighty.

I have yet to put a dent in either bottle of the aza/neem, and have gone through 4 gallons of mighty in that timeframe.
I'm going to use the Azamax as a root drench (coco and ProMix) and the Mighty Wash on the plants themselves.

Not looking forward to this.

Your responses helped me big time. Thanks again.
spill it, the label says 99.8335 percent water the rest inert ingredients.
Yes, but that .1665% is the trick... Only hint I'll give is it's not anything to do with frequency water - that is to throw people off. Notice they don't patent the formula? Because if they did, they'd be outta business. Don't get me wrong, the product works but it can be sold for MUCH cheaper than they are letting it go for.... I might be proving it real soon :)
from what I understood it isn't an ingredient that makes mighty wash so affective, it's undergone a process. but then again that may be to throw people off. I quit trying to figure it out. if you get right down to it 120 dollars worth of mighty wash is gonna last you a good long time (depending on the size of your grow of course).
I'll certainly be looking in to see if you let the cat out of the bag though, good luck.
from what I understood it isn't an ingredient that makes mighty wash so affective, it's undergone a process. but then again that may be to throw people off. I quit trying to figure it out. if you get right down to it 120 dollars worth of mighty wash is gonna last you a good long time (depending on the size of your grow of course).
I'll certainly be looking in to see if you let the cat out of the bag though, good luck.
I can be wrong.... But I think I found out the process. Inert ingredient has been ordered and we will know soon. Unless they can explain their "process" I'm calling bullshit. But thumbs up to NPK for their bringing Mighty Wash to the public in the first place.
just trying it for the first time, saw an ugly bastard looking up at me through the microscope- pm wash did nothing for me
I thnk of mighty wash as an emergency while in flower spray. The stuff is pricey but better than losing a harvest.