Thc Farmer

Sub said that Logics did not pay his bills and sub demanded COD and Logic banned him,I asked sub three days ago on here and sub said Logic dont pay.Some of the breeders on the site seem satisfied but Logic also got into it with DNA over money and their BANNED.They do have some good genes and breeders

when you have someone's shipping address/po box, and they rip you off, get a fucking plane ticket and a baseball bat and say hello when they check their mail. lol.

Hey logic!

logic is a cock sucking, back biting 22 year old retarded muther fucka, who steal's ya cash and also the breeders seed's,
he dont pay the breeders for them! so if you like a breeder and want him to get paid for HIS good work, dont buy from that little prick, the breeders that have got the most sense are no longer there and many more be joining the mass walk out weekly! he know owe's elite, dna and sub!

but you guessed it! im here to fuck logic and his bumboy (hey did you know he pays people to do his dirty work to?)
oh and i know for real he talk's to the policia no shock there
but you guessed it! im here to fuck logic and his bumboy (hey did you know he pays people to do his dirty work to?)
oh and i know for real he talk's to the policia no shock there[/QUOTE]

man i heard he talks to the police is that realy true cause its hard to believe someone in his position would snitch on his customers (THCFARMER has the potential to be one of the best sites if it wasnt ran by an as*hole)take a look at the Jschmoe auction they are havin problems wit this guy and its for charity i think someone feels hes gonna steal the charity money .Now thats low down
All of that site is censored thats why it seems like it all running smooth.All that law calling bullshit will bite him in the ass.(KARMAS a BITCH).He yanked two threads about subs gear on me for no reason.Im not( BANNED YET) but who cares,If Logic keeps it up the farm will burn down and THC will be no more
that site dont have no POTential at all! its as censored as a childrens book! and as for logic! ole fucking twinkle toe's!
policia's best fucking friend! he only lets you see what he wants you to!
and i got a feeling he going down very soon ;)

hey logic, the ladie's call me the horse man! when i come for you, im gonna bend you over like the bitch you are, and show you about horse :)
one bad experience is enuff for me ,i aint buyin.thanx for the warning.i went by there and he aint got shit for sale,
I have ordered succesfully from the farm.
I think the place has great bean's with great price's.
I posted a thread about a seedbank ripping me. And logic sent me free beans.
I have read a whole buch of second hand story's. By the time this thread is over it will be confirmed that he is satan himself. Gotta love rumor's.
I have had good expereinces and those are first hand.
I think Logicsworstnightmare you are a joke and only joined this site to talk trash.
Go away and shut up.
I have ordered succesfully from the farm.
I think the place has great bean's with great price's.
I posted a thread about a seedbank ripping me. And logic sent me free beans.
I have read a whole buch of second hand story's. By the time this thread is over it will be confirmed that he is satan himself. Gotta love rumor's.
I have had good expereinces and those are first hand.
I think Logicsworstnightmare you are a joke and only joined this site to talk trash.
Go away and shut up.

Did Logic buy this account off of someone here?

Dude.. there are so many breeders that have had issues with him, along with members and customers, that it's not worth buying from them after hearing ONE person got their beans. Sorry but a 1 in 10 chance of getting your beans (or maybe less than that!) isn't worth it..
I just received another 3 packs today.

cool. do you like his going through PMs and launching DOS attacks on peeps that have been banned too? it has been documented. I personally hope he wises up and stops playing god. everyone has the right to try to mend their ways even LOGIC. He has made some REAL enemies...i'm not one of them. he only banned me for busting him for lieing about banning Subcool (which he did) and tried launched a dos attack on my machine.

ask DNA, subcool, the kush brothers....oh enjoy those Grass Valley Seeds he's hocking too :dunce:
why does The Cali Connection go through thcfarmer still? They have some sick looking gear!
Because they have not had issue's.
They have a great following.
Logic is a cool ass head in my book.
Sorry the rest of you do not feel the same.
Yes they will not be there anymore.
But the seed's they still have are subcool's and there fore not. as you said.
oh enjoy those Grass Valley Seeds he's hocking too :dunce:
And was that a dunce comment aimed at me.
I do not beleive i have been confrontational. YET.