Thc Farmer

I have ordered succesfully from the farm.
I think the place has great bean's with great price's.
I posted a thread about a seedbank ripping me. And logic sent me free beans.
I have read a whole buch of second hand story's. By the time this thread is over it will be confirmed that he is satan himself. Gotta love rumor's.
I have had good expereinces and those are first hand.
I think Logicsworstnightmare you are a joke and only joined this site to talk trash.
Go away and shut up.

you one of his bum pal's too? eh? second hand shit is all you bought over there, roflmao ya muppet!
logic is a back biting lttle retarded 22 year old kid with no biatch, i heard he gets hand job's off his bum pal's is this true?

he's a theif, he owes thounds of bucks in seed money's, that lil fucker thinks he can hide all his sorry ass life.......well logic you gonna get a good seeing to up the shaft hole soon enuff!

and bossman, i could not give a flyin monkeys fuck what you think! get back on over to ya bum pal's, he got the lube for ya my man!
I am shocked you have not been banned yet.
You have 4 post all trash talking and attacking.
I have been a member here. I have helped other's and learned a ton from other's.
You have offered no good help to anyone.
So you should just go away.
And be careful what you say to who on the internet.
You never know who is at the other end.
I am shocked you have not been banned yet.
You have 4 post all trash talking and attacking.
I have been a member here. I have helped other's and learned a ton from other's.
You have offered no good help to anyone.
So you should just go away.
And be careful what you say to who on the internet.
You never know who is at the other end.
I am shocked you have not been banned yet.
You have 4 post all trash talking and attacking.
I have been a member here. I have helped other's and learned a ton from other's.
You have offered no good help to anyone.
So you should just go away.
And be careful what you say to who on the internet.
You never know who is at the other end.

is that some sort of threat there ??
are you a police or just another grass like logic????

and if you feel your bad our kid i can alway's give you an adress were we can link up and discuss this if you like!!

i smell a narc.........
is that some sort of threat there ??
are you a police or just another grass like logic????

and if you feel your bad our kid i can alway's give you an adress were we can link up and discuss this if you like!!

i smell a narc.........

vote with your wallet and don't send Logic anything. Calling people narcs randomly only looks bad on you. You are Giving the Asshat power just by using his name in your name.

I just ordered cindy 99 off the farm.We will see if Logic is as bad as everybody says.(44.00 USPS express delivery)If he was not filling seed orders the farm would have a whole lot more negative feedback.Ive talked with several growers who have not had any problems out of the farm.
Logicsworstnightmare need's to be banned.
After insulting me over and over. Because he can not hold an arguement.
He start's calling me gay.narc so on so on.
I offered to meet him.
And the little punk bitch ass pillow biter. Offered a freind to handle his problem's.
I want to meet the mouth behind the trash.
He will spout off again, and again.
He has offered absolutely nothing but trash talk on this site.
I dont believe half that shit he talks about the farm.I know Logics had money problems with sub and dna but I think hes shipping beans to the buyers.if hes not he wont make it long.Ill know in a couple weeks and post later on the farms service
Has anybody on here ordered off the farm lately.I know someone who ordered around the 17th but Ive not talked to him in three days .Any info would be great.
I have received 4 order's from him in the last month.
He sent me free seed's just because I posted a warning about being ripped by The kind seedbank.
And he is sending me some some free tester's from Delta9.
I have nothing but good to say about the farm.
IMO Attitude and THCbay are the best bank's.
Thanks bossman,I did not believe all that bullshit about the farm .Looking forward to moscas cindy 99bx1 Ive heard good things.Its supposed to be the holy grail.
(We will see)
The turn around is real quik.
It can vary I have got them in 7 to 10 day's from when I ship the payment.
The only thing to remember. To mail the payment in cost's About 25$.
And they also offer a faster method.
That must be real quik.
Have you seen The cali connection's happening's.
They are going to the cannabis cup this year.
I am sure they are going to smash the compitition.