Thc Farmer


Active Member
Yeah I just had a little situation with getting a post deleted yesterday because a premium member (cbf)quoted my post but changed some words around, then when i repost and ask the member a mod (probably Logic) deletes my post and closes the thread.. some good guys over there but if logic can't return not 1 but 2 of my Pms about the situation cant deal with him. I can get swerve's gear at co-ops and other breeders i like at breedbay... Censorship for sure going on over there. When things arent favorable for the farm threads come to a quick end. Just my 2 cents.
Interesting... I was just banned from there not even an hour ago. Someone suggested that a member there create a dvd and I agreed with him and made a few other suggestions about it as well. I never once offered to do it for money or asked for any money... but I was banned for trolling. The problem i have is that he only banned me yet several of us were talking about it.

Our paths will surely cross again some day soon. Kids using forums to play god is bullshit. He certainly needs to be put in his place.


Well-Known Member
You were banned, for that? My post in that doubled's thread was deleted but what you were talking about was no big deal aside from trying to take a very valuable persons FREE help away from thc, I think that was the actual problem.


Active Member
You were banned, for that? My post in that doubled's thread was deleted but what you were talking about was no big deal aside from trying to take a very valuable persons FREE help away from thc, I think that was the actual problem.
I think you are right but that's definitely not trolling and he has no rules that justify his actions here.

That type of behavior will catch up with him some day.


New Member
You were banned, for that? My post in that doubled's thread was deleted but what you were talking about was no big deal aside from trying to take a very valuable persons FREE help away from thc, I think that was the actual problem.
If that's the problem Logic is even a bigger cunt than i thought!

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I was banned over there for (i think) suggesting a credit card option for the thcbay section. Logic asked for ideas since they were upgradeing the bay. I posted it once and then went back and my post was deleted/gone so I posted it again and bam I was OUT.


Well-Known Member
Logic is a thief. Plain and simple.
He banned me at the farm and told me " go back to roll it up with all the kids "
This guy is a prick and will take your cash in a heartbeat. Then tell you he never got your cash. I think the guy has a hard drug habit and preys on newbies.
And dont believe anything he say's about Subcool. He rips Sub to shreads at the farm. is were you want to be.



Active Member
EDIT: After seeing how much hate towards logic people on this board have mustered up I decided to just edit my initial post.

I have received seeds from the farm, never took my money. I ordered 5 seeds and got 15 (10 seeds free). I love the farm, but that is just based on my personal experiences.


New Member
Also, a lot of great growers on there that have been growing for over 20 and 30 years. .
and they are leaving in droves. Believe me, I went to the farm thinking it was fantastic. I never ordered from there so this is all second hand info, but the shear volume of complaints along with pretty detailed accounts of events leads me to believe the complaints.

Plus I have been banned from the farm, apparently for my actions here at RIU, probably from when I called him out about claiming Subcool as a supplier even though he had just Banned him. they probably do have some TGA stuff left, but they WON'T be back.

That doesn't even touch the DNA debacle over at the farm....check that stuff out @potpimp if you REALLY want to hear some nasty shit Logic has pulled.


Active Member
and they are leaving in droves. Believe me, I went to the farm thinking it was fantastic. I never ordered from there so this is all second hand info, but the shear volume of complaints along with pretty detailed accounts of events leads me to believe the complaints.

Plus I have been banned from the farm, apparently for my actions here at RIU, probably from when I called him out about claiming Subcool as a supplier even though he had just Banned him. they probably do have some TGA stuff left, but they WON'T be back.

That doesn't even touch the DNA debacle over at the farm....check that stuff out @potpimp if you REALLY want to hear some nasty shit Logic has pulled.
I trust what you are saying, but you act like I just discovered the farm.... I been on there for awhile now. I have seen DNA leave and Subcool get banned. I think when people start getting to involved in the business affairs of the breeders and the seed banks, well then you have problems. Obviously, somebody got screwed over and wanted to make it well known. Logic sure does a good job of keeping the farm seem like its peaceful tho...I never knew there was so much hostility.


New Member
I trust what you are saying, but you act like I just discovered the farm.... I been on there for years my friend.
i don't know how I acted that way, but sorry to offend. :bigjoint: Probably because I had just discovered it right as the shit was hitting the proverbial fan.


Well-Known Member
i don't know how I acted that way, but sorry to offend. :bigjoint: Probably because I had just discovered it right as the shit was hitting the proverbial fan.

I left when I read a thread by someone who Logic screwed, saying that he had contacted the Spanish local policia and dropped a dime on him for f-ing him and so many others (of course 10 mins. later the thread was deleted!). Someone who would get in over his head and just screw people over (sounds like a crack head to me), is dealin' up some bad karma. And then he tries to stir peeps up with his naming his thread "Logics outdoor Spanish journal...all haters can kiss my ass!). How childish is that?! IMO, that dude will be busted and he will dime out everyone on his site. Its a matter of time! He needs a "dirt nap", if you know what I mean!!! protopipe1


Well-Known Member
He did do that Protopipe. Ratted someone out.

logic is nothing but that piece of toilet paper that gets stuck on your foot when you leave the mens room.

I was going to get some seeds from Joeshmos auction. Glad I never gave out my safe addy to that puke.

Sorry for the bad vibes coming from me about him. The puke treated me poorly, then banned me and I had no way of defending myself.



Well-Known Member
He did do that Protopipe. Ratted someone out.

logic is nothing but that piece of toilet paper that gets stuck on your foot when you leave the mens room.

I was going to get some seeds from Joeshmos auction. Glad I never gave out my safe addy to that puke.

Sorry for the bad vibes coming from me about him. The puke treated me poorly, then banned me and I had no way of defending myself.

Did he do in Elite? And I remember when logic flipped out on a couple of thc members when they asked why DNA got banned...he said he didn't feel he had to justify anything he did!! But never got down to specifics of what DNA did wrong, stating that he was gettin' complaints about DNA not giving good customer service, when all threads I've read were all pos feedback as far as replacing a few bean orders when they didn't germ, etc.. And I heard DNA say that they were screwed 10 grand, and that was why they were banished! pro


Well-Known Member
Wow, this has been a very eye opening thread! soo much hate and bad vibes zooming everywhere...i've been a member at the farm for over 3 months, i don't do much posting, just reading, and it seems alot more peaceful than this site...also, there seems to be less children acting up....that is just my experience...i was gonna order some beans for the Cali Connection, some of their strains look killer and i hear are i'm kinda nervous bout that....everyone just take a bong rip...:bigjoint:



Active Member
Wow, this has been a very eye opening thread! soo much hate and bad vibes zooming everywhere...i've been a member at the farm for over 3 months, i don't do much posting, just reading, and it seems alot more peaceful than this site...also, there seems to be less children acting up....that is just my experience...i was gonna order some beans for the Cali Connection, some of their strains look killer and i hear are i'm kinda nervous bout that....everyone just take a bong rip...:bigjoint:

Yeah, they ripped me off then when I asked about it they banned me from their site


New Member
I was banned over there for (i think) suggesting a credit card option for the thcbay section. Logic asked for ideas since they were upgradeing the bay. I posted it once and then went back and my post was deleted/gone so I posted it again and bam I was OUT.
If that is true, then it says it all.


New Member
You must have struck a nerve!

Welcome to the internet. If you do shady business, everyone will know about it. :wink: