The 1000w MiracleGro Trial


Active Member
So I decided to find out if Miraclegro moisture control really works for myself. I've heard both sides of the table so here we grow. I got a 1000w switchable with a sealed glass reflector.I'm using just a 6" duct booster fan(250 cfm) and flex ducting to vent it, and it's working great. My temps are between 73-76 degrees, but my humidity is alittle low at 40% due to ventalation. I'm using 10 gallon containers and water is ph'd at 6.8. Strains are 2 nightshades(right) and 2 unknowns nicknamed C.I.A(left). They are now 2 weeks since transplanted from clones. Hope you follow along with me.



looking good so far! I'm using MG MC also on a bag-seed that's 5 weeks into vegging. Lots of people have reported nute burn using this fert probably because once the shells of those little nute balls crack they release. My plant looks really dark green but I'm starting to see yellowing at the ends of my bottom fan leafs. Good luck manbongsmilie


Active Member
looking good so far! I'm using MG MC also on a bag-seed that's 5 weeks into vegging. Lots of people have reported nute burn using this fert probably because once the shells of those little nute balls crack they release. My plant looks really dark green but I'm starting to see yellowing at the ends of my bottom fan leafs. Good luck manbongsmilie
Thanks man, It's nice to see someone else using the same thing. I have and am experiencing some nut burn but I'm not worried about it, growth is still good and I know as the girls get older it won't be an issue, good luck luck on yours, Do you have them posted? I'll take a look


Yeh i heard two different sides of the story to.......
im also putting it to the test lol...........
growing 4 spoetnik #1 as i havn't heard of many people growing it. Its under 250w HPS light
so far so good......i know what you mean with the yellowing of the tips!! that passes though!
i got a really good response to the plants. admitadly i didnt germinate in MG because of the acidity i used compost with added john innes, which is a slightly peaty compost but it has worked fine and the ph is good to....around 6
tell me what you think of the plants so far and any pointers or info would be great!
one q i do have though they are 20 inch pots....will that we enough to grow to 3 feet. Bloody home base doesnt work in gallons any more!!!
also, random bit of info one of the seeds sprouted 2 i thought right which is the 'leech' in order to remove it but both grew the same...........when i repotted to larger pots, the two appeared to be i looked and sure enough they had both created they own root system. hence why called S2 & S2t seed 2 and seed 2 twin.
hope all is good



Well-Known Member
First off, I would like to begin with saying that your plants are looking nice and healthy...good work!

Secondly, however, I will give you my opinion of MG potting soil. I have used MG potting soil for both indoor and outdoor grows and have not been impressed with the results. MG soil made extra work for me....meaning, that I didn't have complete control with the amount of nutrients my plants were recieving. I don't know the amount of nutes being continuously released into the root system of the plant with the time release ferts amended into the soil. So when I fed my plants with Fox Farms nutrients, it would increase the ppm's too much and stress the plants.

Whenever I grow with a soil mixture, I only use my own mix of seed starting mix (perlite/peat mix), add a little vermiculite for water retention....and voila! I have an inert growing medium which allows me to monitor and control the exact proportion/ratio of nute feeds....

I don't want my opinion to influence or sway anyone's style of growing methods...I'm just putting this info out there from my own personal results.


Well-Known Member
First off, I would like to begin with saying that your plants are looking nice and healthy...good work!

Secondly, however, I will give you my opinion of MG potting soil. I have used MG potting soil for both indoor and outdoor grows and have not been impressed with the results. MG soil made extra work for me....meaning, that I didn't have complete control with the amount of nutrients my plants were recieving. I don't know the amount of nutes being continuously released into the root system of the plant with the time release ferts amended into the soil. So when I fed my plants with Fox Farms nutrients, it would increase the ppm's too much and stress the plants.

Whenever I grow with a soil mixture, I only use my own mix of seed starting mix (perlite/peat mix), add a little vermiculite for water retention....and voila! I have an inert growing medium which allows me to monitor and control the exact proportion/ratio of nute feeds....

I don't want my opinion to influence or sway anyone's style of growing methods...I'm just putting this info out there from my own personal results.
Your plants look good.

Personally I would pass on the moisture control. It's designed to hold water from what I know. I use the organic and sometimes the regular MG...or mix them. But I always add about 20% perlite because we want drainage which is the exact opposite of what I understand the moisture control does.

Most of our household plants are tropical. They can easily be watered or over watered and do fine. The moisture control is designed to hold in water for a different type of plant IMO.

But hey, she looks good so roll with hit. I used my soil mixture mentioned above on all my outdoor. They did well. One White Widow was put outdoors on July 1, missing 45 days of veg and it still yielded 6oz.


Well-Known Member
lookin good MS!.. are u gonna b using MG nutes as well? ..ive had good results with MG soil and nutes.

to GiantGreen.. your plants look good. my buddy grew out the spoetnik #1 in a hydro system. the plant was beautiful, but the smoke was not very flavorful. maybe he got a bad pheno.


yeh cheers guys....much appreciated.........
just on to the potting you think they are enough to grow to 3ft......looking to veg until the smallest one is 16". The actual pots are 20".

In all honesty going back to the MG, im using the plant food and tomatorite fertilizer!! ha just experimenting with house hold goods.

Yeh i heard that to about the slight lack of taste but i heard a good recommendation of leaving the buds for just a couple of days longer to achieve a fuller taste.

How much bud would you expect to get from a 3 foot plant of good quality? just a general average dried.



as for the seeds sorry they are from paradise seeds, but i got them from a guy who knows the guy who owns it so the are from the reserved collection. got some bloody good seeds from him. hes had some pretty rare seeds


Active Member
Thanks everyone for stopping by and and the kind words. GiantGreen your girls look great and your containers look to be more than big enough, no worries on the 3 foot mark. hey floridasucks, No I don't plan on using any MG nutes or any until flower, unless I see that they need more. I know that just the soil is pretty hot and thats why alot of people have problems with MG. Dubsfan, you are most definetly correct about the drainage issue, but thats also part of this trial.But I have to admit it is nice only watering once every week instead of every other day. Hey jonboy30, I understand what your saying about not being able to control your levels but thats why I'm taking it slow I'm not going to feed it anything else until I no that is lacking or at least alot further into veg. I plan on vegging for 60 days, and i might do some FIM and LST but not for at least 2weeks. I will update with pix every week usually on tuesday for you guys so lets hope everything continues smoothly, and also thanks themeatman and 36trees for all your comments.Gotta go water the babies!


Well-Known Member
i used mg organic when i first started out, from there i went onto the fox farms line, with the happy frog i didn.t see any differnce from mg organic except price and the ocean forest burnt my young ones. then i moved onto coco. this last grow i bought the mg organic, it's all i ever use...


Well-Known Member
i used mg organic when i first started out, from there i went onto the fox farms line, with the happy frog i didn.t see any differnce from mg organic except price and the ocean forest burnt my young ones. then i moved onto coco. this last grow i bought the mg organic, it's all i ever use...
The few buddy's I have left that do soil grows only use MG organic. It's good stuff. After a few weeks it's all pretty much just dirt anyway. We add nutes to feed. The dirt kinda just gives the roots something to hold onto.


thats cool............its nice to know other people are using MG! and think there is virtually no difference. Yeh i know what you mean about the nute balls bursting.......what i did do to try and cancel it out as much as possible, i try and feed from from the own theory being if your feeding from the top the nute balls will just all release because the water travels down soaking the whole compost, giving nute if you feed from the base, the bottom 1/4 will be nice and damp when you water and 1/4 nutes which will surely help the decrease in likliness of burn and make the roots deep as they grow towards moisture.

thanks for the comment MS



Well-Known Member
thats cool............its nice to know other people are using MG! and think there is virtually no difference. Yeh i know what you mean about the nute balls bursting.......what i did do to try and cancel it out as much as possible, i try and feed from from the own theory being if your feeding from the top the nute balls will just all release because the water travels down soaking the whole compost, giving nute if you feed from the base, the bottom 1/4 will be nice and damp when you water and 1/4 nutes which will surely help the decrease in likliness of burn and make the roots deep as they grow towards moisture.

thanks for the comment MS

If anyone thinks they're too good for MG just look at all of fdd's grows. Other than maybe some compost and perlite, I'm pretty sure it's a MG dominant mix. 3 and 4lb yields per plant outdoors.


fp well ill let you know how these get on..............
mg isnt that ad.....i think its just people being fert might be easier but if you start on 1/4 nutes then build up ive never had a prb.

here are some later one taken yesterday




Active Member
Well gentleman I'm now at week 3 and as you can see the girls have grown quite well this last week. Not everything was peachy though, I had to go and buy a moisture meter because the new growth was looking a little light green and yellow like it was getting overwatered even though I went 10 days between waterings.So now I know for sure. Also I believe I might have some unwanted guest that I'm going to need your guys help identifying.

