The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

haha i was just jk. i was testing the ph of the water(just tap water, plants are like 3 days old). the meter broke. was a pos $20 one. gonna buy a waterproof one now i guess.
ohhh hahaha I get it!!!1 me smaurt
yea I need to get a meter... Filthy sent me a link to a good one.. but I lost it... and I PMed him the other day to send it again... and he said no way I never liked you :(
VV please pm me so i can get the rest of the info like how many sites? if you want extras like drain systems,filter bags and such
can someone tell me how many clones you could expect from a single mother? and maybe how many mothers you would need to clone up the stainless steel omega garden unit?
alot! I've goten 20 daughters off a single 1 foot mother plant... so fo rbiiger plants that number is even bigger!!!
well I have seen a couple hundred clones taken froma single mother.Not an omega garden user so I dont know but 1 clone per clone site is the rule
I personally keep 2-3 moms on hand so I dont have to strip her down so bad.I can easily take 20-50 clones from each with plenty to spare
and what about the link to the cheap meter filthy!? my plants need it! :( they said ohh go kick is ass! and I said noo noo hes a really cool guy once you get to know him... but they dont want to hear it. :/
VV please pm me so i can get the rest of the info like how many sites? if you want extras like drain systems,filter bags and such
No I can't, your box is full again. 12 site, with and without pump, drain might be nice, not necessary, and the filter bag sounded like a good idea. VV
well its opened now.10 and 12 site units are on a hold as my res supplier is out of stock on those so I will check on alyternate sources.They cost to ship them as they are big.If you wanted an 6 or 8 I have everything on hand for those ready to go.Drain setup is a $10 add on as well as the filter bag is a $10 add on option.I also can get Fox Farm nutes the 3 bottle set for additonal $45 for 1 qt grow big, 1 qt Tiger Bloom and 1 qt big bloom.Let me know if the 6 or 8 interests you or I'll keep checking on the 12 site res backups.
Not right off hand I will see as I dont have a unit on hand but will see what i can get for you on the dimensions.I forget as i havent built many of the larger ones usually 4,5,6,8, sizes
Ok, no hurry, I'm not planning a change tomorrow. I won't do anything more with it until after I get back from vacation anyway. Yes I have recommended the 6 site to several that have asked about flood and drain. I think it's a lot more practical for a closet then fllod and drain is, I always refer thier questions to the master. VV
man filthy can you resend that link to the cheap meter please I'll give you have my harvest :P

I just got Flora Kleen to get rid of that evil salt build up and Super oxy H2O2 for good mesure... the H2O2 sais to put 20 drops per gallon.. anyone know how many drops are in a teaspoon?
and also whats your techniqu for getting rid of salt and adding H2O2?
I was just wondering about how many square feet the 6 plant set up will take up. I am not really talking about the dimensions of the box but more so how many feet it will take up with the plants blooming?
I made one after Mr Filthys models, changed a few things because its all I had on hand . mine seems to be working great, check it out