The 30 minute 6 plant aero build

They dont atomize the water but break it down into a fine enough particle to super oxygenate the water and feed the entire root system.In setups I sell I have been ading an additional spinner sprayer for even extra covergae not that its needed.I also reccomend an air stone and H202 for aeroponic res. I can get micro atomizer srayers but they are very costly and are clogged fairly easy with nutes more then even foggers.Those cost about $18 each and then the need steel tubing costs about $6 a foot and then each t connector is $8 and end caps are $6 each so you d be close to $200 on just the sprayer heads for those and then have to run an inline filter with micro 200 mesh to even hope of non clogs.These red one work very well.I ve grown many large and small setups and used these after trial and error of over 12 different mister heads. The worst are the little red and blue cylinder kind with 360 degree holes for 360 spraying they clog in an hour or 2
Good. I just installed those red misters in a similar way to your H, with a mister between the net pots, and they squirt between the pots and hardly get them wet. So it must be that my pump is too weak (it's only 80 gph). The pots are much closer together than yours are so I figured 80 would be good enough.
Youll need at least a 150 gph pump but if you can get a 200-250 that perfect. You turn the sprayers so the mist strems hit the net pots. 1 mister does 2 pots 1 side each then the misters on the other side hits 2 net pots so both sides get misted.Make sure your not to far below the pots with the manifold
Thanks for the tips. This system is going to do wonders for my grow box. I just ordered some 211 gph pumps so I should be blasting with mist soon.
im building a few of these as we speak. not getting a hole cutter thing make this take a lot longer than 30min.

i got this pvc glue all over my hands. when it dries im going to install the misters and see if it works. AMG!!
haha cool it works. bout to start a new hydro grow tomorrow with some bagseed i guess. i was worried cause i had a 160gph pump but i still got some serious mist.
I didnt even bother gluing the pieces togeter, they dont leak at all, and I had to take it apart once because I broke a mister and the screw thing got stuck in the PVC.
after cutting 2 holes in the lid ov the rubber maide I got quite good at it, I can cut out a good hole in under a minute :), I did it with a pocketknife and held it diagnaly and sawed at it, and it cut like butter, but not when I held the knife straight up.. I dont know why, but its pretty easy once you get the hang of it
yeah. i just brought the lid up and cut it with a blade during the load times on witcher.

you still have yours running? did you ever end up buying an airstone or anything for when your roots started hanging in the water.
Yeah hand cutting does add a few more minutes as a whole saw on a dril takes about 2 minutes to cut all of them out then I run a razor lightly around edges to clean them up.
I tried doing it with a drill, and thoes special big hole frill bits, that were like 80 years old, and I almost killed myself... how the hell do thoes things work??? the saw kept jumping out and flying, and spining all off axis and it was nuts.
whaat did I do wrong?
you can use it from the plants first to its last day on this earth... wait no... the last day will be in the bowl... ... its last living day.
I'm not using an airstone, and I'me getting some kind of weird slime on my roots, fletch suggested I put an airstone in... so it might be mandatory?
I guess not really if youre using H2O2 but I dont know
no filters, fletch said earlier hes using a fnely woven bag made for putting around your pump that dosnt alow small particals to get in there... I asked for one of these at my local hydroponic store and the lady thought I was nuts... and it took her a half houre to tell me she didnt have it. so I'm using 2 of thoes finly woven nets used for pool vacumes. more expensive hydroponic water pumps have a filter over the intake so this isn't necisary, the bag isnt neccisary eaither, but it sure helps:)