*-*The 8th Official Party Cup Grow Competition Update Thread*-*

No woman problems this time, just have a problem staying out of the hospital... Typing has become a problem these last few days
I thought you were Alaskan tough? Shake that shit off sailor :razz:! I'd say to avoid all the needless Obamacare BS you should of went to your local tavern where Dr Walker or Dr Daniels would of happily assisted with that. I mean really FC, after the 5th or 6th free shot that the crowd and/or house would most definitely have bought for you you'd be all ready to pour some Dewars on it, give that nail a little twist left and right, and after you stop seeing stars, (feel free to have another shot here), let one of your new friends rip it the fuck out. Hell man you could of auctioned the job off! Probably would of made a buck or two. Lost opportunity brougham :(.

Goddamn that must of sucked! Feel better FC :clap:!

We have modern medical facilities up here froggy! I am "Alaskan Tough" brotha, don't worry about me! The nail deflected off my bone and bent 60*-75* around it. I realized I wasn't the one to pull it after I straightened the fucker and my thumb started to throb and swell. Tough isn't only about performing minor surgery on yourself, or killing a bear with a K-Bar; Its about keeping control of situations that would "destroy" most people... I've been shot, stabbed, lit on fire, thrown from a moving vehicle, and been stepped on by a moose, not to mention the numerous auto collisions.... I'm "tough" but I damn sure know my wife is tougher.... Life is different in AK, its truly the "wild west", we're just different up here. And we like it that way!

pos car.jpg

And now yesterday I chased down a tweaker that stole my kids bike right in front of me.... long story short, I broke my good hand on his face and got my kids bike back...
I'm starting to figure out that at 30 years old, I cant act like a teenager anymore.... 2 metatarsil hand bones broken, the pinky fractured, and a sprained wrist.... I fucking hate thieves....
IMG_1088.JPG IMG_1085.JPG (the bruising just started)
Chop time for my girl.

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she's doing ok, could be better, but what the hell...
View attachment 3670143

Good thinking Kmog33, I need to keep some pollen handy for the really good plants, then will be able to keep them around.. +1/2 point for u brother

Yeah I'm on that train lol. Got pollen in the freezer from cookie wreck, as well as my personal bred Tahoe master and Doc's 00G. Makes it easy not having to deal with males. Just cull them and use what I've already got the cookie wreck I just collected because the male had a lot of extremely desirable traits.
Yeah I'm on that train lol. Got pollen in the freezer from cookie wreck, as well as my personal bred Tahoe master and Doc's 00G. Makes it easy not having to deal with males. Just cull them and use what I've already got the cookie wreck I just collected because the male had a lot of extremely desirable traits.
What do you consider to be desirable traits in a male? Just curious...clearly it's easy to judge the females, but the males...I still find myself wondering what people are looking for in them.
What do you consider to be desirable traits in a male? Just curious...clearly it's easy to judge the females, but the males...I still find myself wondering what people are looking for in them.
Vigor and growth rate are the easiest along with resistance to mold and pests. But I other traits I look for are leaf and node structure, stretch, flowering structure/density, color, smell. Basically the same things I look for in females. That being said, you still never know how it's going to pass on its traits until you grow out its progeny.

These are males I'm using right now.
You just want a male that doesn't show sex too quickly. Some males will show sex in veg around day 35-40. So if they take longer, that's better.

You don't want a stretchy male. That will have more hemp traits. You want a squaty / compact male with closer nodes.

Stem rub (smell) and flower development , trichomes and color are kind of ways to go. But you really don't know want you have til you grow a bunch of seeds of its off spring.

Males don't show the same traits as females that we usually look for.
Kmogg33 and Hyroot thanks, I was kinda wondering the same thing about what to look for in traits for males, I planned on doing some experiments later and this info will help me, much appreciated...

Kmogg33 and Hyroot thanks, I was kinda wondering the same thing about what to look for in traits for males, I planned on doing some experiments later and this info will help me, much appreciated...

This is not a male I would use lol.
especially when the all the females in the line are herming out. He just posted his males and there is only one that looks half decent IMO.
if you want super low yielding plants though...
This is not a male I would use lol.
especially when the all the females in the line are herming out. He just posted his males and there is only one that looks half decent IMO.
if you want super low yielding plants though...


I've been following all the drama with a bowl a popcorn lol

I've been following all the drama with a bowl a popcorn lol
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. Two guys fighting while working the same hermy cross. I just don't understand how you post
and then
without going.

This strain is [emoji90][emoji90][emoji90]
Cupdate guys and gals it's exactly the same as last week lol have 3 golf ball size buds I'm just glad it's still Green great experience with some great growers already have ideas for next round, I just germed some seeds for my ez cloner gonna grow a couple out and see how it goes have zero experience in hydro.IMG_20160501_111640083.jpg IMG_20160501_111651202.jpg