The Amendment King

Right now, the Democratic Party does not support democratic or progressive ideals. Baltimore's mayor Catherine Pugh, a Democrat, vetoed a $15/hr minimum wage in March of 2017.

If a party doesn't support one's political position, why support them? That would seem to be the epitome of 'facts don't need to be true to be believed' thinking.
You live in Colorado, not Baltimore. Imposing your will on people far away for their own good? Who are you to tell Baltimore what to do? That mayor can be voted out of office if the people of Baltimore don't like her.

Does your town have a $15 minimum wage?

Oregon has 9.75 minimum wage today with scheduled wage rises between now and 2022 to bring the wage to almost $15 in metro areas.

Should I be furious at my state's government for this? Maybe vote in a Republican as punishment?
You live in Colorado, not Baltimore. Imposing your will on people far away for their own good? Who are you to tell Baltimore what to do? That mayor can be voted out of office if the people of Baltimore don't like her.

Does your town have a $15 minimum wage?

Oregon has 9.75 minimum wage today with scheduled wage rises between now and 2022 to bring the wage to almost $15 in metro areas.

Should I be furious at my state's government for this? Maybe vote in a Republican as punishment?
You aren't making sense.

It does not look like Democrats support my positions, I gave evidence. Therefore I'm supporting a political movement that does. It seems lots of others are, too. That political movement is putting up candidates to primary Democrats across the country. Win or lose, we'll see what happens.

If you don't like that, the other alternative is revolution. Having seen one of those up close, I think that almost any other alternative is preferable.
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It is my way or the highway when it comes to ensuring 27 million Americans who weren't covered under the ACA, it is my way or the highway when it comes to getting money out of politics and overturning Citizens United. It is my way or the highway when it comes to accepting corporate or PAC money to fund political campaigns. If you don't like that, can't accept that or can't understand why, you're not as smart as I thought you were.
That's a fair definition of yourself.

Your stand would result in more americans without health care coverage today, you'll never see Citizen's United repealed and oligarchs will control government after 8 years of Republican domination of government. The highway is not going to be maintained, so I'll drive slow but anything to get away from losers like you.
That's a fair definition of yourself.

Your stand would result in more americans without health care coverage today, you'll never see Citizen's United repealed and oligarchs will control government after 8 years of Republican domination of government. The highway is not going to be maintained, so I'll drive slow but anything to get away from losers like you.
'losers like me'? We've been using your political strategy since Bill Clinton was in office and look where it's gotten us

It has lost Democrats complete control of government. 57 million Americans will be uninsured because of you and your bullshit
That's a fair definition of yourself.

Your stand would result in more americans without health care coverage today, you'll never see Citizen's United repealed and oligarchs will control government after 8 years of Republican domination of government. The highway is not going to be maintained, so I'll drive slow but anything to get away from losers like you.
The Democrats have been handmaidens to oligarchy since Clinton. That doesn't serve my interests or those of at least 80% of Americans, so it's time to try something different.

The Tea Party cost the Republicans an election or two, until they got the message.

If the Democrats won't listen to the vast majority of the nation's citizens, doing the same is the only logical alternative.
You aren't making sense.

It does not look like Democrats support my positions, I gave evidence. Therefore I'm working a political movement that does. It seems lots of others are, too. That political movement is putting up candidates to primary Democrats across the country. Win or lose, we'll see what happens.

If you don't like that, the other alternative is revolution. Having seen Oney of those up close, I think that almost any other alternative is preferable.
A Democratic mayor in Baltimore vetoed a bill to raise minimum wage in Baltimore. You take this to mean the the entire Democratic party rejects your values. And you say I'm not making sense.

I'm perfectly happy with local voters putting the people in office that they want to represent them. You seem to think that a Colorado liberal should have a say in what happens in Baltimore. I think that's where you are wrong and by pushing your values on people in other communities you will lose election after election.

2016, Democratic party gained seats in the national congress, both house and senate. Also net gains in state elections. I'd like to see this trend continue. If the Justice Democrats' big idea is to take out conservative Democrats then they will reverse this trend.

As I said before, a congressman who votes against Trump 40% of the time is better than one who votes against Trump never. In West Virginia, that's the real choice placed in front of the primary voters.
As I said before, a congressman who votes against Trump 40% of the time is better than one who votes against Trump never. In West Virginia, that's the real choice placed in front of the primary voters.
If WV voters are as conservative as you believe, why would they vote for a blue dog Democrat like Manchin instead of the Republican?
A Democratic mayor in Baltimore vetoed a bill to raise minimum wage in Baltimore. You take this to mean the the entire Democratic party rejects your values. And you say I'm not making sense.

I'm perfectly happy with local voters putting the people in office that they want to represent them. You seem to think that a Colorado liberal should have a say in what happens in Baltimore. I think that's where you are wrong and by pushing your values on people in other communities you will lose election after election.

2016, Democratic party gained seats in the national congress, both house and senate. Also net gains in state elections. I'd like to see this trend continue. If the Justice Democrats' big idea is to take out conservative Democrats then they will reverse this trend.

As I said before, a congressman who votes against Trump 40% of the time is better than one who votes against Trump never. In West Virginia, that's the real choice placed in front of the primary voters.
Then it's time We the People put more choices in front of primary voters and let them decide.

How is that not democracy?
'losers like me'? We've been using your political strategy since Bill Clinton was in office and look where it's gotten us

It has lost Democrats complete control of government. 57 million Americans will be uninsured because of you and your bullshit
My goodness, you have completely lost perspective. Democrats are making gains in retaking control from Republicans.

In 2009 - 2010, there was no chance of enacting universal health care coverage. None. A bill to help as many a possible was enacted. It's still in place and has strong support from the electorate who want more people covered not less.

I'll take credit for that too.
If WV voters are as conservative as you believe, why would they vote for a blue dog Democrat like Manchin instead of the Republican?
You'd have to ask them. I live in Oregon. They like Manchin. He has better than even odds of winning according to opinion polls FWIW. What's her face has no chance of winning.
Then it's time We the People put more choices in front of primary voters and let them decide.

How is that not democracy?
I'm just saying that a Colorado liberal has made the absurd statement that if a Baltimore mayor who is a member of the Democratic party vetoes a local measure to raise minimum wages then the entire Democratic party has rejected his values.
I'm just saying that a Colorado liberal has made the absurd statement that if a Baltimore mayor who is a member of the Democratic party vetoes a local measure to raise minimum wages then the entire Democratic party has rejected his values.
The mayor is a Democrat and in fact vetoed the bill. A vote with actual consequences.

No more absurd than you clinging to a vote to repeal Citizens United when it had no chance of passage. In other words, a vote of no consequence.
The mayor is a Democrat and in fact vetoed the bill. A vote with actual consequences.

No more absurd than you clinging to a vote to repeal Citizens United when it had no chance of passage. In other words, a vote of no consequence.
Just citing facts. Every Senator in that corrupt Democratic Party who was then seated in Congress voted for Sanders bill to amend the Constitution. You spin it how you like.

An absurd ttyism as interpreted by a dirty dog:
I don't take you seriously. You are a Colorado Democrat. All Democrats should not be taken seriously.
Where does this blog (snicker) mention Democrats serving oligarchy masters?

Did you know that every Democratic Senator supported Sanders bill to repeal Citizen's United? Every one of them voted to curtail the power of corporate (oligarch) money. Every one of them.

I called you a liar because that's what deliberately speaking an untruth is called.
Where does this blog (snicker) mention Democrats serving oligarchy masters?

Did you know that every Democratic Senator supported Sanders bill to repeal Citizen's United? Every one of them voted to curtail the power of corporate (oligarch) money. Every one of them.

I called you a liar because that's what deliberately speaking an untruth is called.
Your assertion has no teeth. A vote with no consequence.

Yet you discount a veto with very real consequences.

And you want to call ME crazy?