The Amendment King

Where does this blog (snicker) mention Democrats serving oligarchy masters?

Did you know that every Democratic Senator supported Sanders bill to repeal Citizen's United? Every one of them voted to curtail the power of corporate (oligarch) money. Every one of them.

I called you a liar because that's what deliberately speaking an untruth is called.
So the BBC World Service is a 'blog', and a Princeton University study is a 'lie'.

Whatever it is you're smoking, I don't want any.

Go wash your dog.
i'm freaking mortified at the direction you've taken. it is embarrassing and sad.
The fact that you are willing to compromise on something like universal healthcare is what's embarrassing and sad. You're willing to throw 27 million Americans under the bus to support a bullshit policy of incrementalism
Democrats are making gains in retaking control from Republicans.
In 2009 - 2010, there was no chance of enacting universal health care coverage. None.
Right, when establishment Democrats hold a supermajority in congress and have control of the executive office, there is still no chance of getting universal healthcare passed. "None". So why should I support establishment Democrats?
has strong support from the electorate
ACA has 50/50 support. 10% more voters support enacting a universal program, including 43% of Republicans.
Right, when establishment Democrats hold a supermajority in congress and have control of the executive office, there is still no chance of getting universal healthcare passed.

that supermajority was in place for 73 days and comprised of people like joe lieberman, who killed the public option.

but go ahead and throw the baby out with the bathtub full of your tears.
that supermajority was in place for 73 days and comprised of people like joe lieberman, who killed the public option.

but go ahead and throw the baby out with the bathtub full of your tears.
The Democrats held a supermajority. They chose to enact the individual mandate instead of single payer.

Twist the facts all you want.
it would have taken 60 votes. so if just one of them, say joe lieberman, did not even want a public option, how could they have passed single payer?

remember, they only had 73 days to do it too.
So then, like I said, wtf good does it do to support establishment Democrats if they can't even get what we want passed when they hold a supermajority in congress?
So then, like I said, wtf good does it do to support establishment Democrats if they can't even get what we want passed when they hold a supermajority in congress?

i don't think single payer failing 80-20 is sending anyone the message that it's what people want.

suppose the senate did some magic and passed single payer though. the house had to claw for 218 votes to pass obamacare and many lost their seats over it, a majority we lost that is still here today.

how would they have gotten 218 votes in the house for single payer? and how many more seats would have been lost?
i don't think single payer failing 80-20 is sending anyone the message that it's what people want.
Every time you bring up ColoradoCare, I counter it with the fact that it was to be funded by a 10% increase in income and payroll taxes. Yet you consistently fail to acknowledge that part, as if to imply Colorado voters voted against universal healthcare because they didn't want it.

Why must you be so disingenuous in order to make a political point?

suppose the senate did some magic and passed single payer though. the house had to claw for 218 votes to pass obamacare and many lost their seats over it, a majority we lost that is still here today.

how would they have gotten 218 votes in the house for single payer? and how many more seats would have been lost?
So we lost the majority while fighting for a watered down version of healthcare. I've been asking you why we didn't fight for single payer, and your excuse has been because we might have lost the majority. Now, your excuse for opposing single payer is that we might lose more seats in the house...

You are a motherfucking comicbook. Deplorable.
Every time you bring up ColoradoCare, I counter it with the fact that it was to be funded by a 10% increase in income and payroll taxes. Yet you consistently fail to acknowledge that part, as if to imply Colorado voters voted against universal healthcare because they didn't want it.

Why must you be so disingenuous in order to make a political point?

So we lost the majority while fighting for a watered down version of healthcare. I've been asking you why we didn't fight for single payer, and your excuse has been because we might have lose the majority. Now, your excuse for opposing single payer is that we might lose more seats in the house...

You are a motherfucking comicbook. Deplorable.

you didn;t answer how we'd get 218 votes in the house for single payer when we barely got that many for a much safer bill, politically speaking.

you don't remember the retards at townhalls shouting about socialism?

granted, you may have been about 14 years old at the time.
you didn;t answer how we'd get 218 votes in the house for single payer
By being honest about it. 60% of Americans support single payer, including 43% of Republicans. Stop lying to people and telling them its impossible. It's only impossible because fuck faces like you exist and stand in the way of it.
LOL and no they don't.

remember how they were screaming about death panels? maybe not since you were about 12 years old back then, but you are as naive as they come.
You and I are the same age

Yes they do;


You can thank Bernie Sanders and actual progressives for that, while you fight to ensure 27 million Americans still don't have access to adequate health insurance. What an accomplishment!
You and I are the same age

Yes they do;


You can thank Bernie Sanders and actual progressives for that, while you fight to ensure 27 million Americans still don't have access to adequate health insurance. What an accomplishment!

look at where your own graph was in 20009/2010.

we just voted on it here, failed by 60 points.
look at where your own graph was in 20009/2010.

we just voted on it here, failed by 60 points.
Look where it was in 2006

Colorado voted against it because it would have increased income and payroll taxes by 10%

I would have voted against that and I support universal healthcare

You are lying when you say Colorado didn't want it. Colorado does want it, they just don't want it under GOP terms. Under terms that would increase poor and middle-class taxes.

Ask Colorado if they want universal healthcare funded by a progressive tax system and report back to me.
..Look at where it is now.

60%+ support single payer. Republicans want to take healthcare away, the Democrats have an unbelievable opportunity to stick up for the working man.
you sound like a rapist.


You are being disingenuous.

Every time you bring up ColoradoCare, I counter it with the fact that it was to be funded by a 10% increase in income and payroll taxes. Yet you consistently fail to acknowledge that part, as if to imply Colorado voters voted against universal healthcare because they didn't want it.

Why must you be so disingenuous in order to make a political point?