The Art of Growing, Cheaply

Biological Graffity

Active Member
FUCK!FUCK!FUCK! My diesel mom in flower just started showing some BOY PARTS!!!!that whore was in flower for 42 days now , and I got to say its looking good, many colas got to be 3-4 oz....What should I do? harvest now? pick the pollen pods offand keep flowering? will she even finish now that the bitch flipped, or is she gonna keep throwing balls at me? Help....Should I hold on to the clones from her, or just toss'em?

Biological Graffity

Active Member
sooo....wicked buisy day today got alot done...planted 5 chernobyl , 5 of the Flav, and 4 Jilly beans, pulled out deisel ma out of the flower room tonight, but this morning spent some time in the dark....NOT complete dark! there are a few more light leaks, not major but way more than I would like....still taking care of them, so I go back to water mama baby romm and while doing it I found 10 of theese diesel clones.....hmmmm....

so, I figure, I could be that type o guy who blames the unstable strain, or, I could be the guy who when he fucks up, does it right the next time....we shall see what happens , but I'm flowering all the remaining diesel (even if it is to prove that strain might be unstable, and the few minor light leaks can get fixed while I'm at it) so I planted them in big pots and into veg room...
mouving on had to mix som more soil today...used the usual 1/2 bail promix, 1/2 bail happy frog soil conditioner, 1/2 big bag of perlite, 1/2 bag pure worm castings, 3 scoops of lime and 2 qts of super secret firt mix ;) .... here are some pics of a diesel ma., ( I smoked a tiny lower bud that I picked yesterday, def premature, the high is weak, but surprisingly long lasting and very cerebral....too early)...I'm building it a tent in the back yard tommorrow to mantaign the 12/12 scedule ...and there are some pics of a way overcrouded veg room...something is beeng done about that though....He!..HE! UUAAAHHAHAHA!



Well-Known Member
i see you got all TGA seeds? i got querkle goin right now, out of 4 reg seeds i got 3 beautiful females and 1 stud of a male...ill be buying more TGA in the future

Biological Graffity

Active Member
yeah its my first run with subcools gear, seems like its all the rage these days, stuff looks cool though, I figured why not? far the germination rate has been very good 1 out of 15 didnt shoot...
In the pics Chernobyl looks like straight up devils weird looking tasty plants :)

Biological Graffity

Active Member
...>>>really tired...watered all in flower with premixed firt, also all in veg, fimmed all deisel ...TGA looking good....Jilly Bean is sort of lagging some spots in leafs...they were the last to germinate...but still 4 out of 5 's good....the herm mouved in to my has been getting rained on all day , so I couldnt stick it under the tarp...I light proofed the window one can use THAT bathroom from 7 to 7....on the bright side , I only picked about 1/2 the "nanas" than yesterday ....I think she is staring to remember her roots LOL....note to self...THAT thing...

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
ok, didnt mix any fert this feeding, so I used some free bee roots organic trinity, at 15 mil a gallon + 5 mil a gallon of sea cal and sea mag respectively...thats for old flower ,so far cloned amazing haze and iranian auto flower...will clone the rest today, the haze mom continues to yellow, so is the deisel (showing some purple spots on leaves) ....will post some pics tonight...adding some plants to flower + some new lights...figgure just eddit the update, fertilized new plants in flower, ...
New in flower as of 04/22 bubblegummer mom, hedgehog durban mom, purple moroc mom, the rest are haze...they have all been cloned...still working on additional lights in flower room...will post pics when finished, plants in flower got fed HN Grow 15 ml, HN Bloom 15 Ml, HNHoney ES 15 ml , Sea cal, sea mag, prozime, flaworfull, 5 ML each....
I can't wait to see the Bubblegummer, Hedgehog Durban, & Purple Moroc in full flower. Please post pix when they are...

Biological Graffity

Active Member after a fairly short break, WE HAVE RESTORED INTERNET CAPABILITIES! sorry bout that...we had a slight virus major update tommorrow....

Biological Graffity

Active Member
....ok well , some major!1...more grow room!
#2, amazing haze and diesel+ 1 wicked tall lowrider hybreed are ready and are beeng harvested now...everything else has been stuck in the green house, even the stuff in flower (thank god its been raining for over a week here) so no signs of reversing to veg...


Well-Known Member
nice greenhouse bio. i want 1 too. lol. im guessing the windows are the south side? how big is that thing? do u grow vegetables in there also. if not u should. nice setup bio. keep up the good fight bro.

Biological Graffity

Active Member
Got to say most credit should go to my friends and neighbours....but some how we got this far, its by no means complete, with power, insulation and wood stove + propane CO2 generators I'm gonna try to go through next winter....

Biological Graffity

Active Member still lots of work, hardly keeping up-...cloned more Iranians, now have about 30 all together , so once this flower batch is done (they are going back to flower rooms, I simply dont have time to mouve all of them twice a day) the iranians are next to flower...mixed sum fert for today, flower: per 6 gal..30ml grow, 30 ml bloom, flaworfull 15 ml, honey 60 ml, prozime30 ml...veg prozime 30, grow 60, flaworfull 15...serriuosly considering switching from Humboldt Nutrients to Roots organic....any thoughts /advise on that? the thing with Humboldt, not only you have to brew it, it is also extremely hard to keep the solutions mixed evenly....also if anyone knows cheap place online to get "hydro halos "please let me know...we are starting the work on the raised bed in the greenhouse as soon as all the flowering plants are back in the rooms and all the harvested stuff is trimmed...later today I will post a list and pics of the stuff in flower...I was extremely lucky to get 10 days of rain , so the flowering plants in greenhouse continued budding, but I have pushed my luck far enough....those 10 deisel clones also might start flowering today, I might take some clones off them befoure that, lets see how unstable that strain really is....good yelder though, I havent weighted it yet but that hurm mom put out close to 6 oz dry, we will see...also the white lightning and the wheelchair (its really a Black Hawaiian) gotta be close to later...

Biological Graffity

Active Member mites...the problem seems to be getting worse in mama baby room , so I deployed lady bugs...its been 12 hours, all the damn things aare doing so far is screwing each other...we shall see...


Well-Known Member mites...the problem seems to be getting worse in mama baby room , so I deployed lady bugs...its been 12 hours, all the damn things aare doing so far is screwing each other...we shall see...
the ladybbugs do work! i only put 1 in my flower room to prevent breedin/egg laying, but the 1 lady bug seems to be eating a shitload of gnats