The Art of The Auto


Active Member
I'd love to know what you guys are referring to of Zen's... but I won't pry....
Damn curiosity... good thing I'm not a cat! lol
Sorry JM...he is making us some little AF design next time we do the Cup Challenge the Winners will have something they can wear with Pride in their signature.

Badge of Honour....:clap:

we have been looking for someone to help Design..


Active Member
DAMMMNNN JM sorry bro that SUCKS. I just watered with the epson all i can do now is wait and hope she turns back good.. Fingers crossed!! I checked for bugs none so i do believe it is a def (cal/mag) hopefully...... EDIT: Karma sent John...

John Mondello

Active Member
@mossy... ahhh! IC thats awesome!
@xxk2xx no prob m8.. I'm dealing with it like gantsa! lol got my tommy gun all loaded up with neem and predator drones flyin in the sky patrolling.
Sounds like you'll be ok and thats good!
I see this as another semester of class in the farming world... good lessons!



Well-Known Member
DAMMMNNN JM sorry bro that SUCKS. I just watered with the epson all i can do now is wait and hope she turns back good.. Fingers crossed!! I checked for bugs none so i do believe it is a def (cal/mag) hopefully...... EDIT: Karma sent John...
after going back and finding them XxK2xX i would say that it was a def cal/mag issue. One thing i want to ask you though is have you been using the TB? If so i have an idea on why that happened. Mg gets locked out starting at about 6.3 and below. Good Mg pick up is from 6.5 to about 7.2 so if you were using TB to feed them this could have been the cause. I did a test the other night just to see how much the pH changed after i added TB. the water was at 7.0 when i set it to bubble, added the TB to it about an hour later and then checked the pH after about 3 hrs of bubbling. The drop was insane. I went all the way down to 6.0 and only used about half strength to test with. This happened to me and i got a Mg def i had to fix and it looks like its stopped as the lower fans are no longer loosing their color and the tips are starting to settle.


Active Member
dargo..just realised..I Think the Leaf Colour is either cold/low light induced..not Bud colour...
(kush trait..)


Well-Known Member
some Jem x Ak, and some bad bettys off to the side, blue cheese in the back non af.
Well its about damn time my friend and they look good.
I didnt know that you had crossed the JEM and the AK, how are the results in your eyes on this?
The structure and growth patters? what about color? (like i wasnt going to ask that one lol)

I have done my first cross JEMxICU and am excited to see the results of them. The mother is a BIG ICU and the father was a purple male. I think the offspring will be good or at least hope so.

What are the little seedlings more akxJEM?


Active Member
@JM lmao you really made me laugh on that one. @FD yes TB & BB at 1/4 strength i do believe now that you said something my ph was a lil low (6.2ish droplet teter) whew good thing i raised it up a bit with the epson. to about 6.8ish maybe 7.. fucking droplets haha i needa research a ph uptake chart anyone have one handy?? JM you and your charts..??


Well-Known Member
Haha, I feel honored. The Lemon Auto Skunk popped the dirt tonight(this is the one I'm going to LST)
Hey man what a better way to bring it to you than a live run with it, then we can do it side by side and work with each other if there are issues. :)

and I can see a bulge where the PJ is coming up also! I'll prolly wait to put the newborn under light for a day or so, I'll just leave her on the very outskirts of the light foot print. Just enough to tease, lol.
NICE!!! and thats what i do, when they show ill shade them with the bigger pots. And i have noticed something about My F1's, they are not getting tons of direct light due to their way more mature cousins and they are not stretching at all. Either i have that amount of intensity in the room or they are just non stretchers, and i am ok with that either way it means good things.

Oh and one more thing, i did my first bind last night to start the LST, in 3 hrs her head was back pointed up :) she is taking it well. When i looked this morning i could already see the changes in the lower leaf's.

@ Mossy i have found my mother for the F2 Roll ill get a pic tonight you are gonna love the balance. Its outstanding and like i was telling BH about it. Its gone 1,3,5,7, and the new set i can count 9 :) :) :) if i get an 11 ill be tickled.


Well-Known Member
@JM lmao you really made me laugh on that one. @FD yes TB & BB at 1/4 strength i do believe now that you said something my ph was a lil low (6.2ish droplet teter) whew good thing i raised it up a bit with the epson. to about 6.8ish maybe 7.. fucking droplets haha i needa research a ph uptake chart anyone have one handy?? JM you and your charts..??



Active Member
you just love teasin us with those dont ya? ur evil... very evil
evil is inherited from the children develop it from living through teenagers...:twisted:

BTW...did I mention that the Afghan Hound...was going as well..
you can see the purple coming up from under the leaves...


John Mondello

Active Member
shit, wish my girls looked half that nice!
Inm due time... in due time... gonna add another 400 watts in FEB... MH... double dose... 400HPS X 400MH.... that should deliver a few more lumens!
Cant wait till summer when the real lumens come out to play!

ps - my daughter turns 13 this year!... so watch out cuz I already have alittle evil in me... :):twisted:

LMHO- ho-humm... like ur sleepin while your doin this shit! lol


Well-Known Member
Now the DC Leaf colour coming in...on the F3's..
Goodness at all the color you have going on over there.
Even the hound is showing. I know whats happening Mossy
you have been giving them the amended water this time
and all this color is them thanking you for what you have done to them :)

Some truly sexy bitches there m8

if you keep this up im going to have to fly to spain and take your camera
cause these shots are killing me

and if im slightly evil now whats going to happen when i go through the teen years with mine.....

John Mondello

Active Member
LOL @ FD.... yeah mossy, better watch out... FD and I might both fly over there and take your camera... might have to hijack some seeds from ya while we're at it! see the evils kickin in early! lol

@xx no prob on the chars.. always glad to help