The Art of The Auto


Whats up Dargo, No sour 60's .. those pics are of Lowasis and some Jems. Im interested in trying some 60s but just havent got around to trying to order any beans...


Active Member
Wey made it to the thread.....

Merry Christmas m8....:bigjoint:

It's great to see you...and the Girls...
I Think I went out just as you were about to smoke those pink and white girls...on your hunting trip..
how did it go...?

The pre-sexers are looking good too..were they from when you changed your compo..?

Transplanted here due to some shady moderating..
Did you hit sh*t..or do you mean me Bro...
FullD has told me some of the rumours..

Anyway..nuff of that..glad you are here.....
just chill..everybody around here are friends...
thread is as chilled as the last you will feel at home.

It does tend to move if I miss owt..mail me....:mrgreen:


Active Member
bombudz..I have both AK and WW with PJ..and they make Good crosses...:leaf:

@ mossy, im FINALY getting my soil growing girls dialed in :grin: I can see lush green new growth coming from my girls. A couple of speedy g's are never going to amount to much as they suffered so long, but all the other autos including the Psirens are going to be model plants :wink:
Brilliant..thats what I like to hear..makes me think..loads of Lush girls for Spring....:weed:

(I'm greedy..I know..I know...just can't help it...)

I Like that 4 heavy bottom branched pheno..makes a Good adds quite a bit to yield.

Mmm..light...nom nom nom

Give her what she wants m8..she looks as if she will reward you..little Beauty..


Active Member
nealc...saw you had a taster somewhere back in the thread..
but I cannot find the post...
Glad you were Happy m8...

I was thinking it would be a hell of a waste if you didn't with the size of that girl....
Amazonian ALF.....:mrgreen:

JM...cheers m8...
just found out about 30minutes ago that a trip tothe UK was Not needed.
Daughter phoned to say..that although Granny isn't well..and they are keeping her in for more tests..
all should be okay..

She is 92 you know...(Granny..not daughter) worry...:roll:


Active Member
good to hear granny is in good shape man
Cheers IS a worry.
You girls are looking Good for being in such small cups.
I specially like the one with the Tree trunk stalk...nice growing.

HHH...remember FullD had me doing the amended water during summer for that salt build-up on my leaves...?

We got it dialled in over here...
aerated water..and a touch of white wine vinegar as a PH buffer....ONLY...

They outgrew the growcupboard....mental eh...?....:o

and they are outdoor through the day..9.5 hours NATURAL light..
we have been 0 degrees C..
cold glass-house at night..
and all they have had as feed is 2 x 50% dilute veg ferts and 1 x 50% flower...

FullD's Magic Water......kiss-ass



Active Member
the leaves i trimed off the big girl i looked at under the scope and shes a damn spider web of sticky im just hopeing my autos respond just as well as she did i got 3 dirt sprouters right now hopeing the greenhouse method i thought up will work to get the others to sprout out of there dirt a party cup thats covered by a 2 liter soda bottle with some water sprayed in it on a heating pad cause them rocket fules are being a damn whore to germ the blue himalayas are like silk poping like corn in the microwave


Well-Known Member
the leaves i trimed off the big girl i looked at under the scope and shes a damn spider web of sticky im just hopeing my autos respond just as well as she did i got 3 dirt sprouters right now hopeing the greenhouse method i thought up will work to get the others to sprout out of there dirt a party cup thats covered by a 2 liter soda bottle with some water sprayed in it on a heating pad cause them rocket fules are being a damn whore to germ the blue himalayas are like silk poping like corn in the microwave
Man you nailed it with the BHDs mine have been jumping out of the shell if I give them a longing glance.


Does anybody have thoughts on when to stop using neem oil on flowering plant and should they be rinsed like produce at harvest?
I stop using neem about 2 weeks into flower, if I still need to use something I use a bit of diatomaceous earth (I prefer food-grade DE) mixed with distilled water and spray both bottom & top of leaves. DE is safe for humans but deadly for insects esp mites & thrips. Not as fast acting as chemical/synthetic pest sprays but much safer to leave on the buds - no harm in smoking it later.


Active Member
3.5 week old easyryders ...
check how the 1 in the bucket is like 3 times the size of the other 1.
THought these would be in full flower by now as my last autos were, but they are starting to now.
Looking good mate, That one in the grey bucket is going to yeild well for you! The bigger autos usually start to flower later than the dwarf phenos. :D

Welcome dude :D I remeber seeing them tomatos, was the autos sour 60's??
Yeah good to see another IC cast away find his way home! Good to see you HHH. I am counting the days until the days are long, just like you mate.

Mmm..light...nom nom nom
That is a nice looking lady mate.. :D

FD, giving some Zen bling a try on.. lol.:mrgreen:


Active Member
I figured id show ya how ghetto this grow actually is figured yall would get a good laugh i know i laugh when i look at it but hey its working for me. i got other plants in there cause my woman ask me to put them in there cause of the light.



Sweet Jesus mossy those are autos??? They look amazing... Starting to get a lil green with envy over here haha... I may have to try that aerated water when my seasons starts.. We've been getting a lot of rain as of late. I should start to stock pile my water reserves for spring.

BigHill nice to see you over here, only about 2 more months and we will be back in buissness with our outdoor ladies...


Active Member
I figured id show ya how ghetto this grow actually is figured yall would get a good laugh i know i laugh when i look at it but hey its working for me. i got other plants in there cause my woman ask me to put them in there cause of the light.
Nothing stealthy about it, but it sure is grown'em! :D Cheers mate.

In pic 2, I was going to comment about you beeing robbed or some thing but i thought i'd spare you. ahahaha :joint:

Or did I.. ? lol good fun.


Active Member
lol dude with a 3yr thats like a damn typhoon nothing ever stays clean and i have no fear of the cops cause where im at anything under 10 plants is the same as when i got busted with a 8th you get a fine of $375 and possibly 30 days jail if they find it wasnt for personal use it was for distrabution. besides the cops here are more worried about the heroin a dude got busted about 4 months ago with a few keys of heroin he got life for that shit cause he was connected with 7 od's in less then a yr.