The Australian Bush Fire TRUTH

Your brain needs the O2 more then the plants need the CO, you then start working on hunger with a fully functioning mind.
Oh hell, I've worked in higher CO2 atmospheres than that.
And it hasn't affected me at all.
If anything, it may have lowered my IQ to closer to yours ... and that's fair, right?

Think of how much more corn would be produced in the US if the ambient CO2 was 650 or so ... wheat ... for the first time, maybe the Earth could feed all of the humans on it.
Oh hell, I've worked in higher CO2 atmospheres than that.
And it hasn't affected me at all.
If anything, it may have lowered my IQ to closer to yours ... and that's fair, right?

Think of how much more corn would be produced in the US if the ambient CO2 was 650 or so ... wheat ... for the first time, maybe the Earth could feed all of the humans on it.
Yep, just imagine the benefits of such a catastrophe

we could feed so many environmental refugees with the increased production at more northern latitudes, who cares about the cost of relocating production or how many lifelong farmers would be forced to farm a new crop
Oh hell, I've worked in higher CO2 atmospheres than that.
And it hasn't affected me at all.
If anything, it may have lowered my IQ to closer to yours ... and that's fair, right?

Think of how much more corn would be produced in the US if the ambient CO2 was 650 or so ... wheat ... for the first time, maybe the Earth could feed all of the humans on it.

Think of how much lower CO would be if we had solar. trump's US citizens are penalized for buying panels.
I find is pretty heartbreaking that we didn't tackle our pollution issues back when Carter was trying to in the 70's. Imagine how much cleaner everything would be today worldwide.

You can thank those corporations you're always defending for that, and their corporate lobbyists that got them more protected rights than you do.

They're good "people" though, they definitely have our backs and totally pay their true costs to society.
You can thank those corporations you're always defending for that, and their corporate lobbyists that got them more protected rights than you do.

They're good "people" though, they definitely have our backs and totally pay their true costs to society.

There's a difference between not thinking American businesses are the enemy and what I am guessing is your absolutism on 'them' being the enemy.
American businesses are the enemy

I couldn't have said it better myself, and it's a sentiment echoed the world over.

Here's a nice example from just outside my home town. I hope they enjoy their ill gotten gains.

Business and its unabashed greed is the root cause for every problem that subsequent generations will be forced to correct/clean up. Business sees good environmental stewardship as a check in the loss column, and that's why we're in the situation we're in. Don't worry though, we'll mortgage our children's future so that rich guys can use our collective resources to shape society into what benefits them.

Business controls government.

They're clearly not the problem.
Oh hell, I've worked in higher CO2 atmospheres than that.
And it hasn't affected me at all.
If anything, it may have lowered my IQ to closer to yours ... and that's fair, right?

Think of how much more corn would be produced in the US if the ambient CO2 was 650 or so ... wheat ... for the first time, maybe the Earth could feed all of the humans on it.

Not likely. You forget the cost in carbon that it takes to grow corn. The increase in Co2 would not greatly effect the amounts of carbon returned to the atmosphere by the actual farming of the corn. Wheat should basically remain as is, and is not as big a greenhouse gas contributor as corn production!
Then you have the FACT that by FAR the type of corn grown is for animal feed/industrial use. Corn as a human feed is very unproductive in return balance. Wheat far out strips the value of corn as a human feed. Same for Barley and Rye.
Now then, you must also weigh the fact that cows are extremely high in carbon foot print! Not just in actually raising the cow but, the fact that the amount of cattle in the world has great effect on GHG totals!

Agriculture contributes 14% of the worlds GHG
In the US, 42% is from animal rearing.
Beef and Milk cows, along with the other ruminants. Account for 66% +/_ of that.
This is all measured in metric tons.

These are just the numbers off the top of my FARMING head! As an organic farmer, and a guy that use's old world, low carbon impact farming practice... I know this stuff. It's my job.

You speak in unsubstantiated claims. Very loose ones indeed!

Non believer in climate change? So is your beloved president...

Our country is filled with uneducated morons, supporting a mentally challenged idiot that got elected by goat roping red necks, trailer part rejects, and religious hypocrites.

Lets take a little look at Trump and his record so far...

Denies proven climate science.
Threw a hissy fit when told he could not "buy" Greenland
Declaring himself "The chosen one."
Flashing the thumbs up while posing for pictures with a baby whoose parents had just been murdered.
Claiming that the sound windmils emit, cause cancer.
Feuding with John McCain - well after his death.
Proposing the dept of Homeland Security start nuking hurricanes.
Uninviting the pres of Mexico for not funding the wall.
Threatening to sic ISIS fighters on Europe.
Claiming that Melania and Kim Jong Un has "Gotten to know" each other despite the FACT that they'd never met or spoken.
Getting mad at Puerto Rico for not moving the island to avoid another hurricane.
Promoting the conspiracy theory that the Clintons had Jeffy Epstein killed.
Claiming that democrats support the kind of late-term abortion that involves "Executing babies shorty after they are born."
Making aids get a cost estimate for building a wall adjacent trench and filling it with snakes and alligators.
Denies things he HAS SAID in public on camera.
Say's he invented the phrase "Prime the Pump."

This is YOUR President!

It's not so much that he doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong, it's that CORRUPTION is his first INSTINCT, and the ONLY course of action in his mind!

Fuck face Von Clownstick it is!

Like the Senator who said we all need to remember the 63 million people who voted for Trump.

I ask you to remember the 66 million people who voted democrat. In reality, Hillery won the popular vote by just about 2.9 million more votes.
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