The Australian Bush Fire TRUTH

Non believer in climate change? So is your beloved president...
Your post up till this line was informative ... and I learned. Thank you.
It also piqued my curiosity, and I will do more research along those lines to see if anyone else has done some reasearch along those lines.
Don't have the time right now, but I will revisit this.

But, you asked a question ... I assume directed at me, or in general ... either way, I feel I need to respond. Because many of my fellow Americans on the left believe that there are many more 'non-believers' than there really are.
I DO believe that the global weather is changing. And, I believe that mankind has had a hand in that - we disagree (I believe) in the amount and effect of that 'hand'. I think that there isn't much we can do about it. Much of the pollution (all forms) that is donated to our planet is belched out by China and India. They use the oceans as a dump, they spew coal smoke into the air. If the US cut their production of carbon to zero and plunged our nation into the 16th century, it would only be to the advantage of China and India so they could pollute more. It would have zero effect on carbon production.

So, with that in mind ... what is your solution? If YOU were the new 'orange man', what would you do? Should we just nuke China's coal mines? Should we invade India and 'fix' them too? How about political pressure ... sanctions?
What do DO besides blame Trump?
Your post up till this line was informative ... and I learned. Thank you.
It also piqued my curiosity, and I will do more research along those lines to see if anyone else has done some reasearch along those lines.
Don't have the time right now, but I will revisit this.

But, you asked a question ... I assume directed at me, or in general ... either way, I feel I need to respond. Because many of my fellow Americans on the left believe that there are many more 'non-believers' than there really are.
I DO believe that the global weather is changing. And, I believe that mankind has had a hand in that - we disagree (I believe) in the amount and effect of that 'hand'. I think that there isn't much we can do about it. Much of the pollution (all forms) that is donated to our planet is belched out by China and India. They use the oceans as a dump, they spew coal smoke into the air. If the US cut their production of carbon to zero and plunged our nation into the 16th century, it would only be to the advantage of China and India so they could pollute more. It would have zero effect on carbon production.

So, with that in mind ... what is your solution? If YOU were the new 'orange man', what would you do? Should we just nuke China's coal mines? Should we invade India and 'fix' them too? How about political pressure ... sanctions?
What do DO besides blame Trump?

However one fucks up, what's next?, It's always the right thing to do the next right thing and set an example.
I couldn't have said it better myself, and it's a sentiment echoed the world over.

Here's a nice example from just outside my home town. I hope they enjoy their ill gotten gains.

Business and its unabashed greed is the root cause for every problem that subsequent generations will be forced to correct/clean up. Business sees good environmental stewardship as a check in the loss column, and that's why we're in the situation we're in. Don't worry though, we'll mortgage our children's future so that rich guys can use our collective resources to shape society into what benefits them.

Business controls government.

They're clearly not the problem.
Interesting story, looks like the US company sued because their bid for a quarry was dismissed without considering what they were doing? I am not familiar with the laws or what they had to do/pay to get to the point where the contract was denied, but that is why there is a legal system, seems like they had a point to be awarded the 7 million but not enough to get the 480million they tried for.

Good for you guys denying the quarry, they are completely destructive to that area they are built in.

It doesn't mean businesses are evil, nor the dickery of your selective edit of my post, but I am sure that was just for comedy.
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Your post up till this line was informative ... and I learned. Thank you.
It also piqued my curiosity, and I will do more research along those lines to see if anyone else has done some reasearch along those lines.
Don't have the time right now, but I will revisit this.

But, you asked a question ... I assume directed at me, or in general ... either way, I feel I need to respond. Because many of my fellow Americans on the left believe that there are many more 'non-believers' than there really are.
I DO believe that the global weather is changing. And, I believe that mankind has had a hand in that - we disagree (I believe) in the amount and effect of that 'hand'. I think that there isn't much we can do about it. Much of the pollution (all forms) that is donated to our planet is belched out by China and India. They use the oceans as a dump, they spew coal smoke into the air. If the US cut their production of carbon to zero and plunged our nation into the 16th century, it would only be to the advantage of China and India so they could pollute more. It would have zero effect on carbon production.

So, with that in mind ... what is your solution? If YOU were the new 'orange man', what would you do? Should we just nuke China's coal mines? Should we invade India and 'fix' them too? How about political pressure ... sanctions?
What do DO besides blame Trump?
I agree with the middle ground, everything is amplified at the edges by trolling.

Imagine if we would have pushed like we should have back in the 70's under Carter, China, India would have become developed with far cleaner technologies, but we didn't. It doesn't mean that we should just toss up our hands and not try to do things the best way we know how to.
I agree with the middle ground, everything is amplified at the edges by trolling.

Imagine if we would have pushed like we should have back in the 70's under Carter, China, India would have become developed with far cleaner technologies, but we didn't. It doesn't mean that we should just toss up our hands and not try to do things the best way we know how to.
When one finds they are digging themself into a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging.
Should we just nuke China's coal mines? Should we invade India and 'fix' them too?
What is it with trump supporters and Nuking everything?
Invade India? What is it with Americans wanting wars and invading everywhere? How come you don't know that India is apart of NATO- You cannot just invade a NATO country and certainly not one that's part of the Commonwealth, especially one as large as India. Americas invading and destabilising countries and regions is not a fantastic foreign policy and hasn't worked very well so far has it?

No wonder America is a deteriorating mess with such a militant and ill informed population.
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It doesn't mean businesses are evil, nor the dickery of your selective edit of my post, but I am sure that was just for comedy.
Maximizing profits for the shareholder is not an excuse for profoundly wicked and immoral acts. Corporations that do evil are evil. They can be reformed but it would take extreme intervention by society to clean the stables of Exxon, Phillip Morris, DuPont and others.
What is it with trump supporters and Nuking everything?
Invade India? What is it with Americans wanting wars and invading everywhere? How come you dont know that India is apart of NATO- You cannot just invade a NATO country and certainly not one thats part of the Commonwealth, especially one as large as India.

No wonder America is a deteriorating mess with such a militant and ill informed population.
I got nothing to say except yep, you are right.

Maximizing profits for the shareholder is not an excuse for profoundly wicked and immoral acts. Corporations that do evil are evil. They can be reformed but it would take extreme intervention by society to clean the stables of Exxon, Phillip Morris, DuPont and others.

Someone has to do it eventually.
Not likely. You forget the cost in carbon that it takes to grow corn. The increase in Co2 would not greatly effect the amounts of carbon returned to the atmosphere by the actual farming of the corn. Wheat should basically remain as is, and is not as big a greenhouse gas contributor as corn production!
Then you have the FACT that by FAR the type of corn grown is for animal feed/industrial use. Corn as a human feed is very unproductive in return balance. Wheat far out strips the value of corn as a human feed. Same for Barley and Rye.
Now then, you must also weigh the fact that cows are extremely high in carbon foot print! Not just in actually raising the cow but, the fact that the amount of cattle in the world has great effect on GHG totals!

Agriculture contributes 14% of the worlds GHG
In the US, 42% is from animal rearing.
Beef and Milk cows, along with the other ruminants. Account for 66% +/_ of that.
This is all measured in metric tons.

These are just the numbers off the top of my FARMING head! As an organic farmer, and a guy that use's old world, low carbon impact farming practice... I know this stuff. It's my job.

You speak in unsubstantiated claims. Very loose ones indeed!

Non believer in climate change? So is your beloved president...

Our country is filled with uneducated morons, supporting a mentally challenged idiot that got elected by goat roping red necks, trailer part rejects, and religious hypocrites.

Lets take a little look at Trump and his record so far...

Denies proven climate science.
Threw a hissy fit when told he could not "buy" Greenland
Declaring himself "The chosen one."
Flashing the thumbs up while posing for pictures with a baby whoose parents had just been murdered.
Claiming that the sound windmils emit, cause cancer.
Feuding with John McCain - well after his death.
Proposing the dept of Homeland Security start nuking hurricanes.
Uninviting the pres of Mexico for not funding the wall.
Threatening to sic ISIS fighters on Europe.
Claiming that Melania and Kim Jong Un has "Gotten to know" each other despite the FACT that they'd never met or spoken.
Getting mad at Puerto Rico for not moving the island to avoid another hurricane.
Promoting the conspiracy theory that the Clintons had Jeffy Epstein killed.
Claiming that democrats support the kind of late-term abortion that involves "Executing babies shorty after they are born."
Making aids get a cost estimate for building a wall adjacent trench and filling it with snakes and alligators.
Denies things he HAS SAID in public on camera.
Say's he invented the phrase "Prime the Pump."

This is YOUR President!

It's not so much that he doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong, it's that CORRUPTION is his first INSTINCT, and the ONLY course of action in his mind!

Fuck face Von Clownstick it is!

Like the Senator who said we all need to remember the 63 million people who voted for Trump.

I ask you to remember the 66 million people who voted democrat. In reality, Hillery won the popular vote by just about 2.9 million more votes.

Corruption is the first instinct Fred Trump taught his son- its a family thingy..
Extinction of animals is a very bad sign of things to come. Australia will soon be uninhabitable. I thought it was very interesting at the last democratic debate when yang talked about relocation assistance for climate effected areas of the USA.
However one fucks up, what's next?, It's always the right thing to do the next right thing and set an example.
Amen brutha.
I fack up ALL the time.
Because I am moving and working and making decisions ALL the time.
And, mistakes will happen.
But the biggest mistake is not making a decision.
That is wrong every time.

One of my men made a big mistake recently. Big. It cost us. He's a good guy that really does give a chit about his job, and works hard. I asked him how it happened and he got all defensive. I get it. He felt awful. But I wasn't trying to place blame, the only reason I asked 'why this FUBAR happened' is so that I can see to it that it doesn't happen again. Fault, at that point, doesn't matter. It's all about "what do we do now?"
I had to explain to my boss why we had over 500 dead clones and that we'd need to go to an outside clone farmer and pay $8 a piece for them ... and I accepted responsibility for it. If he works for me, then I am responsible for his actions.
Or, as I told my boss: "I am sorry that this happened. I am responsible for it. I know what happened, and while I can't guarantee that shit won't happen in the future, I can guarantee that it won't happen THIS way again." And it's on me to see to it.
He seemed to be ok with that. Now we work to fix it.

I feel awful for the citizens of Australia. I feel for them. I know what they going through. I really do. The decimated wild life, the black and dead trees laying around, the scorched and ugly hillsides ... those things last. The dock I used to launch from to bass fish ... gone. In a matter of minutes tens of thousands of my people were plunged into Hell. It was Hell. It really was. Hell. Hard to put to words.
In the middle of it, I went to a local community college that was being used as a shelter. I was there for fifteen minutes ... I left crying. The conditions there were awful. Couldn't help it. The people there who had lost it all. The thousand yard stares ... the lost and burned souls.
I still see it in people's eyes, and its been almost two years since it happened.

God Bless you all.

It will get better. Hang on to that ... things will be different, but they'll get better.
I agree with the middle ground, everything is amplified at the edges by trolling.

Imagine if we would have pushed like we should have back in the 70's under Carter, China, India would have become developed with far cleaner technologies, but we didn't. It doesn't mean that we should just toss up our hands and not try to do things the best way we know how to.
Agree, BUT ...
we didn't.
Was it apathy? greed? laziness?
Prolly all.

So, what do we do NOW.
We (the USA) have not even started to have a conversation with China or India about what they doing to our plant. How do we do that?
China will just say "yea, yea, whatever" and then do whatever the fuck they wanna.
If we bitch loud they will say "sure, we'll sign that agreement" then do whatever the fuck they wanna.

So, where do we go from here?
What do we DO, actually DO to China and India that the crazy half of our country (the far left liberal pablum-puking Birkenstock wearing unwashed half) would approve of?
If it was Trumps idea to open this dialog with China/India ... it would be resisted .. because its Trump. If Carter had done it, he'd be loved.
And China would ignore.

So where does that leave us: If US reduces its carbon output to zero it won't make any difference except that half the US population would starve from being forced to live in the 17th century again.
So what should Trump do?
Any suggestions?

Or just oh, I dunno ... I hate Trump?
Yes it is. Its very sad. I dont agree with Australia being uninhabitable soon. That seems like an alarmist thing to say.
Leonardo DiCaprio gave 3 million to the firefighters and help fund fighting the fires and Charlie, Phoenix and Jane got arrested protesting!! I’m stoked these rich notable famous people are reaching out. My Australia brothers and sisters hang in there you are not alone!!!!