The ballon mortgage of the fourth estate come due

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All it takes is about 18 seconds of Google searching to find the numerous fact-checks against said organizations, which you choose to ignore or blindly defend by focus your efforts on singling out particular news outlets.
They are all trash, yellow press shit. And your transparent bullshit is obvious. And your show me proof excuse is weak. Next you'll ask me to prove the sky is blue, because in your little bubble is probably not.
It only took me countering your argument 5X's asking to post proof for you to do it too (it might be nice to have links, but that would be asking too much).
You also wanted me to prove your point for you (which is not mine) and so I asked for YOU provide YOUR proof.

What you did post is other news outlets (I assume since you don't do links) alleging that Breitbart and Fox lie too (go figure) which is not exactly of the same stature as having the owner of the NYT admitting publicly that they had strayed from their main business focus of reporting the news (you seem to miss that this was the the major focus of my post).

As of right now, with 93% of all votes counted, Hillary is winning the popular vote by ~690,000 votes. With the remaining votes coming in from states Hillary won by large margins. The expected final tally will put Hillary winning the popular vote by the predicted margins most news sources found, including Fox.
But no, you're totally not being divisive and alluding to MSM as only being CNN and MSNBC. Yea, totally not divisive at all.

You claim that news outlets "...are all trash, yellow press shit." and yet where do your Hitlery popular vote counts come from?
In your post you berate the validity of the news and yet use it as vindication as well.
Whom do you rely on for those popular vote numbers anyway?

Do you use what you despise as "trash, yellow press shit" as evidence in YOUR focus of Hitlery winning the popular vote?
If we weren't living in a constitutional republic that relied on that metric instead of the electoral vote, that would be news.
But we DO live in a constitutional republic (or what is left of one) that relies on the electoral vote to elect a president for exactly the reason there is a difference.

But your aim is not divisive, eh? ;)
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I dated a chick with the Caucasian hearder. Was fucking massive. Had to keep it caged up. Was loving to my daughter and any female but it would kill any male. I fed it steak through a fence made for lions and it still tried to eat through the fence to get to me.
They are very family oriented and protective which lends to that intense loyalty quotient but it has to be tempered with proper training and socialization to make it an asset otherwise they are a severe liability and safety concern when kept as pets.
Even though the following video is for a dog kennel that breeds/trains them for protection, it shows the natural aptitude they have for it.

They are working dogs tasked with the safety of the herd, bred to protect them no matter what and rely on their own judgement in doing so, but can still make excellent pets if properly trained and socialized.
I wouldn't mess w/ that kid though. :D
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Seriously F the media. Stop being a brainwashed sheep for TV and Hollywood. They all suck.

She lost in a landslide. Democrat voters could have had Bernie but they let Hillary knife him in the back. I mean give me a break. They have the emails and all the crap how the DNC F'ed Bernie and these idiots are moaning and wailing. What sheep.

View attachment 3831246

She didn't lose in a landslide. Well she did. In the Republican rigged electoral college, she lost by a landslide. In the popular vote, she won, by a growing margin.
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It only took me countering your argument 5X's asking to post proof for you to do it too (it might be nice to have links, but that would be asking too much).
You also wanted me to prove your point for you (which is not mine) and so I asked for YOU provide YOUR proof.

What you did post is other news outlets (I assume since you don't do links) alleging that Breitbart and Fox lie too (go figure) which is not exactly of the same stature as having the owner of the NYT admitting publicly that they had strayed from their main business focus of reporting the news (you seem to miss that this was the the major focus of my post).

You claim that news outlets "...are all trash, yellow press shit." and yet where do your Hitlery popular vote counts come from?
In your post you berate the validity of the news and yet use it as vindication as well.
Whom do you rely on for those popular vote numbers anyway?

Do you use what you despise as "trash, yellow press shit" as evidence in YOUR focus of Hitlery winning the popular vote?
If we weren't living in a constitutional republic that relied on that metric instead of the electoral vote, that would be news.
But we DO live in a constitutional republic (or what is left of one) that relies on the electoral vote to elect a president for exactly the reason there is a difference.

But your aim is not divisive, eh? ;)

So weeding through you vomit of diatribe, I will argue, no I drew my popular vote conclusion from AP and Reuters. As I mentioned before, I don't trust most news networks, including CNN and MSNBC. So there goes your theory.

But yea dude, you keep saying "Hitlery" as if she could possibly be associated with Hilter at all. Nope, no divisiveness there. Fucking tool.
Bingo - someone gets it - they are all shit. TV is for idiots who like being brainwashed.
Yes. Somehow we are in agreement. Not sure how that happened.

The only news source I trust is AP and Reuters. And thankfully whenever I read something from NPR, CNN, Fox, et al, if the source of their news is from either AP or Reuters, I can put some faith in the information may possibly be accurate. Otherwise I keep looking for more information.

choomer doesn't seem to get that. he sees a world where Fox and Breitbart are being persecuted for giving the people the information they want to hear and everyone else, including the commies over at NPR are just filling sheep brains with sheep information. choomer is a fucking retard and I certainly don't take a word she says seriously.
Yes. Somehow we are in agreement. Not sure how that happened.

The only news source I trust is AP and Reuters. And thankfully whenever I read something from NPR, CNN, Fox, et al, if the source of their news is from either AP or Reuters, I can put some faith in the information may possibly be accurate. Otherwise I keep looking for more information.

choomer doesn't seem to get that. he sees a world where Fox and Breitbart are being persecuted for giving the people the information they want to hear and everyone else, including the commies over at NPR are just filling sheep brains with sheep information. choomer is a fucking retard and I certainly don't take a word she says seriously.

Remember, he's a doer, not a thinker.

Yeah, I was just casting out to see if any chumps grabbed the bait.
Then you come along and scare all of the fish away.


At the top of the page is the PSA:
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

Which is a bit disingenuous as in YOUR post back in 2007 you wrote (no reply function available since it's locked):

"Since people are having a problem getting along
1) first warning will be an infraction on your account
2) Second warning will be a 15 day ban
3) Final warning is permanent ban
Threads that are of no benefit to the forum will be deleted on sight.
Personal arguments will be ok... this is what debate/discussion is all about just don't make personal insults.

So, as those criteria are furnished "in your own words", what is considered a personal attack?
doer was not as retarded or racist as choomer. doer was in favor of GMOs and believed in the official 9/11 narrative.
choomer is a GMO tr00f3r, a 9/11 tr00f3r, and a complete white supremacist fucktard.
This doesn't qualify I guess, or is it that the above "rules" only apply to those you don't agree with?

History has proven the latter to be viewed as a reasonable assumption, but I would appreciate an "official" response. ;)

At the top of the page is the PSA:
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

Which is a bit disingenuous as in YOUR post back in 2007 you wrote (no reply function available since it's locked):

"Since people are having a problem getting along
1) first warning will be an infraction on your account
2) Second warning will be a 15 day ban
3) Final warning is permanent ban
Threads that are of no benefit to the forum will be deleted on sight.
Personal arguments will be ok... this is what debate/discussion is all about just don't make personal insults.

So, as those criteria are furnished "in your own words", what is considered a personal attack?

This doesn't qualify I guess, or is it that the above "rules" only apply to those you don't agree with?

History has proven the latter to be viewed as a reasonable assumption, but I would appreciate an "official" response. ;)

At the top of the page is the PSA:
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling. Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.

Which is a bit disingenuous as in YOUR post back in 2007 you wrote (no reply function available since it's locked):

"Since people are having a problem getting along
1) first warning will be an infraction on your account
2) Second warning will be a 15 day ban
3) Final warning is permanent ban
Threads that are of no benefit to the forum will be deleted on sight.
Personal arguments will be ok... this is what debate/discussion is all about just don't make personal insults.

So, as those criteria are furnished "in your own words", what is considered a personal attack?

This doesn't qualify I guess, or is it that the above "rules" only apply to those you don't agree with?

History has proven the latter to be viewed as a reasonable assumption, but I would appreciate an "official" response. ;)


he wants you to enforce the name calling and rude behavior warning.

seeing as how choomer is given to calling people he disagrees with "creepy faggots" (name calling) and likes to suggest that our president is a secret gay kenyan muslim (generally rude behavior), i think you should give him what he wants and ban this complete white supremacist fucktard!


out of how many hundreds of millions of voters? pretty small fucking margin, if it's even true. i don't believe any of their shit, or shit from others on fucking pot forums...

when it is all said and done, hillary will have won he popular vote by about 20 times as many votes as trump won the electoral vote.

she will have more votes than any white male in the history of the united states.

you will have your alcoholic, pill popping, welfare loving, degenerate sponge of an unconscious fuckbag, @roseypeach .

so there's that.