The ballon mortgage of the fourth estate come due

All TV is sh*t. WikiLeaks, Assange and are legit. Maybe Snowden too but he was CIA before he was NSA. Only decent newspaper is Investors Business Daily.
Mc Cain is a vile disgusting NeoCon war monger for the elites just like Clintons, Bushes, Obama and 85% of Congress if not more. They never met a war they did not want to start for the bankers and elites. Just like LBJ, FDR, Wilson, Lincoln. Every war is a manipulated situation by the wealthy elites and bankers - if you look deep enough.
McCain and his old man killed more American sailors than the Russians, Iranians or others ever did - see USS Foresstal and Liberty.
Nice avatar Choomer. Is that an Elkhound, Keeshound or one of those big Caucasians herding dogs.
I'd like to throw zerohedge and Drudge into the mix.
Snowden is an interesting quandary. Almost too much media attention to take at face value.
When Biney said the same thing much earlier no one listened. Maybe it was the powerpoint slides.

I'm amazed every day that anyone could ever believe "war hero" McCain.
Smedley Butler wrote the definitive study of modern war in 1935 when he wrote the exposé War Is a Racket.
I have no doubt through either policy or personal action McCain has killed more than I can imagine and is a prefect poster child for Smedley's book.

It's a Caucasian Ovcharka (Russian commie dog ;) ).
Headstrong dogs that are hard to train without their respect but fiercely loyal.
'Spensive mf's unless you breed 'em.
You are literally, retarded.
You are literally, retarded.
Yeah, that's it!
Because there is evidence (in their own words) via the emails and the overwhelming amount of lies Hitlery told about those emails makes it a little difficult to believe the MSM narrative, I am mentally defficient.

It seems either your ideology or mental capacity will not allow you to see what's in front of your face.

Either way, I'm sorry.
Has there been a fund set up for you that accepts donations? :D
Yeah, that's it!
Because there is evidence (in their own words) via the emails and the overwhelming amount of lies Hitlery told about those emails makes it a little difficult to believe the MSM narrative, I am mentally defficient.

It seems either your ideology or mental capacity will not allow you to see what's in front of your face.

Either way, I'm sorry.
Has there been a fund set up for you that accepts donations? :D

Cool story bro. Did you get all that information from the White House Chief Strategist, err, I mean White House Chief Nationalist?
A lot came from Scott Foval's twitter account (before it was mysteriously suspended) but you can see plenty of copy/pastes from before the suspension here:

I find it quite comical that you can't believe all of those that worked so hard for Hitlery. ;)

You're not comprehending anything, unsurprisingly.

I think MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Breitbart, et al, are all despicable. You just choose to ignore some of those sources, and vigorously defend them while demonizing the others. You are transparent and you're not convincing anyone, especially me.

But thanks for playing.
I'd like to throw zerohedge and Drudge into the mix.
Snowden is an interesting quandary. Almost too much media attention to take at face value.
When Biney said the same thing much earlier no one listened. Maybe it was the powerpoint slides.

I'm amazed every day that anyone could ever believe "war hero" McCain.
Smedley Butler wrote the definitive study of modern war in 1935 when he wrote the exposé War Is a Racket.
I have no doubt through either policy or personal action McCain has killed more than I can imagine and is a prefect poster child for Smedley's book.

It's a Caucasian Ovcharka (Russian commie dog ;) ).
Headstrong dogs that are hard to train without their respect but fiercely loyal.
'Spensive mf's unless you breed 'em.

+100 post. Yes Smedley, ZH and Drudge There were also other whistle blowers at NSA like Thomas Drake plus women at CIA and Mi6. McCain is disgusting and is totally connected to Obama and LBJ's patrons the Crown-Krinsky crime family of General Dynamics.

They ain't commie anymore. Very few dogs scare me but those Caucas herding dogs can kills just about anything.

Another one is those Turkish Kangal dogs - here they are at some F'ed Up Chinese zoo kicking Tigers and Lions asses. They are like the Honey Badger - they don't give a shit.

Your bullshit false equivalence is transparent. You're not convincing me.

If you diatribe of nonsense you not once mentioned Fox News or CNN but pointed fingers at MSNBC and the NYT as being the corrupt main stream media. Stop being divisive and include all parties at fault, not just the ones you don't agree with.
Even Fox had Hillary to win.

Cos we all know Fox is a long time Democrat shill organisation.
You're not comprehending anything, unsurprisingly.
I think MSNBC, CNN, Fox News, Breitbart, et al, are all despicable. You just choose to ignore some of those sources, and vigorously defend them while demonizing the others. You are transparent and you're not convincing anyone, especially me.
But thanks for playing.

Let's see, from the OP, "As most know, the majority (almost the totality) of MSM had some cognitive dissonance in regards to election predictions (as well as a good portion of regular "news" too).", and I'm not willing to say absolutely all.

Before you said:
If you diatribe of nonsense you not once mentioned Fox News or CNN but pointed fingers at MSNBC and the NYT as being the corrupt main stream media. Stop being divisive and include all parties at fault, not just the ones you don't agree with.
Even though it's not my job, I went and found CNN collusion, but that's not enough for you.

I'm only posting facts that have been proven.
If you have facts of others doing the same thing by all means post them and the evidence!
But for you to consider that I need to prove anything to you is.......sad.
Were you part of the common core test group?

Can you do that? You know, find your OWN evidence of how I'm picking and choosing.
I think you can! ;)
Even Fox had Hillary to win.

Cos we all know Fox is a long time Democrat shill organisation.

Murdoch is a shit bag globalist.

Hillary? Not many people like Hillary. The Democrats could have had Bernie but they let Hillary steal it. The Bush/Cruz/Rubio/Romney and other NeoCons tried to steal it from Trump but people fought back.

Stop whining snowflakes.
Murdoch is a shit bag globalist.

Hillary? Not many people like Hillary. The Democrats could have had Bernie but they let Hillary steal it. The Bush/Cruz/Rubio/Romney and other NeoCons tried to steal it from Trump but people fought back.

Stop whining snowflakes.

Reported (again) for Antisemitism.

How did this creature escape the recent republicuck purge/mass banning? Narrowly, I'll assume....
Let's see, from the OP, "As most know, the majority (almost the totality) of MSM had some cognitive dissonance in regards to election predictions (as well as a good portion of regular "news" too).", and I'm not willing to say absolutely all.

Before you said:

Even though it's not my job, I went and found CNN collusion, but that's not enough for you.

I'm only posting facts that have been proven.
If you have facts of others doing the same thing by all means post them and the evidence!
But for you to consider that I need to prove anything to you is.......sad.
Were you part of the common core test group?

Can you do that? You know, find your OWN evidence of how I'm picking and choosing.
I think you can! ;)

I didn't make the thread, nor did I single out particular news groups. That was all you.

You include CNN and MSNBC in your MSM pond scum, you're not saying anything different than before. You're just incapable to acknowledging the other news groups like Fox News (the original 24/7 "news" sitcom) and Breitbart, et al are also equally if not more guilty.

I know why you wont admit it, because you use those "news" groups as sources of information in your daily life. You are transparent..........(ellipsis)......... so.........(ellipsis)........... sad.
If he lives, I think he'd make a great character witness for the trial.
The twitter feed has been a gold mine of "Oh yeah, MF's?" type posts that beg some real investigation.

Great stuff. I question whether the guy will live. And where is Eric Braverman who was CEO at The Clinton Foundation for a short time and quit. My guess is he ran away from the criminality. Is he still alive? He supposedly is in hiding.

I love these insane temper tantrums from the left. They could have had Bernie, who might have done better than Hillary. The Dem voters and left let vile Hillary stick a shiv in Bernie's back. They screwed up and now they are going insane. Hillary's negatives were off the charts. Even people at the DNC said no one likes her. Younger people liked Bernie. Stupid move on Dems part.

The Bushes/Romney/Cruz/Rubio/Kasich and other establishment Repubs, who are NeoCons just like the Clintons and Obama, tried to do the same thing to Trump. The Repub voters fought back against the GOP/NEoCons crap.
Reported (again) for Antisemitism.

How did this creature escape the recent republicuck purge/mass banning? Narrowly, I'll assume....

LOL! You do not like when someone uses logic and then engage in personal attacks plus make shit up about anti Semitism when nothing of the sort was mentioned. This is what children do - carry on.
Murdoch is a shit bag globalist.

Hillary? Not many people like Hillary. The Democrats could have had Bernie but they let Hillary steal it. The Bush/Cruz/Rubio/Romney and other NeoCons tried to steal it from Trump but people fought back.

Stop whining snowflakes.
Is that why she got more votes than any other candidate in history except Obama?
Great stuff. I question whether the guy will live. And where is Eric Braverman who was CEO at The Clinton Foundation for a short time and quit. My guess is he ran away from the criminality. Is he still alive? He supposedly is in hiding.

I love these insane temper tantrums from the left. They could have had Bernie, who might have done better than Hillary. The Dem voters and left let vile Hillary stick a shiv in Bernie's back. They screwed up and now they are going insane. Hillary's negatives were off the charts. Even people at the DNC said no one likes her. Younger people liked Bernie. Stupid move on Dems part.

The Bushes/Romney/Cruz/Rubio/Kasich and other establishment Repubs, who are NeoCons just like the Clintons and Obama, tried to do the same thing to Trump. The Repub voters fought back against the GOP/NEoCons crap.

LOL! You do not like when someone uses logic and then engage in personal attacks plus make shit up about anti Semitism when nothing of the sort was mentioned. This is what children do - carry on.

TL;NObody cares.
