Well-Known Member
I'd like to throw zerohedge and Drudge into the mix.All TV is sh*t. WikiLeaks, Assange and are legit. Maybe Snowden too but he was CIA before he was NSA. Only decent newspaper is Investors Business Daily.
Mc Cain is a vile disgusting NeoCon war monger for the elites just like Clintons, Bushes, Obama and 85% of Congress if not more. They never met a war they did not want to start for the bankers and elites. Just like LBJ, FDR, Wilson, Lincoln. Every war is a manipulated situation by the wealthy elites and bankers - if you look deep enough.
McCain and his old man killed more American sailors than the Russians, Iranians or others ever did - see USS Foresstal and Liberty.
Nice avatar Choomer. Is that an Elkhound, Keeshound or one of those big Caucasians herding dogs.
Snowden is an interesting quandary. Almost too much media attention to take at face value.
When Biney said the same thing much earlier no one listened. Maybe it was the powerpoint slides.
I'm amazed every day that anyone could ever believe "war hero" McCain.
Smedley Butler wrote the definitive study of modern war in 1935 when he wrote the exposé War Is a Racket.
I have no doubt through either policy or personal action McCain has killed more than I can imagine and is a prefect poster child for Smedley's book.
It's a Caucasian Ovcharka (Russian commie dog

Headstrong dogs that are hard to train without their respect but fiercely loyal.
'Spensive mf's unless you breed 'em.